How to Cook Steak

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Cook Steak Perfectly Every Time | The Stay At Home Chef
Video: How to Cook Steak Perfectly Every Time | The Stay At Home Chef


The perfectly prepared steak will have a rich, delicious, attractive flavor and is suitable for a large party or a small cozy meal. There are many different ways to cook steak such as roasting, grilling, pan-frying and even cooking in the oven. On the other hand, each person will have a different taste for steak, some people like to eat steak with nice brown color on the outside and medium inside, and others like cooked steak. Here are some steak recipes that you can choose from and customize to create a steak depending on your preferences.


Method 1 of 4: Prepare Steak

  1. Choose your steak. Basically, when it comes to meat as "steak," you can't use meat in any part. However, you can choose meat according to your taste, taste, succulence and price according to the following suggestions:
    • T-bone tenderloin. A T-shaped tenderloin steak is two fillets separated in the middle by a bone shaped like a "T". T-shaped tenderloin is popular with many people, but since it is the tenderloin of beef (extremely soft meat), it is a bit expensive.
    • Porterhouse meat: Both a tenderloin and a fatty loin, the Porterhouse is like a T-shaped tenderloin with a thin bone between two richly flavored meat. The price of Porterhouse meat is similar to that of T-shaped tenderloin.
    • Lean back (Rib-eye). Lean meat is the beef rib, so it is called Rib-eye. This is the meat that most people think of when it comes to the word "steak". Lean meat has nice lines (thin layers of fat between the meat) for a smooth texture and rich flavor.
    • New York Strip. This meat is located on the shoulder of the cow, where the muscles are rarely used so it is relatively soft. Although not as tender as lean back meat, the loin meat also has many beautiful lines.
    • Sirloin: The "sirloin" can be the upper back (delicious but expensive) or the lower back. This is the back of beef, near the T-shaped tenderloin and the Porterhouse.

  2. Buy a steak about 4-5 cm thick. Why is thick steak better? This is because a thin steak makes it difficult to cook the perfectly crispy brown exterior and the inside is medium, juicy. Conversely, a thick steak will be easier to cook. Furthermore, it is better for two people (or more) to share a large steak of about 340 g - 450 g is better than eating a small steak each.
  3. Season with a sauce or dry form. Many people just want to salt and pepper the steak so that the taste of the meat stands out. However, if you want, you can still marinate your steak with these two simple tips:
    • Marinated sauce: 1/3 cup soy sauce, 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/3 cup lemon juice. ¼ cup Worcestershire sauce, 2 minced garlic cloves, 1/2 cup chopped basil, ¼ cup celery. Marinate the meat about 4-24 hours before preparing it.
    • Dried spices: 4 1/2 teaspoons of large seed salt, 2 teaspoons of pepper powder, 2 teaspoons of paprika sweet peppers, 1 teaspoon of onion powder, 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of dried Oregano leaves, 2 teaspoons of powder cumin.

  4. Leave the steak at room temperature. If the steak is marinated and stored in the refrigerator, take it out and let it sit at room temperature before cooking. The purpose of this is to:
    • Accelerate the ripening process. The cooking time of warm meat is shorter.
    • Make a balance between the outside and the inside of the meat. If the meat is refrigerated for 1 day, the internal temperature of the meat will take longer to rise. This way, when grilled, the outside of the meat will easily burn while the inside is not cooked.

  5. Sprinkle salt over the meat if it is not seasoned with a sauce or dry seasoning. The larger the piece of meat, the more salt is needed. For example, the meat in a 450-gram T-lobe pork loin would be twice as much as the meat in the lean back meat so it requires more salt.
    • Sprinkle salt over the meat first. Although many people like to salt the meat 4 days before, you only need to marinate about 40 minutes and wait for the meat to reach room temperature.
    • Why should not pepper? Unlike salt, pepper can burn during processing and cause a steak to taste bad. Therefore, you should only marinate the pepper after you prepare it.

Method 2 of 4: Grilled Steak

  1. Hardwood charcoal is best. If you don't have hardwood charcoal like golden pine, you can use honeycomb charcoal. However, hardwood charcoal will burn faster and hotter for a better steak. On the other hand, you can also use a gas grill, but the taste of the steak will be slightly different than when baking with charcoal.
    • Do not use kerosene for ignition. Fuel will smelly steak on the steak. Ideally, you should buy a specialized igniter to use.
  2. Put all the hot coals on one side of the grill. The other side will be the cooler side of the grill to pre-cook the meat. The hotter side grill will be used to cook the meat. This way the steak cooked will be more perfect.
  3. Bake the meat on the cooler side of the grill (without charcoal). Cover the grill and let the meat cook Wait under direct flame. In fact, this is based on the common theory that many people want to cook a steak to "retain the taste inside".
    • Starting steaks on the cooler side of the grill will give the entire steak (not just the outside) enough time to heat up. In addition, the steak will also have enough time to create a crispy outer crust when it is almost cooked. At this point, just quickly turn the meat to the hot coals.
  4. Flip frequently to create a crispy outer layer of meat on both sides. Use a tongs to turn the meat over every few minutes while the side grill cools. Many people believe that the steak should be turned only once, but in fact, the meat that is turned over frequently under an indirect fire will cook even more and more succulent. Also, be sure to close the grill lid when you don't turn the meat over.
  5. Use a thermometer to check the cookedness of the meat. Checking with a thermometer is sure to be more scientific and reliable than making your own assessment. Below is a table of the internal temperatures equivalent to meat ripeness:
    • 50 ° C = Re
    • 55 ° C = Medium medium
    • 60 ° C = Medium-ripened
    • 65 ° C = Nine
    • 70 ° C = Well done
  6. If you don't have a thermometer, you can still check the meat with your hands. Evaluate the ripeness of the meat by touching the thick flesh of the palm (under the thumb). First, open your arms wide and relax your palms. After each step below, touch the inside of your hand with your other hand:
    • Fingers don't touch (palm open): This will feel like raw meat.
    • Thumbs to index fingers: This will feel like this.
    • The thumb touches the middle finger: Medium flesh will feel like this.
    • The thumb touches the ring finger: Medium cooked meat will feel like this.
    • The thumb touch the little finger: Thoroughly cooked meat will feel like this.
  7. When the meat's temperature is -10 degrees C lower than the ideal temperature, cook quickly on both sides for a beautiful color. If the steak is a satisfying brown, let it sit on the cooler side of the oven to help release water.
  8. Remove the steak from the grill when the meat is 15 degrees C lower than the ideal temperature. This is because the meat will continue to increase its internal temperature by about 15 degrees Celsius after it is removed from the grill.
  9. Sprinkle with pepper and let the meat cool for at least 5 minutes. During the baking process, the gravy will accumulate in the meat due to the contraction of the muscle fibers. If you cut the meat as soon as you pick it out of the grill, the meat in the middle will drain. As such, wait at least 5 minutes for the fibers to stretch and the gravy spreads evenly over the entire piece.
  10. Enjoy. Enjoy a delicious roast steak with oven baked potato chips and garlic spinach (spinach). advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Steak Bake on fire

  1. Place the grill 10-15 cm from the oven ceiling. This is the ideal distance to cook a medium or medium cooked steak. If you want to bake steak a bit more pale, place the grill 15 cm from the ceiling of the oven. Conversely, if you want a slightly ripe steak, place the grill 10 cm from the ceiling of the oven.
  2. Turn on Broiler mode and place a large cast iron pan in the oven. The cast iron pan is well conductive, so it is best to use it to grill on top. If you don't have a cast iron pan, you can use a special baking pan. Pre-heat the oven for 15-20 minutes to make the pan hot enough.
  3. When the pan is hot enough, put the steak in and cook over heat for 3 minutes. If you are using a special baking pan with parallel raised lines, place a diagonal steak to create a beautiful grill mark. Both sides of the steak should begin to sizzle when the oven is hot enough.
  4. Turn and grill the steak for another 3 minutes. Use a tongs to turn the steak over, and don't use a fork to avoid premature juices.
  5. Lower oven temperature to 260 ° C after 3 minutes on each side.
  6. Bake steak based on the time and thickness of the meat. When baking a steak at 260 degrees Celsius, you can rely on the table below to adjust the baking time according to the thickness of the meat:
    • Re (50-55 ° C)
      • 2, 5 cm - 0-1 minutes
      • 3 cm - 2-3 minutes
      • 4.5 cm - 4-5 minutes
    • Medium ripening (60-65 ° C)
      • 2.5 cm - 2-3 minutes
      • 3 cm - 4-5 minutes
      • 4.5 cm - 6-7 minutes
    • Well-done (65-70 ° C)
      • 2, 5 cm - 4-5 minutes
      • 3 cm - 6-7 minutes
      • 4.5 cm - 8-9 minutes
  7. Sprinkle with pepper and let steak cool for at least 5 minutes. During the baking process, the gravy will accumulate in the meat due to the contractile muscle fibers. If you cut the meat as soon as you pick it out of the grill, the meat in the middle will drain. Therefore, wait at least 5 minutes for the fibers to stretch and the gravy spreads evenly over the entire piece.
  8. Enjoy. Enjoy a delicious grilled steak with green beans and baked potatoes. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Pan-Fried Steak

  1. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a cast iron pan over high heat until it smoke. The cast iron pan conducts heat well, so the surface of the pan will heat evenly.
    • Use neutral oil to fry the steak. Use canola oil or other vegetable oils for sautéing steaks, while olive oil is only suitable for making pasta and eggplant.
  2. Place the steak in the pan and place it diagonally from the floating lines in the pan.
  3. Flip frequently, every few minutes and sauté for 6-12 minutes until the inner temperature of the meat reaches the ideal temperature. It is best to use a thermometer to check the temperature inside the meat. Below is a table of meat equivalent temperatures that you can refer to:
    • 50 ° C = Re
    • 55 ° C = Medium medium
    • 60 ° C = Medium-ripened
    • 65 ° C = Nine
    • 70 ° C = Well done
  4. Before the meat reaches the desired degree of maturity, add 2 tablespoons of butter and herbs. You can use the following herbs when frying steak:
    • Rosemary
    • Laurel leaves
    • Western marjoram
    • Garlic
    • Sage leaves
  5. After the steak is cooked (it will continue to cook after turning off the heat), let the meat cool for at least 5 minutes. During the baking process, the gravy will accumulate in the meat due to the contraction of the muscle fibers. If you cut the meat as soon as you pick it out of the grill, the meat in the middle will drain. Therefore, wait at least 5 minutes for the fibers to stretch and the gravy spreads evenly over the entire piece.
  6. Enjoy. Enjoy a delicious grilled steak with a German potato salad and Brussels sprouts. advertisement


  • Use a clean grill when baking meat. Meat will cook faster and tastier when it is baked on a clean grill.
  • Beef will taste better over time. Unlike vegetables that need to be purchased when fresh, beef will taste better and become softer over time.So you can save money and buy discount steaks (about to expire or out of date).
  • Always marinate steak. Properly baked steak does not need to be served with a sauce.
  • Continuously spray the anti-stick solution.
  • You can use a knife to make a small incision on a steak to check the meat's maturity, but make sure that the steak with the incision is facing downwards when placed on the plate.


  • Do not touch the hot grill.
  • Anti-stick sprays will cause the fire to burn even more. Therefore, you should not bring flammable objects closer while spraying the anti-stick solution.