Ways to Anger Your Brothers and Sisters

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Ways to ANNOY my Sister!!
Video: 7 Ways to ANNOY my Sister!!


Do you love to piss off and prank your siblings? This is a popular pastime for brothers and sisters around the world! After you have angered them, be gentle with them; because you don't want them to hate you for the rest of your life, and performing pranks after hoaxes isn't a mature act. Despite saying so, let the anger process begin!


Method 1 of 9: Foolish manners

  1. Anger your siblings while they are sleeping. If they are trying to sleep, they will find it really annoying when you don't let them sleep. If they are sleeping, they will be angry because you woke them up for no reason.
    • When your sibling sleeps, you can put your face above theirs, stare at them, breathe hard, cough and sneeze in their faces.

    • If your sibling is sleeping, you can go get the makeup and draw the clown face on your face (if you don't have makeup, you can use a non-toxic brush!). Then find a flashlight, and wake them up. When the person opens their eyes, shine the light on your face. They will see the face of a clown and be extremely scared.

    • If your sibling is trying to sleep, you should keep asking them silly questions like "Where do frogs come from?" from this time to that time. Keep asking the same questions until the person wants to scream.

  2. Enter their rooms several times. Call them the nicest thing, then ask them to read a book in their room as it's in a pretty good location. You can also read over their shoulder. This can be annoying, especially if the person is reading a book that they don't want to show you. Once they've gone elsewhere, you can move some of their belongings and read one of their books. Remember to make sure that there are other people in the room who can move things around so that you are not the only suspect. If they blame you, you can say something like "I didn't mean it" or "I saw them, and forgot where they went".
  3. Cheat while playing game and deny it. If they win, say "I win! I win!" and don't stop saying this sentence. When you beat your sibling in your favorite game, keep shouting "You lost!".
    • Whenever you play a game with your sibling, you should take the game seriously when you win. When the person wins, act like you don't care. Don't make a big deal if they don't care when you win - they want you to get upset!

  4. Act like a mime artist when only the two of you are together. Pretend you're in an invisibility box, then if someone enters the room, behave normally. If your sibling calls you by bad names, do something random that matches what they say and point at them. You should provoke them to frighten them. advertisement

Method 2 of 9: Wits match

  1. Play with imaginary objects. If your sibling says "I'm a fool" go back and, if there's a pencil behind you, take it and say "It's okay, pencil, he / she didn't mean it."
    • This will make the other person quite uncomfortable when you are constantly talking to the imaginary object instead of with the person.

    • Your sibling will even scold you back like "You are a fool to talk to the pencil". The backup plan for this is to tell your teacher or parent that your sibling did not scold the pencil but scold you.

  2. Learn languages ​​they don't know. Start insulting them with this language. Make sure your parents don't know the language. To make things easier, don't just learn bad words, insults, swear words, or bad phrases in your vocabulary.
    • Or, you can say "Hi, my name is (name)" or some random phrase, and make them think you are insulting them. After they beg you (or ask you), you can let them know what it really means.

    • One proven method is to call them "benevolent," which means kind. After they disagree with you and you tell them what it really means, continue with this remedy for a few days, and one day replace "benevolent" to "malevolent," which means "bad" or "spoiled".

    • Create your own language and start insulting the person with it. Make sure it's hard to guess. If they understand what it means, they will tell your parents.

  3. Follow your siblings and stare at them no matter where they're going. Here's another annoying trick. If they stare at you, you can start looking at them with wide eyes and a scary face. Hold your face close to theirs only about 2 cm away, and turn it disgusting.
    • Stare the back of your sibling's heads until they turn around. Just smile and wave goodbye. Then don't stop doing this until they get angry!

  4. Point your finger at the person. There's no need to look at them, but if they move, point your finger in their direction. For some reason, pointing is a scary and annoying act. Brothers and sisters so much hate it!
  5. Ruthlessly ignore the person even when they become upset. When your sibling is talking to you, keep quiet and ignore them as if they weren't there. This method is extremely effective when they ask for something.
  6. Call your brother a little girl or your sister the boy. Siblings hate it when another sibling pretends they have a different gender, especially if they're a boy. Calling a man a girl is one of the things that will upset him.
    • Call them the opposite of their natures by mistake. For example, if you have a brother and you are chatting with someone in front of them, you should say "My brother is pissed off! She ... I mean he! Said ...". Do this continuously.


Method 3 of 9: Make noise

  1. A kazoo or some annoying musical instrument. The kazoo is a rather annoying musical instrument. You should blow the trumpet loudly and badly. Do this morning, evening; almost any time when your sibling is trying to concentrate or want to be quiet.
    • Another annoying musical instrument you can use anywhere is the stethoscope. This time, get rid of its head, and blow it "hard" in it as your sibling is doing homework, watching TV, talking on the phone, and so on.

  2. From time to time, you can also generate some random sound. Make sure your sibling cannot see you. They will feel uncomfortable, wondering where it came from. Just sit in the corner of the room to watch and smile!

  3. Suck to drink all kinds of drinks loudly as possible. If you are alone with your sibling and you feel thirsty, you can go get a glass of water (or any other kind of water) and sip it. This will drive the person crazy after a while. advertisement

Method 4 of 9: Repeat

  1. Don't stop singing a certain song. Choosing a song can make others angry when they listen to it over and over again. Sing it in an annoying tone, and make sure they don't like the song.
    • Sing la la la la la in your brothers and sisters' ears. When they come back, run away but keep doing it until they scream.
    • Sing an annoying song like "A duck spreads its wings, it says…" and made the lyrics for the song.
  2. Sing goofy tunes like turiht turiht wakka wakka e e bananananananana over and over.
  3. Parody your siblings. It can be frustrating when you repeat exactly what your sibling said to you. This is a form of ignoring what they say.
    • For example, if they say "you're stupid", you could say "I know you're stupid, but what about me?". They will just reply, "You're stupid!" once again. Continue with the saying "I know you are stupid, but what about me?". This will make them angry at you.

    • If they don't stop calling you "idiot / wicked / idiot / etc", you should try to use some general knowledge and say: "People who call others stupid / bad / stupid are actually The most stupid / wicked / dull person in the universe, which means you are the idiot / wicked / stupid. Goodbye! ".

    • If your sibling calls you an imitator, simply say, "That's what you think and what you want to be." Then, do not stop repeating the exact same sentence until they turn away, angry and frustrated.

  4. Makes your sibling feel worse. When your parent says something to your sibling (not "you got a 10" or something like that!), You can say "Yes,". For example, if your parents ask your sister to clean the room, just say "Yes, Chau". Do this each time your parent assigns something to your sibling.

  5. Don't stop saying "What?"Before your sibling's words. If they ask you to do something, say" Huh? ". If someone comes up and says something to you, don't answer" What? "to them.
  6. Constantly making sound. It can be any kind of sound: beep, hum, singing, etc. When they get angry and ask you to stop, say no and keep making the sound. They will continuously make another sound just to annoy you for you to stop.In this case, act as if nothing happened and shrug. They will try to compromise, then scream and leave. advertisement

Method 5 of 9: Punishment moment

  1. Get your sibling in trouble. If you are alone with your sibling, lie on the floor and scream. When your parent shows up, say that your brother or sister pushed you down. Your parents will punish them.
  2. Tip to parents. If your sibling is doing something they don't want your parents to know, tell them to your parents. They really don't like this action. Make sure you have proof of the activity they performed by recording video, recording audio, or taking pictures. This is very sweet revenge. advertisement

Method 6 of 9: Prank

  1. Peek your sibling and scare them away when they don't expect it. If they're in the bathroom with the door open, or when they're quietly doing their homework at their desks, crept up to them and shout "Boo!" or make the clock ring a loud alarm.
  2. Copy your sibling's homework. Then, crumple up a few sheets and say "I'm crumbling your homework" and ripping it open. Throw a few pieces of paper at them, and do this every hour.
  3. Disturbing your sibling's progress. For example, they like to play computer or video games. If you mess with their game progress so they have to replay a certain stage, they'll be very angry.
    • If the person is playing a video game, wait until the person leaves the room. Once they are out of the room, restart the game or the entire game and quickly hide. Make sure you have more than one sibling so you are not the only suspect. Deny your sibling's accusations, claiming that they may have restarted the game themselves because they wanted to live in the thrill of the game.

    • It would be great for them to play a game like Call of Duty or Halo with a fairly long level, and you restart this level when they have not backed up a few missions / levels / etc.
    • Ask if your sibling needs help with that level and then intentionally die or harm the character's progress. Exclaimed the word "Oh father!". Then put down the remote and walk away.

    • If they are using their computer often, you can unplug the modem and re-plug it, or find other ways to turn off the internet (such as making a call if your home internet has a phone line).

    • When your sibling has just sat down to play their favorite game, find a long, wide scarf and quickly return to the room where they're sitting with the towel wrapped around you. Sit in the chair behind them. They will look at you and ask what you are doing, but don't say anything. Once their attention has returned to the game, you need to slowly approach the TV screen. Then quickly cover the screen and keep the position so they can't see their game. They will start to get angry and when they look like they are about to "go mad", take off the towel and run away.

  4. Leave your siblings in the dark. If your sibling is soaking in the tub and closing the curtains but leaving the door open, you can walk in, turn off the lights, and close the door. They need to step out of their warm bath to see their way.
    • If the person is quietly doing his homework at night with the lights on, crept into the room and turn off the lights. After each, they had to get up and turn on the lights so they could see the homework path.

  5. Hide items your sibling loves. It is even better if you hide them in another sibling's wardrobe to blame them. A double hit the target!
  6. Add filtered water to your sibling's fresh milk. If they are having breakfast / lunch / dinner, ask if they want some milk. Go to the refrigerator and fill the glass with filtered water, then add some milk to make it look white. Bring it to the person and say "These are the last drops of milk. Go ahead! And then run away".
    • Add salt to the person's soft drink. Ask if they want a soft drink. Open the soda, add a lot of salt in it, and wait until they drink it. When they complain, just say "Anyway, soft drinks are not good for you! I just want to watch out for you!"

    • If you don't want to add salt to soft drinks, just shake the can of soda vigorously before giving it to them. When they opened the lid, the water splashed everywhere. Alternatively, you can add mint to their cola before giving it to them to get the same result.

  7. Pretend that you are sleeping. If you're watching TV or just lying in bed and hear your sibling coming, act as if you were sleeping. They may leave or come near you. If they come near you, get up and scream, scaring them as much as possible. It would be even better if you shouted in their ears.
  8. Do the classic trick of covering the toilet with food wrap. If you want to make a great hoax, wrap food wrap or other plastic on the toilet seat and tell them they can use the toilet. When they have a need, they'll have to deal with a mess. Boys can also pee on a toilet seat, so be careful.
  9. While your sibling is sleeping, you can put shaving cream (or whipped cream) on their hands. Then tickle their noses a bit and run away. Jump on your bed and pretend to sleep, if they come into your room and try to do the same thing to you, put them on their face. How cool!
  10. If the person is writing on their computer (school essay, something on Facebook), you can change a few words. For example, they are typing "My name is Bao". You can replace it with "My name is Ban" or similar. You can add, change, or delete their posts.
  11. Rearrange the person's room as much as possible. Move their desks, beds, and everything else. Do this when your parents are busy doing something around the house and when your sibling is gone. That is, the more likely it is your parent's work (the more suspects the better).
  12. Move their toys at night or when they're away (works for babies only). Turn on the ghost movie or Toy Story before starting. They will think their rooms are haunted or their toys come to life.
  13. Prepare food for your siblings, ask what they want to eat. You can prepare food for them, but add a few hard-to-find pranks. For example, if they want to drink fresh milk, you can add water. Maybe they want a sandwich, you can add some ingredients. Make a small change, and if they ask a question, you should come up with something. advertisement

Method 7 of 9: Annoy your siblings

  1. Annoy your brothers and sisters with useless things. If the person is angry and closes the door in the room, knock on the door repeatedly until they get close to the door. If they come up and ask what you want, stop for a moment and say "Hi", then run away. This will drive them extremely angry.
  2. Call your siblings by nicknames they hate. Yell out various nicknames the person hates over and over in their ears when they're busy. Or hide and utter these names so they won't be able to find you.
  3. Annoy the person when they're with friends. If they are your sibling, you can stay with them when their friends come. When they tell you to go somewhere else, don't say anything and just keep going. Do this until your parent asks you to stop.
    • If your parent asks you to stop, you can say, "I just want to be friendly! I don't have friends" and your parents may force your sibling to let you play.

    • If your sibling begins to call you bad names, throws things at you, or threatens you, bring this proof to your parents and try to get the sibling into trouble.

  4. Play a game of throwing paper in the basket. Every time your sibling opens his mouth to yawn, talk, or sing, you can grab a rolled up piece of paper and aim it at their mouth while shouting "aim for the basket!". They will have to rethink every time they want to open their mouth in front of you.
  5. Record the sentence: "You are so bad" with a dumb laugh. Crawl under their bed when they're not paying attention and keep playing the recording. advertisement

Method 8 of 9: Make your siblings ashamed

  1. This approach will deliver the best results when done on their first day of school at their new school. You can write "Dear (their name), I hope you will have a great day and make new friends! XOXO Love you, Mom" ​​on a pink brush or gel pen, and stick it on the person's lunch box.
  2. Tease your siblings about a lover they don't own. While the person is talking on the phone, you can run around shouting "you have boyfriend".
    • This only works for babies in the house. Older siblings won't feel ashamed of having a partner.

  3. Pretend to be your sibling on one of their accounts. When your sibling is texting friends online or using Facebook, wait until they go to the bathroom or take a little rest and leave the room. Slightly walk over there and type a few words into the chat box or change their status to something random like "I like horses shaped like clouds!".
  4. Don't sit there and take the fight. If your sibling tries to tease you with no evidence to back it up, like "you're a fool" or a "loser", attack with a shameful story or when they fail. lose. This is a very effective way to have other people around.
    • Example: "Remember when you went to dance class with An and you had diarrhea, and when you got home your pants were wet". Details will increase efficiency. Tease them about it. You can gossip, and if they deny it, it will make the story more believable.

  5. Be with your sibling while they are spending time with their partner. If they're cuddling in another room while watching a movie, you can sit back and watch. This will be your test of willpower, so you need to be prepared to sustain the process longer than them.
  6. Harass them while the person is using the phone. While they're talking on the phone with their friends, you can secretly eavesdrop. You will probably get in trouble, but it will be well worth it. When you want to reveal that you listened, say it at the right time, but not too soon.
    • While they're on the phone, try calling your sibling from a restricted number so they don't know it's you. When they answer the phone, you can pretend you're an old man asking for cheese or something like that.

    • If your brother or sister is on the phone and has an extra line in your home, you can burp on the secondary phone.
    • Pretend that your parents need them to do something right away or are calling them. When they put the phone down to go see what's wrong, hang up.

  7. Keep telling your brothers and sisters that you love them. In the restaurant, in front of their friends, hug the person tightly and say "I love you so much!". If you want to make things worse, you can apply a deep pink / red lipstick and kiss them all over the face.
  8. Get into their own secrets. If a friend is coming home, you can steal their diary anywhere they keep their secrets hidden. Read it and start talking about it in front of their friends.
  9. Write a "love letter" to your sibling in the name of someone they like. Pretend that you are someone they like and write to ask them to meet you somewhere at a time of your choosing. This method will usually only work for older brothers / sisters and it will take some effort to find out who they are interested in.
  10. Write "love letters" to others on behalf of your sibling. You should do your best to copy their handwriting to make it look more realistic. Again, this method will only work for older siblings and you will need to do some research to decide who likes them.
  11. Tell them that you love them and that you will give them a hug. They will run away. advertisement

Method 9 of 9: Behavior violence

  1. Poke and poke your siblings. If you sleep in the same room as them, you can poke them without showing them. Do this a few times, and then purposefully get caught. They will feel even more angry when they know it's you.
    • Continue to poke at them and jump back as they try to retaliate. This is a well-known anger method. Push your sibling, step back, and then quickly grab a book and start reading it.

  2. Annoy your siblings during the long trip. The long trip will make siblings more uncomfortable because they are stuck with you for a while.
    • Offer them to sit in the front seat and sit quietly behind them. Give them to them from time to time:

    • A "wet-willy". Suck on your fingers and put them in their ears.

    • A tickle either above or near their ribs.

    • A nudge against the back of their chair with your foot.

    • A breath of breath fanned the back of their necks.

    • A kick in the back of the chair.


  • You should only do this if your sibling is truly mean to you.
  • Continuously make annoying sounds. When asked to stop, mimic them.
  • Don't let your parent or guardian know that you are trying to anger your sibling on purpose.
  • Craft the weird language and pretend you're insulting them with it.
  • Ask a question or riddle that is silly or meaningless.
  • Take a candy, remove the wrapping, don't tear it. Eat the candy, then wrap it in wrapping paper, and give it to your sibling.
  • Don't get things to a point where you'll get in trouble and need to be careful.
  • If they are wearing a hat, you should grab their hat and replace it with something else.
  • If you sleep under the person on a bunk bed, you can lie down and use your feet to push the mattress up in the middle of the night.
  • Remember not to go beyond the limit. Even if you are trying to anger your siblings, they are still human and should be treated the same way.


  • Do not repeatedly use the same prank. You will get caught and they will tell your parents, and your parents will be angry.
  • Brothers and sisters may use this advice for revenge, so be careful.
  • Avoid doing this in the presence of a parent / guardian. Your parents will easily catch you.
  • You can get a heavy fine, so be careful!
  • Be prepared to receive retaliation.
  • If you constantly piss off your siblings, chances are they will hate you. You can ruin your friendship with them for a lifetime.
  • Don't do this if your sibling is pretty smart, unless you're smarter than them. Otherwise, you will get caught, or the process of angering them will seem inadequate.
  • Don't be surprised if you have trouble with your parents. Every action will have consequences.
  • Bullying a brother or sister is unacceptable, just like bullying others. Do not intimidate the person and if you are being bullied by your sibling, let the adult know.