How to Turn a Ordinary Girl Into a Lover

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A famous actor who’s the idol of the girls at school is melted down by an ordinary and innocent girl
Video: A famous actor who’s the idol of the girls at school is melted down by an ordinary and innocent girl


One day, you suddenly realize that you are more in love with your friend than the level of normal friendship. You begin to realize that she has the qualities to be a lover, and wants to become closer to her emotionally. This is a rather difficult situation, because you want to find out how she feels about you, but you don't want to ruin the beautiful friendship you two have. But if you get it right, you can quickly turn your ordinary girlfriend into a lover.


Part 1 of 4: Situation Review

  1. Try to find out how she feels about you. She may not feel the same way you feel for her. Anyway, yesterday the two were still friends, and today one of you is looking for a way to take your affection to a whole new level. Could she show any signs that she might also be interested in some kind of sentiment more deeply than pure friendship? Is she flirting or wants to be with you all the time? Or does she just act in a casual, friendly, considerate, and affectionate manner but only in a friendly manner? Focusing on these things can help you become more aware of the situation.
    • Watch what she does as she talks to you. Did she act as usual, or did she suddenly become more attentive to herself? In this case, she may be feeling nervous because she is also expecting you to make a difference for her.
    • However, if she acts like nothing happened, that doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings for you. But it's best to try to understand her feelings thoroughly before going any further.
    • Normally, does she talk about guys she likes, but has she stopped talking about this topic lately? This could be a sign that you might be the only guy she has a crush on.

  2. Consult your friends. Thinking over and over about dating your girlfriend can keep you from seeing the signs clearly. If you have a few close friends who meet both of you often and are able to observe the situation objectively, don't hesitate to consult their sincerely to find out about the odds of your chances. have. A true friend will be his most honest opinion, and he will probably let you know if he thinks she likes you, or if she just sees you as a friend.
    • Of course, your friends will probably just tell you what you want to hear. But if you find a sincere friend and consult them, you may be in luck.
    • This does not mean that your friends are better able to see the situation than you, but they will help you resolve your doubts, or that they will be the one to inform you of that girl he actually likes someone else.

  3. Avoid letting yourself fall into the "we are just friends" situation. Be clear. The problem is that you are being too kind, because normally your friends will treat each other that way. Kindness is an admirable quality in friendship, but it can be quite bland in passion or love. Showing kindness instead of flirting and being bold will make her think that you're a great friend, not a lover. If you maintain this attitude, you will be stuck in a state friend zone. What is the answer? You need to flirt more! And if you don't think you're good at flirting, don't worry - flirting is, and should be, acting fun and mischievous.
    • Don't let her continue to act "friends" with you. Don't let her treat you like you were her girlfriend or just talk about a guy she likes freely. Make sure she loves you more than just a friend.

  4. You need to make sure this is something you do. Before you ask her to allow you to date her, make sure you are ready to take the risk this problem poses. If she is one of your best friends, or even if she is your best friend, find a way to make sure your feelings are completely genuine and that you are ready. "risk your life", and accept to give up the friendship you already own to make it love. Because after all, friendship is probably more important than couple love.
    • The truth is that most relationships won't end with marriage, and it will be difficult for you to return to your original friendship after the breakup. However, if you really like her and find that you can build a future with her, don't hesitate.

Part 2 of 4: Make Her Feel That You Can Be Your Lover

  1. Take care of your appearance. Always remember to take care of your appearance so that it always looks its best. If you've never paid much attention to how you look around her in the past, this might be a sign that she quickly learns that you're trying to push your relationship further. . Nonetheless, keeping your looks in top shape is also a good thing because it will boost your confidence. You shouldn't use too much gel in your hair or wear a formal outfit when you hang out with her, but taking care of your appearance will make her notice you more and help her realize that You are giving her a different kind of love.
    • Try to dress properly when you're with her, be sure to shower, shave, and do anything to make you look better. But don't wear a tuxedo or use too much lotion after shaving (aftershave). Choose clothes that suit your situation, and smell like you just soaked in a perfumed bath will only pay you a minus, not a plus. Use less is better. If you look good, you should feel better. An effort to take care of yourself is also a way for you to say, "You look! I've been trying to make myself look better, I really started to take care of myself. I care about you ".
  2. More mischievous. While the relationship you are in can be hilarious, the sense of humor will help you win over her heart. Make fun of her more often and be cheerful in her presence. Tell her about really funny things to make her realize that you're the guy who likes to find humor and joy in life. Gaze at her sensually, then laugh out loud as she starts to take it seriously (don't end up like an eccentric that likes to stare at others).
    • Find ways to compare your relationships with funny people you know in life or in the entertainment industry. Even better if they are romantically involved. For example, a few famous couples on the comedy stage include: Hari Won and Tran Thanh, Thanh Thuy and Duc Thinh, Cat Phuong and Thai Hoa.
    • Sometimes tickling is a game that can help, but be careful. If you try to "molest" her, you will really run out of chances to be her lover. However, not all girls like tickling. Watch her reaction and don't go overboard if she looks annoyed. Prepare yourself for tickling her.
    • Teasing her is also a way to be playful and flirt with her. Remember, don't end up making her feel offended by your mistake.
  3. Increase physical exposure. You may both feel that the other party is attractive. However, this is when you need to increase your exposure as seen as flirting but not out of line. For example, try to touch her at least 3 times every time you see her. Touch her for no more than two or three seconds (long enough to imprint your subconscious mind) and touch her only in the right places, such as her hands, shoulders, and neck.
    • Share food. The act of sharing food at dinner or a snack is quite intimate and can increase your chances of being close.
    • Hugging is also quite good. Hugging is an act of showing affection for your friend, but it can also help increase your intimacy that can help you break your friendships with her.
  4. Be a helpful person. Help her out, like helping her when you can. You can help her with anything from chores and fixing things to homework and preparing for an interview. Helping is a sign of concern, and it's a pretty tempting trait. She will find that you care about her and want to do the best for her. However, you shouldn't everything On her behalf, or if she doesn't, she might think you are a boast. She should also do good things for you.
    • Being helpful and helping her doesn't mean you can be bossy and snobbish. If she can do something herself, praise her openly instead of telling her you could do better. There is nothing more detrimental to a potential emotional partner than arrogance or disdain.
  5. Listen attentively to her. Don't just sit still and nod and pretend you're listening. Girls are often happy when you listen and take the time to really get to know them.In addition, listening can also benefit your future relationship and will also help strengthen your current friendship. Show her that you can be her lover in a polite manner.
    • When she talks to you, make eye contact with her and put the phone away or remove any other distractions. Show her that you really care about her every word.
    • Avoid interrupting her. Wait until she finishes talking about what she wants to say.
  6. Remember every detail about her. Things you should remember include her birthday, her siblings, her phone number, what foods and colors she likes, hobbies, ambitions, and things she said before. let you know. Write down important details if you are a forgetful person; It will help you to re-flash your memories before having important conversations. This will make her realize that you really care about her.

Part 3 of 4: Suggestions for Her to Know You Like Her

  1. Invite her to a party. If you both enjoy dancing and spending time partying, ask her to allow you to be her dating partner. Initially, this may help her feel more secure with someone close to her, and the atmosphere of the party and the natural excitement the event brings can help you guide things around. go as you wish. Spending time together at a party can push your relationship to the next step.
  2. Narrow the gap. Use your body language to get closer to her as you get strong signals that she cares. Tilt your shoulders towards her, lean toward her gently, face her face to face regularly and touch her. Once again, hugging is a pretty cool move! Note how she reacts as you try to get closer to her. If she is open to intimacy and appears to be comfortable with it, you are on the right track.
    • Remember not to fall on her or fall on top of her, hold her too tightly or hug her too hard.
    • Gently touch her leg with her leg. Only do this when you are sure she understands your intentions and begins to respond to it. This is quite a bold act, quite stimulating, and quite fun if you choose the right time.
  3. Let her look forward to your presence even more. Don't spend too much time with her. Instead, spend a lot of time with her, and then stop contacting her for a while, and then go on, remembering to flirt with her when you both meet. When you stop contacting, she will get a chance to think about you, hopefully. This will also make you the guy that other people can hardly have. If she knows that you are always there, she will be less likely to want to see you.
    • Spend more time with her when she's happy than when she's sad. This will help her associate happiness with your presence. If you succeed in making her your lover, then that's when you need to be there to support her when she needs it.
  4. Remember to flirt with her. Gradually increase your flirting if you get a positive response from her. Let everything happen naturally. Tease her a bit, be playful a little, lightly touch her, and treat her differently from other girls. Let her know that you are not only flirting because you like flirting, but because you have special feelings for her.
  5. Watch how she cares for you. As you get closer to her, you may find that she has a bit of a crush on you, too, observing these signs to see if she likes you or not.
    • She paints her nails differently one day, and changes the color on the day she hangs out with you. She's trying to get your attention through small things.
    • The bottom of the shirt goes up, and the collar goes down. Basically, she has noticed a different side of you, and she wants you to ... see ... something different ... in her. She wants you to know that she can be attractive too.
    • She often blinks and looks at you.
    • She moved more gently.
    • Her voice became fussy and slowed; and
    • She starts flirting with you a bit.

Part 4 of 4: Invite Her Out

  1. Become a little more brave. Go to the mall or go to the movies with her. Or you can go out together at night. When you meet her (make sure you are alone to avoid "eyes and ears"), say something like "Wow. You look beautiful". And smile.
  2. Choose the right time and place. If you want to go on a date with her, choose a place where you will both have some privacy, and at a time when she is completely free from thinking about other matters. While you don't want to wait too long to ask her a question, find a way to get you both a little private, and make sure she's in a good mood. For example, don't ask her about dating right before she has an important math test, or she will be completely distracted and stressed listening to you.
    • Once you've found the right moment, express that when she's alone, try to be as normal as possible. If her friends are around, you won't be able to have a great conversation with her.
  3. Tell her why you like her. Don't say too much about this. Just give her a few compliments and let her know that you enjoy spending time with her. Tell her why she's special to you and that you notice everything that makes her such a great person. Don't over embarrass her or raise the issue too quickly; Take a few minutes to make her feel special.
    • You can observe her reaction during this process - if she seems annoyed or as if she is searching for the nearest exit, don't proceed. But if she's excited and looks like she wants to hear more about it, you're in luck.
  4. Invite her out. Don't spend too much time getting to the main point. Just tell her that you are happy to be friends with her, but you want to take your relationship to the next level. Let her know you've thought through the matter carefully, and that, while you appreciate your friendship, you're willing to take the risk of going further. She will be happy that you have a lot of love for her and that you've taken the time to think about it to make sure you want to build love with her.
    • Just say, "Do you want to be my lover?". Or that "Do you want to date me?". You don't want to spend hours just getting to the heart of the matter. When you ask her a question, make eye contact with her and show her your sincerity.
    • Or, if you're pretty sure she's flirting with you too, or that she likes you too, lean closer towards her, and tell her "I need to tell you this. I think you are very beautiful, sweet and honest. I don't want to spoil the friendship we have. I just want to know if you have the same feelings for me or not. " Be prepared to accept her response. Hopefully she will smile and answer yes.
    • Remember, if you are too brave, you run the risk of ruining your friendship. Take it easy.Timing is important, and you won't want to rush.
  5. If she refuses, don't let it ruin your friendship. If she wants to be your lover, great! You can give her a hug, celebrate, and date her. But if she refuses, don't despair. Remind yourself that this can be a good thing again, and that you should maintain a long-term friendship rather than a short relationship that can be embarrassing and difficult for you to continue. make friend. Of course, you will also need time to get over your hurting ego, but after a few weeks, you and her will automatically become friends again.


  • Respect, and trust are essential! Without them, you would not only lose your chance to be her lover, but you would also lose your friendship.
  • Be friendly and remember to help her out from time to time.
  • Be honest and make her feel special.
  • Stand with her when needed. Stand up and protect her in front of others. This will leave a good, lasting impression on her.
  • Don't be shy, maybe she likes you too.
  • You may want to let her take the initiative after flirting. This will make things more certain.
  • Be kind to her and remember to call her every now and then, like 2-3 times a week. Then stop calling for 1 or 2 days. And keep getting back to calling or texting her. Sooner or later, she will remember the feeling of being noticed by you and will take the initiative. Pay attention to her a bit.
  • Touch her. Not in the wrong way. Avoid her lower back and chest area. Gently touch her and observe her reaction. If she is with you, hold her hand.
  • You can check out a fun quiz site like vonvon to see if you're both attractive to each other without having to reveal your own identity.
  • Tell her you love her in a language she doesn't know and then tell her what they mean.
  • Better to kiss her gently for the first time so you don't have to rush too much! Take it easy and it will definitely work.
  • Don't overdo it, or she may feel left out or lonely.


  • It's really hard to turn a friendship with a woman into love. Part of the reason is that women often value their pure friendship with men, because they feel that this makes it easier for them to ask questions or discuss issues about men without being confronted. method of judgment or abuse. Also, the shocking fact is that men often want to go further after months or years in pure friendship with women. Proceed with caution and make sure this is the change you really want.
  • Don't go over the limit by touching her. Only non-sexual, short-term, tender use should be used. If she asks you to stop without her doing it, this is sexually harassing, or if you touch her in a sexually provocative way without her permission.
  • In the process of trying to convert your friendship to love, you risk ruining your friendship. This is the risk you need to consider before the vibrations you get, before the time you both get to know each other and before the true nature of changing your friendship into a more intimate relationship. Listen to your heart's call and pay attention to every signal coming from her.
  • Avoid appearing hopeless. She will notice this action more easily and will underestimate you.
  • If you feel flutter in front of her and she doesn't care about you, retreat for a while. You may have to give up on pursuing her. Be prepared to talk about your intentions with her at all times and be sure to be open and honest.
  • If she's shy, be more considerate. Don't mistake her shyness as a reason to force your thoughts on her. If she says she doesn't like it, respect it.
  • You should be careful. In some cases, you may fail to turn a friendship into love. However, the two of you will likely become close enough to be able to come to a physically close relationship known as "friends with benefits." . This means the two are not emotionally attached to each other and are just friends, but are often sexually active. This relationship can be quite suitable for many people, however, for some it is quite a painful relationship, especially if one of the partners begins to care more deeply about the other person. again. It can also become a relationship of mutual benefit rather than concern for each other.
  • Don't flirt with other girls, or tell her about your old love story. This action is quite childish and silly.
  • Don't become a stalker, don't call her at 11 p.m. just to have an awkward conversation with her. Please respect privacy. If you want, you can text her, and so on, but you shouldn't call unless you have a good reason, or if you say, "Sorry, I'm just feeling fine. chat with me ". This is quite cute.