How to tame a freedom lover

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 28 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
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Video: Hissing Feral Cat Falls In Love With The Guy Who Rescued Him | The Dodo Cat Crazy


Do you crave devotion from someone who is insanely freedom-loving or loves everything unusual? The main principle in living together with a person of such an unbridled disposition is to make him feel that he is freer with you than with anyone else in this world.

Decide what attracts you to this person. People who are free in spirit love to go through life, following their whims; such concepts as punctuality, foresight and other little things are of little concern to free-thinking people. This often makes them incredibly creative and entertaining personalities, which is perhaps what attracts you in the first place. By imposing restrictions on them, even the most insignificant ones, you can easily suppress in them those qualities that make this person so desirable for you (this is in the event that you manage not to frighten them off immediately).

Keep this in mind as you follow these steps.


  1. 1 Leave the doors open - literally and figuratively. You do not need to go out openly and state this, but make sure to make it clear to your freedom lover that he or she can come and go as he pleases. This will help you build confidence in him.
  2. 2 Don't set boundaries by making rules. Restrictions for them are like chains, and they will make them run like crazy to the ends of the earth. Instead of saying, "Don't you ever try to deceive me," ask, "Are you really going to risk losing such a wonderful person like me, just to try something new on the side?" Make it clear to them that if they cross the line, they will lose everything.
  3. 3 Be clear about your priorities. What do you want most from a relationship? Obligations? Respect? Honesty? Affection? Friendly relations? Passion? Security? Stability? Can you narrow this list down to two or three points? The freedom-lover will not change his principles to satisfy all your needs. (This can happen, but only after there is complete trust between you.) Set realistic goals for yourself by setting what you most want out of the relationship — without expecting anything more.
  4. 4 Many things can scare freedom lovers away from relationships. It might even be some small, seemingly inconsequential quirks. Many of which may not be your fault at all. Just hold on. If something happens in the life of your freedom lovers that has something to do with you, and this makes their life difficult, do not give up. They can retreat briefly, even threaten to part. Do not try to convince them, but do not humble yourself. If they intend to break up, just tell them you don't want to. Remind how good you are together.If they end up breaking up your relationship, don't rush to move on to the next. Yes, it might hurt, but they might change their minds, and quickly.
  5. 5 Study this person inside and out. Explore their aspirations, quirks, their deepest desires, and their biggest fears. Always be open-minded and open-minded. Knowledge is power; the better you know the person, the less you need to control him. Moreover, over time, you will seem to him the only person who really understands him (and, as a result, the only person with whom he can be himself). For a freedom lover, this is a gift of fate.
  6. 6 Think carefully if there is a reason for the conflict. If the problem does not go against the priorities that you have set, then do not dwell on it and enjoy life. For example, if he was 15 minutes late and you ended up missing the movie, be flexible and go to the next movie; nevertheless, if he arrives 45 minutes late to pick you up somewhere in a bad area late at night, there is reason to talk seriously.
  7. 7 Leave the advantage to them to doubt. A person who values ​​independence will surely test your trust. You initially need to decide whether you can trust this person; if you feel that you can - trust him completely or do not trust at all. Of course, you can get burned, but you can also win a human heart that no one can touch to you.
  8. 8 Feel your spirit of freedom too. Don't sit at home wondering what he is doing or when he will call. Get in your car and drive around the city. Visit an old friend. Watch the new movie. Try a new dish. Your freedom-lover will appreciate it and feel a kindred spirit in you when both of you return home and share your impressions.
  9. 9 Love their spirit of freedom. The first thing that all freedom lovers expect from a relationship is the ability to accept; otherwise, they perceive it as a threat to their freedom. You should also make sure that you are not overly demanding and obsessive, no matter how much you love him / her; this usually makes them shiver. Only if you accept them as they are can they trust you - and only with that trust will you be able to develop great relationships. Just remember that freedom is something that must not only be endured, but also appreciated; with love and understanding, you will be able to give the freedom-lover just the support that he needs.


  • Don't try to change this person. This is a classic mistake in any relationship, but it is especially important when you are dealing with characteristic personalities.
  • Freedom lovers do not like censure from the outside, this will only push them away or make them disappear altogether. Be careful with what you say and do. But once you get on the same level (when you learn to accept them for who they are), they can become the most unusual people you have ever met.
  • Give them time for themselves and their plans. Sometimes you just need to let them go on their own, making it clear that when they get there, you will already be waiting for them there.


  • In many cases, you will not be able to finally pacify the freedom-lover. The only sure thing you can do is push them to make you a part of their freedom.
  • If nothing else can be done, try to start enjoying freedom a little by little. Support their hobbies and tell them that you value their decisions. Freedom can be tricky sometimes (not everyone accepts you for who you are, and empathy can be a problem), so support can be an important change for the better.
  • Just because you are allowing freedom into your life does not mean that you have to start doing dangerous things like unprotected sex, taking drugs, riding a motorcycle without a helmet, etc.Not every lover of freedom is trustworthy (just as not every “normal” person can be trustworthy); some cannot be tamed and others are just selfish. ...
  • But do not think that everything can be attributed to love of freedom. Respect their boundaries; just because they are different from yours does not mean that they do not exist.