How To Know He Is Your Half

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Know If He’s Your Better Half
Video: How To Know If He’s Your Better Half


It's easy to think your guy is the perfect match, but it's hard to know for sure. To see if you're really serious about him - and if he deserves it - read the following tips and strategies.


Method 1 of 4: The Feeling He Gives You

  1. Realize that you feel like the Wonder Woman warrior when you're with him. He makes you feel like a superhero. You will find that you can be anyone and do anything by being with him. You will not be afraid of the challenges in life, because he gives you confidence that you are strong enough to overcome those challenges. With him, you feel like you can carry the world and win.

  2. Make sure you feel comfortable being yourself in front of him. Being yourself doesn't just stop at the "silly version" of you, which only your close friends or family know; but it's also about letting him see your flaws, whether it's when you don't wear makeup, after a sweaty exercise session, when you're scared, or when you cry.

  3. Make sure you don't feel ashamed of being around him. Do you feel the need to hide anything while around him? If you feel the need to hide something about yourself or your life, he probably isn't the other one. He'll love you no matter what, and if you are worried he will value your winter hairy legs, he may not be the right half.

  4. Consider how often you think about your future plans. Have you ever imagined that the two of you would gather together on birthdays or distant holidays? Have you ever fantasized about an apartment, house, pets or even kids that you will one day have? advertisement

Method 2 of 4: How He Treats You

  1. Notice when he says "I love you". It would be great for him to say "I love you too" after you say his love, but what's important is that you're not the only one to say love before the other half. Sometimes he needs to say that first. This shows that he thinks about the care he cares for you, and he is not merely saying the normative things he thinks you are expecting.
    • Even so, don't worry too much if you don't do it. Some guys are shy about sharing their feelings. Ask him why he never said love first, and say that you love hearing loving words. This can make him more comfortable saying he loves you.
  2. Make sure he doesn't force you to be intimate before you're ready. Someone who wants to enjoy your body before your heart is ready is clearly not interested in your needs. (And if he is blinded by his sexual desires, he will not be able to overcome the temptation of promising a home or building a family.)
  3. Notice if he is controlling you. If he constantly forces you to do this and that, tries to control your life, or manipulates your emotions to get what he wants, watch out! The guy is insecure and feels that he has control over your relationship. Your true "other half" should be confident when you're with you and let you be yourself.
  4. Notice if he stops you from getting close to his friends. If he turns down your participation in his social plans and avoids talking about the things he and his friends did last night, he clearly doesn't want friends in his life, or he is even doing. something shady behind you.
  5. Note if he is alluding to your future. If your relationship has not reached a point where you can openly discuss future possibilities, notice if he has any hint or suggestions. Even a little thing, like wondering what you two will do at an event for at least the next month or two, is a good sign.
    • If he proposed to you too early (say less than a year), take time to analyze why he's in such a hurry. If you tend to be content, suggest a long engagement period to be sure of it.
    • If he had absolutely no discussion about the mutual future of the two - even after a long time (say a year) - he might not even consider your futures.

Method 3 of 4: How You Treat Him

  1. Notice if you naturally miss his birthday, your anniversaries, and important dates for him. Here's one way to determine if he is worth thinking about even when he's not around; Creating a space for someone in your life is one thing, but creating a space for him in your mind is a completely different story.
  2. Notice if you are complimenting him when he isn't well-groomed. Are you attracted to food even when there is food on his teeth, or when his hair is flat because of his helmet? Or how much you like him depends on his grooming for you?
  3. Pay attention to whether you are interested in letting him participate in your life. Wanting to compliment him in front of his friends and want him to be a family member is a clear show of confidence. In other words, if you don't feel secure in a relationship, subconsciously, you will find excuses not to introduce or talk about him.
    • Do you include him in family plans, like inviting him on vacation with your family (or even assuming he'll go with your family without invitations)?
    • Do you want to help him get along with his family (or defend him) because it is so important that they like you?
    • Have you ever suggested that he call your mother when he needs advice on cooking, cleaning, etc.?

Method 4 of 4: How You Are Together

  1. Notice how the two of you made the other half change. As humans, we often change when we spend a lot of time with others (especially someone we care deeply about). Sometimes we change the other for the better, but sometimes we change them for the worse. You need to decide if you have a positive impact on him and whether he is a good influence on you too.
    • Do you find that either of you becomes increasingly possessive, jealous, distrustful, lazy, or constantly stressed? That is not the person you want to be with. They are definitely not the right person for you and you will not like who you are when you are with them.
    • Do you see that the two of you inspire each other to become better together? Do you strive more in life and for yourself when you are with him? And you too? Have you made the other person a better and happier person? It's a healthy relationship and you will help your partner's life improve.
  2. Think about his lifestyle. Is it in line with what you hope for the future? Does he share similar values ​​with you? For example, if you recycle trash but he throws the trash out of the car window, could this relationship go anywhere?
  3. Pay attention to how you two speak with concern. Is he comfortable letting you see his sensitive side? Do you openly say you love him, even use quantitative words like "I love you so much" or actively start a game "I love you more"?
    • Seek the difference between what was said and what messages were said transmitted to. We are often blind when someone lays out their sweet words about their love, making it impossible to realize if they have done anything to prove what they said. In the same way, we can get so frustrated that someone doesn't say half of the sweet words, to the point that we ignore the kind and loving gestures they bring. Think about whether either of you is in any of these situations.
  4. Notice how comfortable you two are in the same space as your partner. People often say that cohabitation is the reality test of fitness; A relationship that takes place entirely at a restaurant or park can be full of wine and roses, but having to share dishes, watch each other use a razor, or deal with filthy clothes will dispel all delusions immediately. If you live together, do you compromise on your own and shared responsibilities? If not, have you at least exchanged the keys of your residence? If you did, how comfortable are both of you?
  5. Ask yourself if you feel a comfortable balance with spending time with him and away from him. Having separate hobbies will make a relationship more enjoyable and help you both maintain healthy and independent qualities. If the relationship is on the right track, you will feel comfortable and trust even when you're apart. advertisement


  • Become best friends with each other to build a good relationship. It is important that you both listen to each other and compromise without quarreling too much.
  • Please understand him in the worst of situations. If you can accept it as part of the relationship then maybe he is the right person, but don't fall into a relationship thinking that changes some aspect of who he is, that's just create pressure and discord in your relationship.
  • If he talks about you to his friends, that's a great sign. That means he is not ashamed, even proud of you. If he kept the relationship as a secret, he might not be the right person.
  • The most important thing is to trust your hunch. Pay attention to your feelings and the reasons behind them. Are you in too much of a hurry? Or is there something holding you back?
  • Please be patient. Don't let him take over your body. If he does not respect that, everything will fall out of control.
  • Observe him while he is with his parents, siblings and the elders in his life. Do you respect and love them? Observing him while he was with his father, did he love and respect his choice? Is that the same for the women in your life?
  • Do not give him all the attention. If he needs all the attention from you and becomes sad or clingy when you're not caring for him, take this as your signal to stop.
  • Don't expect that the two of you will talk to each other or see each other every day. However, it only takes a minute to text or make a phone call to assure your partner that you miss them.
  • Be especially concerned with how he reacts when things don't go well for him. Do you control your emotions well?
  • Don't ask him to be fully committed to you. Doing so runs the risk of making him feel claustrophobic and this will only push him away from you.
  • If he tries to control you, this can lead to abuse, so end the relationship as soon as you can.
  • Don't burn the relationship and judge the other person too quickly. Good things often take time to show! You will likely see a change in him after a while, so keep your heart open and the answers to a long term relationship will come.


  • If he maintains a friendship with his ex but doesn't respect your limitations and feelings about this, he doesn't consider you important enough to change your relationship with your ex. (But remember, an ultimatum is not the way to go! If he has a close relationship with the ex and you make unreasonable demands about how much or less he should talk to the ex, you may be making him see that he's dating the wrong person.)
  • If he does something you don't want to tell your best friend, ask yourself if you're being honest with yourself. If your best friend tells her that her boyfriend is doing the same thing, what would you say to her? Kick him away? Talking to that person? Calm? Be honest with yourself and care about yourself as you would a good friend.
  • If he makes big decisions (like changing his career or moving to a new city) without your presence in that decision, he doesn't see you as a permanent part of his life.
  • If when you say, "I love you so much, so much, so much" and he hesitantly replies, "Yes, I love you too" then he might not love you as much as you do for him.