Ways to Treat and Prevent Pubic Lice

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Recognize, Treat & Prevent Crabs | STDs
Video: How to Recognize, Treat & Prevent Crabs | STDs


Pubic lice are a parasite that usually lives in the pubic area of ​​humans. They are also sometimes found in rough body hair, such as leg hair, mustache, chin, eyebrows, eyelashes, and underarms. Pubic lice are usually passed from person to person through sex, but can also be spread through towels, clothes, and bedding. As with lice, the main sign of pubic lice is itching and nits are visible in the infected area. There are many different ways to treat pubic lice, from medicines to natural home remedies. Read on to learn how to treat and prevent pubic lice.


Method 1 of 4: Choose a treatment

  1. Use a solution containing 1% permethrin. Products containing permethrin, pyrethrins, or piperonyl butoxide are very effective in treating pubic lice. You can buy lotions, creams, or sprays that contain permethrin over the counter, or you can ask your doctor to prescribe it. Permethrin inhibits the nerve impulses of the pubic lice, affecting their respiration - in other words, asphyxiation and death. Some popular brands are Rid, Nix, and Pyrinex.
    • Read and use the package directions for any product, prescription or over-the-counter. If you have any questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

  2. Consider using a 0.5% malathion solution (Ovide). Malathion kills raw pubic lice and some eggs, although not all of them. Malathion is only approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of lice, but has also been shown to be effective in treating pubic lice.
    • Read and use the package directions for any product, prescription or over-the-counter. If you have any questions about how to use this product, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
    • Malathion solution is flammable, so do not apply when near open flame or other heat sources.
    • Malathion 0.5% solution is only for use by people aged 6 years and over.

  3. Ask your doctor about ivermectin. If the cream or topical solution doesn't work, talk to your doctor about ivermectin. Ivermectin is an active ingredient prescribed by a doctor in the form of tablets. A single dose of two tablets is usually sufficient for treatment. Common names are Heartgard and Stromectol.
    • Read and use the package directions for any product, prescription or over-the-counter. If you have any questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
    • Oral ivermectin is not FDA approved for treating pubic lice, but has also been shown to be effective. In the US, this drug is labeled not for use in children weighing less than 15 kg. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take ivermectin.

  4. Ask your doctor about lindane shampoos or topical solutions if none of the above treatments have worked. Lindane is a prescription drug that is used as a last resort. This drug is very effective in treating pubic lice, but it also has potentially dangerous side effects on the nervous system, such as seizures. Therefore, lindane is not used as the preferred therapy in the treatment of pubic lice. This medication should only be used for people who do not respond to other treatments or who are intolerant to other less risky drugs. The following objects should not use lindane:
    • premature babies
    • people with seizure disorder
    • pregnant or lactating women
    • people with very sensitive skin or burning pain in the lindane application skin
    • people weighing less than 50 kg
      • If your doctor prescribes lindane for you then it is probably because the benefits outweigh the risks, but you should speak with your doctor if you are concerned about using this product.
      • Read and use according to the package instructions before using this product. If you have any questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Method 2 of 4: Eliminate pubic lice

  1. Wash the genital area. Wash your genital area thoroughly before applying any cream or solution. The solution is absorbed into the skin better if the skin and pubic hair are washed off the dirt.
    • As soon as you wash your genitals, make sure to dry them thoroughly, as most lotions and lotions need to be applied to clean, dry bristles.
  2. Apply the lice-killing product of your choice. Read and follow the instructions carefully for maximum effect. Remember to ask your doctor if you have any questions about how to use the product.
    • Carefully soak the infected area according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Pay attention to how long the product needs to stay on the skin. The shampoo only needs to be left for about 10 minutes, but the cream and solution need to stay on the skin for 8-14 hours. Remember when to apply the medication and set the time or watch the hour.
  4. Rinse off the medicine and dry thoroughly. After you have left the medication on your skin for enough time according to the instructions, rinse it off with warm water. Rinse off the medication to help remove dead lice and eggs from the skin. It is important to remove all dead parasites, as they can cause hygiene problems if left on the skin.
    • Make sure to separate the towels you just used from other clothes and fabrics. Wash towels separately to avoid cross-contamination of clothing and other linen.
    • In some cases, when the eggs are stuck to the hairline, you can use your fingernail or squash comb to remove them.
  5. Change into new, clean clothes. Make sure to wear new, clean underwear and clothing to prevent reinfection. Clothes worn with lice should be washed immediately.
  6. Wash any items with cloth that could be contaminated. Infected clothing, bedding, and towels must be washed in hot water. The hotter the laundry water, the better, it should be at least 55 degrees Celsius. You should also put clothes and cloth utensils in the dryer and dry them until completely dry.
    • It is recommended to wash all cloth items you used 2-3 days before your treatment.
    • Blankets, blankets and rugs must be placed in a sealed plastic bag for 1-2 weeks to kill pubic lice. This way they won't be able to suck blood and eventually die.
  7. Repeat treatment cycle if pubic lice are still present. You can repeat the treatment in about a week. Use as directed on the pack or as directed by your doctor. It's best to repeat the cycle of treatment for sure, even if you think the pubic lice are gone.
    • Some cases of pubic lice have moved elsewhere and will return as soon as you treat them in your genital area; However, this is not the case.

Method 3 of 4: Use natural remedies

  1. Brush your genitals. If there are only a few lice, using a squash comb to get rid of the pubic lice and eggs is one of the simplest and quite effective ways to get rid of the parasite. This treatment requires time as it can take up to 14 days to manually remove all lice and eggs. Usually this is combined with another natural treatment.
  2. Apply petroleum jelly (Vaseline). Petroleum jelly suffocates pubic lice. Apply a lot of wax to your genitals. Make sure the wax covers all of the pubic hairs so you can easily use a comb to remove the eggs. You can apply as many times as you want to get rid of lice and nits.
    • Note that petroleum jelly is generally not recommended to treat pubic lice from eyebrows or eyelashes, as it can irritate the eyes. However, your doctor may prescribe a medical petroleum jelly that can be applied to your eyebrows and eyelashes.
  3. Shave private parts. Close shaving of pubic hair can increase the effectiveness of treating pubic lice with other methods, whether it's natural, over-the-counter, or over the counter. However, keep in mind that shaving your genitals is not enough to treat pubic lice effectively, as they can move to other areas of hair on the body.

Method 4 of 4: Prevent recurrence

  1. Avoid close contact or sexual intercourse. Pubic lice are usually transmitted through sex, so it is best to avoid sex until you have completely eliminated them. Any exposure, such as sharing a bed or being too close to someone with pubic lice, increases the risk of re-infection.
    • Although a condom can prevent most sexually transmitted diseases, using a condom is not enough to prevent pubic lice.
  2. Limit the number of sexual partners. As with sexually transmitted diseases, the more sex partners you have, the more likely you are to get and spread pubic lice. In the early stages you may not know you have pubic lice. Therefore, it is best to limit sex.
  3. Tell someone in close contact to get them treated. For the health of those close to you, tell them that you are treating pubic lice and advise them to do it too. Talking about yourself with pubic lice to your girlfriend or boyfriend can be quite embarrassing, but that helps to avoid leading to a bigger problem - they may eventually guess, after all.
    • Do not have sex until the other person is also being treated. Both need treatment before engaging in any sexual activity.
  4. Avoid sharing personal items. Do not share combs, towels, pillows, and blankets with others if either person is infected with pubic lice. It is better to use your belongings than borrow from others to avoid the risk of infection.
    • Anything that comes into contact with the skin and hairs can be contaminated, from combs to towels, linens and pillows. If there is any risk, take precautions by sterilizing items and keeping them to yourself.
  5. Wash the sheets thoroughly before reuse. Pubic lice can move anywhere while you sleep and linger in bed. Before and after treatment, you need to change sheets and pillowcases and wash them thoroughly to avoid reinfection.
    • You can also wash the surface of furniture, such as in the bathroom. Washing with warm water and an antibacterial solution will help prevent and kill bacteria.
    • Wash clothes in hot water above 30 degrees Celsius with detergent and conditioner to disinfect.


  • Follow your doctor's special recommendations and instructions on the package of the medicine / topical solution.


  • Read the warnings on the prescription and over-the-counter products you take to treat pubic lice. If any serious side effects occur, discontinue use immediately and seek medical help.
  • The appearance of pubic lice in the eyebrows and eyelashes in children is often a sign of sexual abuse, but children can also become infected by sharing the same bed with an infected parent.