Sell ​​your house yourself

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How I Sold My Own House: For Sale By Owner Tips & Technique
Video: How I Sold My Own House: For Sale By Owner Tips & Technique


If you sell your own home yourself, you can save thousands of euros in real estate costs. In this article we explain step by step how to do it.

To step

  1. Clean your house well. Once you decide to sell your house, it is a good idea to give it a thorough cleaning. Do not forget to clean all those places that you normally always skip, such as blinds, the gutter and the window frames. If you don't have time for that, hire a cleaning company to do it for you. A clean house will give the appraiser a better impression of the house and will certainly attract more potential buyers.
    • Clean up all unnecessary clutter. Make your home look spacious and tidy by removing all unnecessary items. Your cabinets will look better, you create space in the living room and you get a sleek bathroom. Buyers want to feel like they are buying a house with enough space, cleaning up a lot of your personal clutter will help them better imagine how they would live there. If you can't afford to throw away your belongings, consider renting temporary storage space until you move.
  2. Have your house appraised. Of course you want to sell your house for the highest possible amount, but you have to remain realistic. Many houses that are for sale without the intervention of a real estate agent remain for sale for a long time because the asking price is much too high. For example, the seller thinks his or her home is worth more than the current market price, or the seller already has a certain amount in his or her head and refuses to move away from it. An independent appraisal of the value of your home ensures that you have clarity about how much your house can yield. In addition, it gives you a stick to hit with if a potential buyer thinks the price is too high.
    • Do not base your asking price too much on the WOZ value. It is a good idea to know the WOZ value of your house, but this value is not always an accurate reflection of the market value.
    • Hire an appraiser. A certified appraiser will visit you, measure the various living areas, take notes and photos, research any leases and compile a list of comparable homes sold in your neighborhood in order to arrive at a realistic sales price. An appraiser is not cheap, but it always costs less than selling your home through a broker, and the value that the appraiser determines will be more accurate. When you have received the valuation report, make a copy and keep it in a safe place. You can then provide the original in case of a serious candidate.
    • Be aware of the effects of your neighborhood on the market price. If you live in a neighborhood where houses are sold like hot cakes, this has a good effect on the price you can charge for your house. Conversely, it will have adverse consequences if you live in a problem area where there is a lot of crime.
  3. Have your house inspected. Many real estate agents give buyers the option to have a home inspected before purchasing, so be prepared to have the home inspected. During a building inspection, the foundation, the roof, the sewer, the pipes and everything that a potential buyer cannot see with the naked eye. A buyer may request certain repairs after inspection. Follow the recommendations and make repairs.
  4. Know the strengths of the house. Before you put your house on the market, it is good to draw up a list of the strengths, the "selling points" of the house. These are the points that you think will attract buyers. Think of schools and shops in the vicinity, public transport, parking, recent renovations, insulation or solar panels. Make sure you put these features to good use when selling your home, when talking to people about your home, and of course when you have a viewing. Memorize the list to make sure you don't forget anything.
  5. Market your home. It starts, of course, with the "For Sale" sign. But that's just the beginning.
    • Advertise online. List your home on ad sites. Let Facebook know that you are selling your house or post a link to the online ad.
    • Make flyers. If this is allowed in your municipality, you can stick flyers on lampposts and traffic lights in places with a lot of traffic.
    • Look for potential buyers yourself. List your house to big companies looking for homes for their foreign employees, tell the other parents at school that you have a great house for sale. Do what you can to showcase your home.
    • Don't underestimate the effect of oral advertising. Tell all your friends, your family and your colleagues that you are selling your house. If you are in a hurry, you can offer a reward to whoever supplies you with a serious buyer, such as an expensive bottle of wine or a dinner party.
  6. Be available for viewings. If potential buyers want to come and see the house, make sure you are available. Be flexible. If you are short on time off due to work or otherwise, ask a close friend to be available for any viewings.
    • Create an inviting, peaceful atmosphere. Check the house quickly before the viewing is. Remove food, quickly put the dishes in the dishwasher and remove all laundry. Make sure the house smells good. Open some windows if the weather is good. If it's cold, make sure it's nice and warm when they come in or light the fireplace. Play some soft classical music. In this way, the buyer gets a cozy, calm impression of the house.
    • Be a good host or hostess. This may seem like unnecessary advice, but some people are so into selling the house that they forget to be polite. When the potential buyer comes in, first give a firm handshake and look him or her in the eye. Introduce yourself and ask for his or her name. Once they are in, ask if they would like a drink, such as a cup of coffee. Ask about any children, pets or hobbies and try to connect that to the qualities of the house. Take them on a tour of your house. At the end you ask them if they want to know anything, maybe they want to see a certain room again. Have your contact details ready on a card. If you come across as a polite and well prepared person, they are more likely to enter into a transaction with you.
    • Stay positive. Always be honest, but don't dwell too much on any downsides to the house. Don't apologize for cluttered rooms. If you have to sell your home because of a death or divorce, don't bother the potential buyer with that. Make sure that the viewing as a whole is positive so that they leave the house with a positive feeling.
    • Keep your valuables safe. Before you have a viewing, it is a good idea not to leave valuable or irreplaceable items open and exposed. Don't let potential buyers wander around the house on their own.
  7. Immerse yourself in financing. Most sellers assume for the sake of convenience that buyers have gone through the process before and know exactly how it works with mortgages. But if the buyer doesn't have a broker to help with that, you can take advantage of it. Give some tips on how they could get the financing on your house. But don't be too compelling, it should of course come across as free advice. For example, a good knowledge of financing can help you sell your own home.
  8. Be willing to negotiate. If a potential buyer says he or she is interested in your home, but still has doubts, now is your chance! Did you see how that man looked at your Weber barbecue? Give it for free. Were they a little disappointed with the condition of the paint on the window frames? Say that you are willing to drop 1000 euros with your price so that they can have the windows painted. Lowering your price or giving away a new washing machine can ultimately be cheaper than continuing to pay that double mortgage. Negotiation is very normal at this stage.
  9. Come to an agreement quickly. When you notice that the negotiation has started, try to reach an agreement right away. Make sure you have everything prepared to be able to sell and move quickly. If you disagree with the price offered, never say "No". Always make a counter offer, but don't overthink it. Chances are that the buyer has several houses in the back of his or her mind. The speed of a counter offer can help to win them over.


  • If you are in a hurry to sell, you can look for investors who buy many houses at once. You may get less for it, but then you can sell it quickly.
  • Always be honest about the downside of your house. If you try to hide the fact that the foundation needs to be replaced, you can still run into problems after the sale.
  • Choose wisely if you are going to make improvements to the home. It is best to make improvements to the kitchen, bathroom and window frames. Don't spend too much time on the garden or other cosmetic enhancements.


  • Most buyers will be aware that you are not paying a commission to a broker and will adjust their offer accordingly. You run the risk of losing any profit as a result.