Know if your toe is broken

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Know If Your Toe Is Broken
Video: How to Know If Your Toe Is Broken


Do you feel like your toe is broken, but not sure? A broken toe is a common injury and can be caused by dropping something on your toe, exercising, or simply by bumping your foot very hard. Most fractures heal on their own without requiring treatment, but in some cases you may need to see your doctor. If you can estimate whether your toe is broken, you can more easily determine whether a visit to the doctor is necessary.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Examining your toe

  1. Assess how much pain you are in. If your toe is broken, it will hurt when you stand or press on it. You can probably still walk, but moving around will make the pain worse. Pain in your toe doesn't necessarily mean it's broken, but persistent pain could be a sign of a fracture.
    • If the pain is excruciating when you put your weight on your foot, you may have a serious fracture. In this case, go to the doctor immediately. Smaller fractures are less painful and may not need to be treated by a doctor.
    • If your toe is not only very painful but also tingles, then that is also an indication of a broken toe.
  2. Treat a severe fracture according to your doctor's directions. If the fracture is so severe that you have to cast or wear a brace or special shoes, you should probably give it complete rest for 6 to 8 weeks. If you have surgery, it often takes even longer to heal. You may have to go back to the doctor several times to make sure it heals properly.
    • If you have a serious fracture, follow your doctor's advice. If you don't, it will take much longer to heal completely.


  • Ice pack
  • Tape and gauze