How to get good breath

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to fix bad breath…permanently!
Video: How to fix bad breath…permanently!


Bad breath is an occasional problem that affects most people, whether during illness or after a meal. In Vietnam, about 40% of the population is suffering from a more serious condition: chronic bad breath (persistent bad breath), and this can lead to lack of confidence or fear during communication. . Fortunately, maintaining good breath is not difficult if you keep your mouth clean, eat the right foods, and use mouth fresheners when needed.


Method 1 of 4: Keep Your Oral Clean

  1. Brush your teeth and tongue at least twice daily. Brushing will help eliminate bad breath bacteria and prevent tooth odor. And don't forget to brush your tongue, especially at the base of the tongue. One study has shown that brushing the tongue reduces bad breath by up to 70%.

  2. Rinse mouth with water after eating. Gargle will help you get rid of any leftovers that can cause bad breath.
  3. Floss at least once a day. Flossing will remove the food where the brush cannot reach and at the same time remove plaque and bacteria that surround the teeth. Flossing also helps prevent periodontal disease (gum disease) as this is another possible cause of bad breath.

  4. Use a mouthwash at least once a day. It helps protect teeth and kills bacteria that cause bad breath. Gargle for 30-60 seconds, then "cough" the mouthwash for the next 30-60 seconds. The "wheezing" movement is very important in bringing the mouthwash into the back of the throat and deep in the cheeks - a place where a brush or floss is hard to reach.
    • Mouthwash containing fluoride (fluoride) will kill bacteria and help prevent tooth decay.
    • Gargling with hydrogen peroxide helps to get rid of bacteria that can cause bad breath.
    • Avoid using mouthwashes that contain alcohol. They will dry out the mouth and can make the condition worse.

  5. See teeth every 6 months. Your dentist will do dental cleaning that can help prevent plaque buildup, and check to see if you have cavities or gum disease as they can cause bad breath.Your dentist may also refer you to your doctor if your bad breath is caused by a medical condition, such as sinusitis or pneumonia, bronchitis, metabolic dysfunction, diabetes. , or liver or kidney disease. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Eat and Drink to Maintain Fresh Breathing

  1. Drink a lot of water. Lack of water can cause dry mouth and lead to bad breath. Water can also dilute any bad breath chemicals in your mouth or intestines.
  2. Eat yogurt. Many studies have shown that eating about 175 grams of yogurt per day will help reduce the level of the odor-causing compounds in the mouth. In particular, you can find yogurt that contains beneficial bacteria, for example Streptococcus thermophilus or Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
  3. Use fruits and vegetables. The abrasive nature of the fibrous fruits and vegetables helps clean the teeth, while the vitamins, antioxidants and acids found in these foods can help improve oral health. Foods that can be particularly helpful include:
    • Apples - Apples contain vitamin C, essential for gum health, as well as malic acid, which helps whiten teeth.
    • Carrots - Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which improves the strength of tooth enamel.
    • Celery - Chewing celery will make your mouth saliva, thereby neutralizing the bacteria that cause bad breath.
    • Pineapple - Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that cleans the mouth.
  4. Drink black tea, green tea, or herbal tea. These teas have been shown to kill bacteria that cause bad breath and plaque.
  5. Avoid getting your body into a digestive disorder. Gastrointestinal disturbances can cause you to burp, contributing to bad breath. Don't eat foods that can cause digestive distress, and if you do take these foods, take antacids (which help control acid in your stomach). If you have lactose intolerance, you can take lactase pills.
  6. Don't use foods high in onions, garlic, or spices. They can both cause bad breath. If you eat them, you should bring sugar-free gum or a toothbrush and toothpaste for immediate dental cleaning.
  7. Be careful with a low-carb diet. A low-carbohydrate diet can lead to ketosis - a state in which the body mainly burns fat instead of carbohydrates for energy. This can be quite good for your waistline, but it will also produce chemicals called ketones, which will contribute to bad breath. To eliminate the problem, you should make changes to your diet. Or, you can combat the stench of your breath with one of these methods:
    • Drink plenty of water to dilute ketones.
    • Chew sugar-free gum or use sugar-free mint.
    • Chew mint leaves.

Method 3 of 4: Eliminate Other Causes of Bad breath

  1. Check your sinuses. Sinusitis or posterior nasal discharge (nasal discharge from the sinuses to the throat) is the main cause of 10% of bad breath cases. There are several methods you can take to combat it:
    • Seek medical attention. You will likely need antibiotics to treat sinusitis.
    • Use over-the-counter medications to dry your sinuses and prevent nasal fluid build-up.
    • You can spray salt water in your nose to thin it up and from there, you will be able to get rid of them easily.
    • Use a nasal wash to clean your sinuses.
  2. Be aware that some medications can cause bad breath. Although some medicines contain chemicals that directly cause bad breath, many others will dry out your mouth and thereby make your breath smell bad. In particular, you should be careful before the following drugs:
    • Betel.
    • Chloral hydrate.
    • Nitrites and nitrates.
    • Dimethyl sulfoxide.
    • Disulfiram.
    • Some chemotherapy drugs.
    • Phenothiazines.
    • Amphetamines.
  3. Stop smoking to treat bad breath. Smoking cigarettes can make your mouth smell like an ashtray. The only solution is to quit smoking, but you can also use peppermint candy or other mouth fragrances to deodorize. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Use a Mouth Fragrant

  1. Chew sugar-free gum to keep your breath fresh. You can find gum containing xylitol. The bacteria in your mouth latch onto this artificial sugar instead of your teeth. Chewing gum also makes you saliva, which helps prevent dry mouth, and removes bacteria and food debris. Be sure to use sugar-free gum.
  2. You can use mints, lozenges, or deodorant sprays. Whichever product you choose, remember to make sure they contain no sugar. Look for products that contain xylitol instead of sugar. And if you use deodorant sprays, you should choose non-alcoholic ones as they will dry out your mouth and contribute to bad breath. Remember: mints, lozenges, and deodorant sprays can only temporarily conceal odors; They are not a long-term remedy. If you are constantly using a mouth scent, see your dentist.
  3. Chew herbs to keep your breath fresh. Mint leaves are especially good for keeping breath fresh; They contain essential oils that have been shown to be extremely effective against bad breath. Other herbs you can use include sage, which has antimicrobial properties to help you deal with bad breath or eucalyptus. Fennel and parsley are both rich in chlorophyll, helping to keep your breath fresh and in addition, they are also often used as an ingredient to decorate many dishes.
  4. Chew nuts or seeds. Cilantro seeds, cardamom, and anise can all help freshen your breath, but don't chew too much. Especially anise seeds because they have a strong scent and can be unpleasant if used in excess. If you chew cardamom pods, be sure not to swallow them.
  5. Use alcohol to maintain good breath. Alcohol kills the bacteria that cause bad breath and for this reason, alcoholic beverages - especially scented ones - become a good way to fragrance your mouth. The more alcohol your drink contains, the more effective it is, but you should stay away from sugary drinks. They leave excess sugar in your mouth and can produce more bacteria.
  6. Gargle with baking soda. Baking soda is a natural mouth freshener. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda tea in a cup of water and rinse your mouth with this solution. advertisement


  • Be sure to consult your dentist or doctor if your bad breath does not go away even if you take the above measures. Persistent bad breath can be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as sinusitis or pneumonia, bronchitis, diabetes, or liver or kidney problems.