How to act like a mermaid

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Professional mermaid lessons on how to swim and act like a mermaid
Video: Professional mermaid lessons on how to swim and act like a mermaid



Method 1 of 3: Behave like a mermaid

  1. Show curiosity towards electronic objects. Ask questions such as "How do I use it?" and "What should I do now?". People will realize that you have never used an electronic device.
  2. Understanding of the ocean. Every time you hear someone talk about the ocean, be excited to join the conversation and talk about dozens of information, such as the ocean occupies 79% of the world's area or the seaweed used for processing. Transform everyday products such as toothpaste, medicine, cream, and many more.
  3. Form your own mermaid language. Use the language often and even write it down on paper. If the other person questions your actions, say "Don't you know about it? Ah forget ... You are human", and then walk away.
  4. Complain about people. Complain to your friends about the things you don't like and that "there aren't any rules under the ocean". If your friends look at you oddly or wonder what you said, say "Nothing!" with a hasty and anxious attitude.
  5. Provide some suggestions. You can say, "Why is the seaweed here so short? Oh forget, I'm on land, and people call it grass", then let out the word "weird" in front of a group. people in the break.
  6. Show a clumsy attitude. If the mermaid was someone who once had a tail and was suddenly given a human pair of legs, it would take years for her to get used to them. If people ask if you want to run, answer them "I'm not used to using my feet", and calmly walk away. If a group of people are watching you walk / run, pretend to wobble for a few minutes.
  7. Write diary. Make sure that people see you journal every day, and after a few weeks / days keep your diary in a place where others can find it. They will read it, and when you come back, take back the diary with an anxious attitude.
  8. Create a mermaid's own name. Maybe a certain name such as Anh Duong, Thuy Chau, Hai Tran. Create unique names, and revolve around the ocean theme. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Look like a mermaid

  1. Wear multiple shells. A real mermaid needs to connect with her true hometown, her ocean, and constantly show her loyalty. You can also use Pearls.
  2. Hair care. Remember to brush your hair often. And I recommend keeping your hair long. There are no barbers in the ocean! You can also style wavy hair. The method that I usually use to create wavy hair is that after I wash my hair, I usually braid it and leave it as it is when I sleep. On the next day, when you remove your hair, your hair becomes wavy. This image will make people think of the waves of the ocean.
  3. Use the colors of the ocean. Use coral orange, turquoise blue, seaweed blue, or pearl white.
  4. Wet hair. When you're going to be somewhere, like a party, or going to school, wet your hair a little to look like you've just gone swimming.
  5. Toilless! The real mermaid will never know how use cosmetic. However, you can apply a little water repellent emulsion to your eyelids if you prefer.
  6. Looking to buy a fish tail. You will Not Be a real mermaid without a fish tail! If you can't afford a fishtail, make it yourself, or save money to buy it. You won't regret it!
  7. Provide a few more suggestions. Try a fish-scale effect on your feet using socks and apply any eyeshadow to your socks. This will give your feet a little more color, and they will look like fish scales.
  8. Wear short skirts / long skirts. A real mermaid wouldn't want the pants around their lemons! Because long pants will be quite entangled if the fish tail suddenly appears. In addition, the ripple of the skirt will make people think about gentle waves in the sea.
  9. Use flip-flops or sandals. The Little Mermaid will be able to easily remove these footwear when their fishtail is about to be released, plus flip-flops and sandals also help remind the feeling of swimming and the beaches! advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Live like a mermaid

  1. Adjust your surroundings reminiscent of the ocean. Refer to decorative ideas around the sea theme on online websites and use them for your room. Look for bed sheets that have pictures of the ocean and place the marine stuffed animals on your bed. Store your clothes in a treasure chest. Collect different terrestrial objects, such as coins or forks or spoons or rocks.
  2. Listen to the sound of waves every day. Or if possible, please go out sea ​​and directly listen to the waves. You will feel like you really just came from the ocean. advertisement


  • Don't do this while with your parents. They may take you to a doctor or a psychiatrist.
  • Be careful. Don't give too much of a hint as you will make others feel upset.