Ways to show respect

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Six Ways to Show Respect to Other People: Customer Service Training Videos
Video: Six Ways to Show Respect to Other People: Customer Service Training Videos


A respectful attitude plays a key role in maintaining close relationships. Learning to respect the efforts, abilities, opinions and characteristics of others will help you be successful and happy in your social life. Respecting yourself can help you to move confidently into a habit of respect and sharing with those around you.


Method 1 of 4: Respect other people's efforts

  1. Show gratitude. Thank you often for the help and support of everyone. It is important to remember all the people who have helped you in your life. Show respect with words of thanks. Even though there is no clear reason to thank, regularly showing gratitude means a lot to everyone. You can send mail, call, email and text messages to people who have not been in touch for a long time. It won't take more than a few minutes for you to express your heart. Remember to thank the following people:
    • Parents
    • Siblings
    • Colleague
    • You learn
    • Friend
    • Teacher
    • Neighbor

  2. Praise everyone's work. When you see someone succeed, pay attention to it, praise their talents and achievements. Learn to acknowledge their efforts and accomplishments and sincerely praise them. Complimenting the person in particular will seem more sincere.
    • Instead of the first reaction, "Why can't I?", Say, "So happy for him!" A positive attitude will pull attention away from you and spread the good news.
    • If a person you like is going through a difficult time or seems less praised than others, you can praise their efforts, attitudes or other positive qualities.

  3. Sincerely. Thanking and complimenting others is important, but people often don't appreciate compliments. You need to be sincere when you say thank you and show respect for the efforts of others. Show this from the bottom of your heart.
    • Even simple words like "It's always fun to see you" carry many meanings and show respect. You don't have to say fancy words.

  4. Keep promise. If you make a promise to an event or have a plan with someone, do your part. Keeping your promises is an expression of respect for the other person's time, while also showing that you did your best to go there for them. You need to respect the efforts of others by being punctual, prepared and enthusiastic.
    • Always be prepared for work, school or sports. Prepare documents in advance and complete tasks to do. Show respect for people by not wasting their time.
    • You may think that denying someone is disrespectful, but you also have to learn to stay steadfast and think realistic about your abilities. It will be very difficult to be respected if you do not keep your promises.
  5. Offer to help everyone. Proactively help when someone seems in need, especially if you are under no obligation to. Volunteer to help your friends move around or stay a little late to clean up after school events. Don't be limited to just your duties. Even teaching a younger brother to do his homework or helping his parents sweep the yard even without being told is a way of showing respect.
    • If your friend or neighbor seems depressed or is going through a difficult time, encourage them when needed. A “You can do it” encouragement can make a big difference for people who are struggling.
  6. Respect other people's abilities. Sometimes too much help is a sign of disrespect. There are times when you need to step back and let others prove yourself and handle situations under their control and deal with their problems.
    • Try to see when people can do their own thing, focus on your own work, and give them the respect they deserve. Comforting a person who has just had a broken relationship is far from insisting on helping someone cook instant noodles.

Method 2 of 4: Respect the opinions of others

  1. Listenable. Practice listening in a positive way to show people that you respect their opinions and opinions. Concentrate and be quiet when others speak, and take time to think positively about what they say.
    • It is very common that we just wait for our turn to speak without actually listening to what the other person has to say. Even if you disagree, try to think and understand the other person's point of view before responding. You are showing respect by listening and letting them express your opinion. The results may surprise you.
  2. Ask many questions. To show respect for someone's opinion, ask them. Ask open and lead questions to show that you really care about their opinion and are listening to them. This does not mean you gossip about other people or don't trust them. You can ask for more when they seem like they have something to say.
    • Instead of asking in-depth details, ask for the person's opinion on a particular topic. If someone tells a story, ask "How did you feel then?" Even if you think you know, you should still let them tell you. Let them talk about you.
    • Learn how to encourage people to engage in conversation. If you see someone who seems quiet while the group is talking, ask that person a specific question to open the door to communication. There is no need to attract attention with questions like "Why Duy is so quiet", you just need to ask "How do you think the HAGL team?"
  3. Learn about other people's perspectives. Learning to empathize with people who have different experiences and perspectives will help you learn how to show respect. Take pride in your views and opinions, but don't assume that everyone feels the same way and don't put them in the awkward position.You need to have a peaceful attitude and find out where the other person came from before you share your opinion to learn how to react appropriately.
    • It's easy to utter unintentional comments like "football is a dumb game", but how do you know if someone has a grandfather who just lost his life as a football referee and loves the sport so much? this?
  4. Be careful when arguing. Sometimes speaking up is also a way of respecting the wisdom of others. On the other hand, there are times when you should keep your opinions in mind and avoid unnecessary arguments that can make people angry.
    • Be flexible when it comes to debating opinions. If you think that developing football in college is going to cost you a ton of money, raise the issue with respect and say it, even if someone will disagree: "I worry. the money is pouring in so much on school sports that it should be for other more important things. How do you feel?" Show respect for others' opinions by sharing your own and listening to their arguments.
    • Perhaps arguing a hundred times with your uncle about same-sex marriage won't help. Do you have to bring up this topic while the family is gathering for dinner?
  5. Give a disapproving opinion with respect. When disagreeing with someone, do this with calmness and skillfully manage the conversation. Respect the other's perception. Don't insult their opinion or opinion, even if you disagree with them.
    • Try to find common ground between you and the other person before making any other ideas. Praise their opinion first, then give your opinion. A simple sentence like "That's a good idea, but I think it's a little different ..." can make the other person more willing to listen to you.
    • Your argument should be specific, avoiding offensive words such as "You're stupid" or "Nonsense."

Method 3 of 4: Respect yourself

  1. Take care of yourself. To show yourself respect, you need to make an effort to give yourself the same care as everyone else. Do not quickly change your ideas and desires for others. You deserve respect.
    • Know when to call for help. You need to respect your abilities and skills, but also know when things go beyond your capabilities. Don't make yourself more difficult than necessary.
    • Treat yourself to gifts or trips you deserve from time to time. Spend time with friends or doing exciting activities in the spare time.

  2. Avoid self-destructive behaviors. The habit of excessive alcohol or low self-esteem will wear out both physically and mentally. Strive to improve yourself and be with people who give you encouragement and helpful advice.
    • Are your friends the people you want to be with? Have they ever criticized you or downplayed you? Consider change.

  3. Stay healthy. Get regular checkups to make sure you have a healthy and fit body. Pay attention to treatment immediately when there is a health problem and do not delay when there is "bad news". Avoiding a doctor's office because you don't like it doesn't show respect for yourself and your health.
    • Exercise regularly and eat healthy. Start making a routine as simple as walking a few kilometers a day or doing a few gentle stretches to connect with your body and stay healthy. Cut back on unhealthy foods and eat a variety of nutritious foods.

  4. Stand up and protect yourself. When you want something, go out and grab it. Don't let your fear of touching others stop you from taking action for a better life and achieving positive things for yourself. Please share your opinion with everyone. If you want to change your career, form a band, or start acting as an actress at the age of 40, just do it. Make a decision and go to the end.
  5. Ambitious farming. We often sink into the boring things in our lives that are often created by ourselves. You should develop specific plans and steps to implement your intentions. Outline your own path of growth to constantly improve in life and enjoy a sense of contentment. Show yourself respect by being the best person you can be.
    • Consider making a five-year plan to strive to get where you want to go. If you are still in school, what are your plans for college? What are your plans after graduation? How do you achieve those goals in practice?
    • If you are working, are you satisfied with that career? Do you love what you are doing? What will you pay for your passion? How long will it take you to reach that goal? Is it possible? Answer the questions above honestly and make a plan for your success.

Method 4 of 4: Respect "the enemy"

  1. Don't judge others before you get to know them. Think well of others, even those who gave you a bad first impression. Each of us has our own problems to deal with. Think of them for a reason for such expressions, actions, and beliefs.
  2. Please cherish everyone. It's too easy to have reason to hate, look down on them, or drive away someone; But don't do that. Look for the rays of light and warmth in everyone. Cherish them, and this will make it easier for you to show respect.
    • Translate other people's quirks into strengths so you can change your attitude. Instead of thinking, "This person is so blatant and egotistical," say, "This man dares to say what he thinks. I like that character ”.
  3. If you can't say sweet sentences ... oh, then you know. Sometimes we have to be restrained. Learn how to differentiate between a frank conversation from an argument. You will stay alert and respected by everyone you know how to keep quiet. Don't put trouble in your body.
  4. Concentrate on your business. Do not interfere with other people's affairs and cause unnecessary feud. Usually people create a lot and get hate because they don't have much to worry about. Keep yourself busy and fill your life with fun activities so you don't have the time and energy to see what your neighbor is doing or how your classmates are doing their homework.
    • Choose new hobbies and spend less time on Facebook. Watching other people's lives on Facebook is also a pleasure to have, but it also gives rise to unnecessary jealousy and frustration.
  5. Interested in everyone. Showing cold indifference to people you don't like may be the easiest way to avoid confronting them, but it can also be a sign of a ruthless and impolite attitude, especially when in your home. At school or at work everyone loves the feeling of being involved. You don't have to be close with them, but show respect by taking care of people.
    • Try to communicate with people you don't particularly love. A "How are you?" At least show that you are trying, maybe even changing your way of thinking.