How to cure cracked nails

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
10 Causes of Weak & Brittle Nails | Tips to improve the strength-Dr. Rajdeep Mysore| Doctors’ Circle
Video: 10 Causes of Weak & Brittle Nails | Tips to improve the strength-Dr. Rajdeep Mysore| Doctors’ Circle


  • Be careful not to get the cotton ball into the crack in the nail. If you are concerned that a cotton ball might get caught in the nail, wipe the nail polish in the direction of the crack.
  • Cut off the top of the tea bag. Use scissors to cut off the top of an unused tea bag. Tea bag paper is a tool used to treat cracked nails, so keep it intact and pour the tea leaves into the trash bag.
  • Cut the tea bag to fit the nail. Depending on where the crack is, you can cut the tea bag into a rectangle to completely fit the nail, covering the crack and to the tip of the nail. For example, if the crack is on the tip of the nail, cut the tea bag to just cover the crack and 1/2 of the nail. If the crack is deeper, cut the tea bag longer so that it just reaches the cuticle.
    • Make sure the edges of the tea bags reach the edges of the nails.
    • After you've placed the tea bag on your nail, you can let the edge of the tea bag hang over the tip of the nail; This part will be cut off later.
  • Part 2 of 2: Treating cracked nails

    1. Paint the transparent primer. Apply a very thin layer of transparent nail polish as the primer. Transparent paint works like glue to keep tea bags on your nails.
    2. Place the tea bag on the nail. When the transparent primer is wet, carefully place a rectangular tea bag over the nail to cover the cracked nail. Gently use your finger or cuticle stick to smooth the tea bag.This step ensures there are no air bubbles below the surface of the tea bag. Let the nail polish dry for about 5 minutes.

    3. Wait for the nail polish to dry. Wait for the transparent primer to dry, then carefully cut off the part of the tea bag that hangs from the tips of your nails.
      • Leaving a little tea bag paper on top of your nail is fine, as you can file less as the nail becomes stronger.
    4. Apply a layer of transparent nail polish. Once the tea bag is fixed on the nail, you can apply a layer of transparent nail polish. Be sure to extend the coating line over the nail and over the tea bag. Let the nail polish dry for 5-10 minutes.
      • The tea bag will now look transparent.

    5. File the excess tea bag. After the transparent nail polish dries, use a nail file to file in one direction and remove the remaining tea bag paper.
      • The nail file tool will help to smooth out any remaining paper particles on the edge of the nail.
    6. Paint add a layer of transparent paint. To seal, apply a thin layer of transparent paint. This time, make sure to spread the paint along the tip of the nail, right down to the part of the tea bag that is cut off. Let this coat dry for at least 10 minutes. Do not touch the nail after applying the tea bag paper and applying 3 coats of nail polish.
      • Spreading the paint along the tips of the nails helps to prevent the tea bags from lifting or fraying.
    7. Paint the nail as usual. When the nail is completely dry, you can paint the nail as usual. Try to paint on a very thin layer on cracked nails because there are 3 layers of nail polish available and it will take a long time to dry completely. advertisement

    What you need

    • Nail polish remover
    • Cotton
    • Tea bags
    • Transparent primer
    • Drag
    • Cuticle pushers
    • Nail file tools


    • Using nail glue instead of transparent primer is an alternative to fixing cracked nails at first. However, nail glues are extremely difficult to remove and can damage nails. Transparent primer is a adhesive that is easier to clean.