How to behave around girls

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Whether you are looking to approach a girl you do not know or are trying to stay “in shape” in front of the girl you are fond of, one thing is for sure: talking to girls can be tricky sometimes! But if you remember that girls are just like everyone else in your life, being with them won't be scary at all. By having confidence in yourself and practicing some essential communication skills, you will feel light and comfortable around any girl.


Method 1 of 3: Build confidence

  1. Be yourself. When you want to win a girl's heart, changing your personality isn't going to help! Even if it works for a short time, you will still feel fake and unhappy; moreover, chances are she will eventually realize who you really are. You need to know who you are. Take control of your thoughts and feelings in life. Sincerity and confidence are factors that attract girls and will also make you feel good about yourself.
    • Don't be too generous or too eager to try to win her over. This can be fake, even rough - and certainly not the way you want to paint your portrait!
    • You should also take less care to please the girls. Accept your flaws and don't let them confuse you.
    • If you love yourself and are comfortable with who you are, you will be more comfortable with others. And even if things don't go the way they want, it doesn't matter! Only you can make yourself happy. You love yourself, that's the most important thing.

  2. Keep your body clean. Good hygiene will help you look more dashing and feel more comfortable. Shower every morning and don't forget to wash your hair. Use deodorant and wear clean clothes before going out. You don't want to worry about stinking around girls! Keep your body clean to make sure this never happens.
    • You can spray some perfume on your neck and shoulders. If you use perfume, you should just spray a little! Surely you do not want to submerge everyone around with the strong scent of perfume!

  3. Dress well. If possible, go out and find some clothes that are right for you. Clothes don't have to be expensive, but should fit and be comfortable. In addition to making you look better, the outfit also gives you confidence and can focus on girls without having to worry about your looks.
    • You can observe the people around you for current fashion trends, but don't forget that a beautiful outfit must show your unique style.
    • Ask the salesperson to see their opinion. Ask politely, and they'll be more than happy to help you choose a suitable outfit.

  4. Do things that you enjoy. You can have fun with the girls by doing activities they enjoy, but make sure to make time to yourself and keep doing what you want. If you like sci-fi movies and comic books, just keep watching. Never be ashamed of your taste! The pursuit of hobbies will make you happier, more sincere, and become a pleasant person everyone wants to be with.
    • When in love, it is natural for you to be "attracted to" by that girl. However, sometimes take a step back and give yourself some space to focus on doing the things you enjoy, playing sports or playing games, for example.
  5. Relax. Your stress will also strain the girl. If you try to look around for a conversation or find a way out of the embarrassing situation, you won't be able to focus on her. Take a deep breath before approaching the girl and during non-talking times. Focus on the present moment and remind yourself that nothing bad will happen, as most likely everything will be fine.
    • Almost everyone is busy with their own lives and doesn't intentionally embarrass you or make you confused. Don't worry even if you think you have just made a mistake or been clumsy; Most likely, people will immediately forget what happened just now.
  6. Be honest with your intentions. It is a good idea to start by being friends with the girl you have a crush on, but if you have a crush on her, don't hide it. Try to initiate a relationship, show interest in her. If you hide it, she won't know your feelings and may feel cheated or disrespected when she finds out. On the contrary, don't mislead the girl if you just want to be her friend. Do not forget the eternal saying that is still true: It is honestly the best!
    • Respect her boundaries. Don't put emotional pressure on her if she doesn't reciprocate. She will appreciate and probably want to stay more friendly, even if she doesn't reciprocate your feelings.

Method 2 of 3: Communicate effectively

  1. Maintain eye contact. When you approach a girl and start talking, make eye contact with her. This shows your confidence, and your gaze when she talks shows that you are listening to her. Don't stare, however, especially if you're not talking to her. Just look just enough to let her know that you noticed her and then shift your gaze away.
    • Don't worry if things get tough at first. Making eye contact can be a little embarrassing! To practice making eye contact, start with a mirror, then move on to practicing with friends and strangers.
    • Making eye contact is not easy, but it will keep you from being caught looking at her body. Plus, eye contact is a polite gesture, bonding, and a great way to show that you care and respect her.
  2. Involve the girl in the conversation. Greet her as well as greet others: say hello and suggest the right topic to talk to. Some topics that can help break your initial embarrassment are asking about clothes, talking in class, complimenting the girl with good grades, or offering to help her.
    • Practice regularly to increase your confidence around girls and move into a more intimate conversation. Everyone loves fun conversations, and you'll impress girls with confidence and sociability.
  3. Listen actively. Listening to and understanding the girl's hidden meanings will help you win her sympathy. Put the phone down and try to understand everything she says. Don't interrupt. Show concern by nodding and responding when she finishes her sentence. Nobody wants to talk to someone who is not listening, so you need to keep this politeness when talking to any girl.
    • Repeat what the girl said, such as, “You just said…” to show that you understand the person's main point.
    • When responding to the girl's words, you need to be respectful and nonjudgmental, no matter how you feel. Be really mindful of her thoughts and opinions before answering to show your insight.
  4. Show sincere interest in people. To build trust between you and a girl, you need to communicate on a more intimate level. Ask about the girl herself, her hobbies and desires. Show her that you want to get to know her better. This will make you appear more confident and make the girl feel more comfortable with you. Another benefit of this is, you'll be less pressured to find a way to keep the conversation going: all you need to do is ask questions and listen!
    • For example, a good question is to ask about a girl's favorite music. If she loves the genre of music as much as you like, then the two of you can share that hobby. Even if your taste in music is not the same, you can still say, “I've never really heard that genre. Can you recommend me some articles? "

  5. Pay attention to how she feels. When you show interest in a girl's life, she may talk to you about her problems. This shows that she truly trusts you, so it's important that you listen with care and respond with empathy. Never make her feel judged or mocked - you probably don't want to be, and you know she doesn't.
    • For example, you could say, “It's okay, that test is really hard. You did a great job ”.
    • Support the girl's goals. If she wants to be a photographer, you should encourage her, no matter what you think. Say, "Great! It's great if you have such a big dream! "

  6. Makes the girl laugh. A sense of humor is an effective way to become charming and seductive. Participating in funny jokes with girls will make things less embarrassing as you get to know each other, and at the same time pave the way for talking about more serious matters. You don't have to be a born comedian and absolutely shouldn't try to act like that! Just try to provoke witty conversations or repeat funny anecdotes from your past life to make her laugh and let go of her shyness.
    • However, not all jokes are appropriate in all situations. For example, avoid telling vulgar jokes in front of a new girl.
    • As the two of you get to know each other better, you will gradually learn what she likes and start talking about the fun of them only. Be patient and see how you and her juggle. Soon the two of you will laugh together!

Method 3 of 3: Behave properly

  1. Respect your personal space. A handshake is enough when you first meet the girl. Be comfortable and behave properly: don't cling to her, don't put your face close to hers or touch inappropriate places like hers. When creating a relationship, pay attention to how much physical touch she can accept. Start with a flick of your hands and shoulders when you're talking and stay close when the opportunity arises, such as at parties and concerts.
    • If you want to be in a relationship, gradually and naturally increase your exposure. Then you can try hugging and flirting with her if that's okay.
    • Don't touch the girl if she doesn't want to. Respect personal boundaries and step back if she's not comfortable.
  2. Be polite. Show an elegant gesture in front of the girls. Inappropriate actions like swearing, "dropping bombs" or telling vulgar jokes will definitely keep girls away. Be respectful and polite by keeping the door open to everyone, always saying "please" and "thank you".
  3. Treat everyone equally. Talk to everyone - from boys to strangers - as well as talking to a girl. Show respect and kindness, and listen to what they say. Avoid aggression - violence is not a great way to impress anyone! When the girls are nearby, they'll see how honest and mature you are.
    • It's not easy to argue or confront someone you don't like, but you need to try to keep your emotions from exploding. Take a deep breath and take control of what you say. After all your words and deeds, you will be proud of yourself for choosing the right manners, even if the girl isn't there to impress you!
  4. Do not speak badly behind others. Slandering the absent person has the same effect as face-to-face, and sometimes even worse! You should avoid gossip. When you share negative information, you will seem immature in the eyes of girls and even make them wonder if you talked about them like that when they weren't there. Be respectful whenever possible.
    • On the other hand, don't say negative things about girls or reveal their secrets to your friends. This information can get to their ears and then you get a bad reputation. Show them that you are trustworthy, and that they will soon see you as a loyal friend.


  • Don't be alarmed if you act clumsy. Accept your mistakes, laugh, and react with humor. Handling the situation gently will help you and those around you feel more comfortable, including the girls.
  • Especially gentle when I'm with shy girls. Start talking and slowly break the barrier of touch. Set aside some space for her.
  • Pay attention to her body language to guess how she feels and how she should behave.
  • If you want to be romantically involved with her, don't be afraid to try flirting! However, make sure to step back if she doesn't seem like or comfortable.
  • Unless there's a bond between you and the girl, don't get jealous when she's around other people.
  • Be sure to be friendly with her friends and family, no matter how you think of them.
  • Stand up for the girl when possible, but don't get caught up in the brawl.
  • Walk confidently, and don't be afraid to make eye contact with your girl.
  • If she is sad, encourage her and be happy to make her happy too, so you can make a joke or tell a joke.


  • Never force a girl to make physical contact or accept a relationship with you if she isn't ready.
  • The fact that you try too hard to hide your emotions or impress a girl can be easily noticed and make you unhappy.