How to make dreams come true overnight

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to make a wish come true overnight - manifest subliminal video
Video: How to make a wish come true overnight - manifest subliminal video


If you want to make your dreams come true overnight, you need to have a clear goal, a positive way of thinking, plus a little luck. Don't just wish and assume that this universe will give you exactly what you want - you need to imagine that your wish has come true and use the power of optimism. Start by writing down your wish, meditating on it, considering making it more specific, and reading it over and over again. Create a vision board or spell to better understand what you want. If you can, take action to get closer to your dream. And one thing you also need to remember is, there is no way to magically make anything happen overnight.


Method 1 of 3: Make a wish

  1. Be realistic about the limits of your wish. Understand that just wishing is not enough to make anything happen. However, that also does not mean that wishes are in vain. Writing down and focusing on your wish will help you to know what you want, why you want it, and how to get it. You will be much more experienced if you realize that aspiration is actually a technique of visualization rather than a miracle.
    • See what you can accomplish overnight and act on it. Do your best to achieve the goals.

  2. Determine what you want to be true. Begin with the question, "What am I hoping for?" Be specific and find out what you want to happen in the next 24 hours. If there's absolutely no way for your wish to come true overnight, consider turning it into a long-term goal.
    • For example, the wish "I want to graduate from a prestigious school" cannot happen if tomorrow is not the graduation day and you have not completed the program. Wishes like this should be a long-term goal.
    • If you don't know what you wish for, think about something happening tomorrow that will make you happy. Try to figure out something that needs to be done for the best scenario to come true. Any good things that can happen tomorrow can theoretically be considered a wish.
    • You need a little luck for your wish to come true. Even if you wish for something that is not completely under your control, that's fine.

  3. Make your wish as specific as possible. Once you have a general idea of ​​what you want, think about whether it can be narrowed down a bit. For example, if you wish to have a boyfriend, try adding more details to your wish. Do you want your boyfriend to go to a certain school? Does he have any special hairstyle? How did the two of you meet? Questions like that can help narrow your wishes.
    • It can be difficult to know if a very general wish will come true. For example, if you wish you were in good health, then did your wish fail when you had a runny nose? The more specific your wish is, the easier it will be for you to know if you have achieved it or not.

  4. Ask yourself why you want that wish come true and correct it. What must be, it will come. If your wish comes from greed and selfishness, you may need to adjust it in a more positive direction.Once you know what the main idea of ​​your wish is, ask yourself, "Why do I want this to come true?" and "Will this world be better or worse if my wishes come true?" The answer will tell you whether to wish for it or not.
    • For example, if you wish to get a good score report, don't think "I wish I got a good score to show your friends how smart I am." Instead, think, "I want to get good grades because it shows that I am making progress in my personal development."
    • Never wish to hurt or harm someone else.

    Advice: Don't wish for more than one wish. If you are distracted, both wishes may not come true.

  5. Write down your wish, reflect on it and hang it in your room. Write your wish on a blank sheet of paper, look at it for 1-2 minutes and read out loud what you have written. Use specific language and think about any way to make your wishes even more clear and accurate. Reflect on whether your intentions are good or not. Once you've made a wish, you can rewrite or keep your first draft and hang it up in a conspicuous place in the room.
    • When you often see a clear, verbal wish on paper, you'll be motivated to stay focused on it. And sticking the paper in a place where other people can read it will help you stick to your goals if your wish doesn't come overnight.
  6. To create one vision table to visualize a wish. Find a large board or foam board. Buy some magazines or print out some pictures that you find on the internet related to your wish. Cut out the pictures and use glue or tape to stick on the board to create a vision board. Which way the vision boards are arranged is up to you! Paste multiple layers of photos and add illustrations the way you like to create your own unique touch.
    • The vision board will help its owner focus on its goals and envision success. It also serves as a therapy or a fun creative activity.
    • For example, if your wish is "I wish my first day of school will work and I am loved by my classmates", you could cut out pictures of happy friends together, teachers. the teacher is smiling at the student or a photo of close friends giving a hug.

Method 2 of 3: Refuel a wish with positive energy

  1. Imagine Your wish comes true. Don't let worry and fear dominate you. Imagine everything you would expect. Draw in the mind the most beautiful scenario. Visualize your wish coming true as you prepare to go to bed, make a vision board, or even talk on the phone. Keep thinking about the positive things to make sure you are prepared for a great result!
    • If you struggle to stay positive, try to identify the causes of your negative thoughts and fight them.
    • For example, if you are afraid of not getting what you are looking for at Christmas, try to find out what you really fear. If you are afraid of being forgotten by your family or Santa, fight that fear by reminding yourself of every reason you deserve to be remembered!
  2. Meditate to stay calm and face your wishes. When meditating, sit upright on a chair or floor in a lotus position. Turn off the lights and remove any distractions. Close your eyes and focus on breathing steadily by counting each breath. When you relax, start thinking about your wishes. Allow your mind to wander freely to explore other paths, other ways of thinking.

    Advice: Meditation is an effective way to think about the results and the different aspects of wishes. For example, when wishing for a friendship with a best friend, you can imagine the prospect of the two of you remaining close to each other for many years.

  3. Write down your wishes over and over to create a spell. A mantra is a phrase or slogan that is repeated over and over. The goal here is to help you focus on the phrase in order to visualize it and make your wish come true. Sit down and take a blank sheet of paper in front of you. Start at the top left corner of the page to write down your entire wish. On the second line, write down that wish by copying word for word. Continue like this until you have filled the page.
    • You can let your mind drift a little while doing this. Think about every word you are writing and listen to your body.
  4. Recognize the limitations of aspiring and do not despair. There may be a time when you find yourself encountering obstacles in fulfilling your wish. At such times, continue to move forward and correct your wish. You also need to understand that aspiration is not a scientific way to achieve your goals. It is simply a tool that helps you draw closer to your desires and energize them positively.
    • Wishes are not scientific. There is no way to guarantee that your wishes will come true.
    • The most common restriction is the desire for others to behave in a certain way. For example, you might think, "I wish Dad would buy me a new game set tomorrow." This wish requires your father to do something beyond your control. Try changing it to "I wish there was a new game set tomorrow."
  5. Avoid using spells or other tricks in order to achieve your wishes. Charm, enchantments, or other mystical tricks cannot make something happen. These can be used as a means of visualization or contemplation, but they cannot directly help you achieve your aspirations.
    • You will be extremely disappointed if you have failed to put all your faith in some kind of magic.

Method 3 of 3: Action

  1. Determine what you can achieve overnight. If your wish includes something that can be done today, take action now. For example, if you wish tomorrow's exam would go well, then you must study the night before and review your notes! If your wish revolves around falling in love with someone, pick up the phone and call the person you have a crush on and invite them out!
    • You can't sit around and hope that the best of dreams come true without taking any action to achieve them.

    Advice: Your wishes will not be hindered if you act accordingly. In fact, you are making your dreams come true!

  2. Talk to a friend or loved one about your goals to get help. If your wish can be achieved with the help of someone else, think about whether a close friend or relative is willing to help. Tell them what you want and what you want to achieve in one night's time. Even if they can't help you directly, they can still give you advice to get you closer to your goals.
    • Say, “I have a wish and I am looking forward to it tomorrow. Do you have time to talk to me for a while? "
  3. Make a to-do list so you can make your dream come true. Before you go to bed, take out a pen and paper and write down all the steps you can take over the next few days to get what you want.Keep your to-do list in a prominent place in the room and do it from top to bottom. Cross out each item when finished.
    • For example, if you wish to graduate from a prestigious university, include items such as “Find good schools that you can afford to attend”, “Learn about the application process”, and “Visit selected school during summer vacation ”.
    • Put the most achievable goals at the top of the list to make sure you get the first few hits. This will give you a good start and create momentum.
  4. Put your wish under the pillow while you sleep. Take the first piece of paper you write down your wish for, fold it and place it under your pillow. When you fall asleep that night, believe your wish will come true. You will sleep better knowing that your wish is under your pillow, and since it is next to your head, it will help focus your mind while you sleep! advertisement