Know if a friend considers you just a friend

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Signs Someone Only Likes You as a Friend
Video: 10 Signs Someone Only Likes You as a Friend


How a guy treats you says a lot about how he feels about you. Does he see you as a potential girlfriend or as a regular girlfriend? Is he in love with you or does he consider you more of one of his buddies? There are a few methods for finding out whether or not a friend wants to be your boyfriend. You can look at his way of communicating or body language, but the best way to find out is to just ask him.

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Method 1 of 3: Assess his way of communicating

  1. Listen to how he speaks to you. If he's given you a boyish nickname, it means he's comfortable with you. Additionally, if he uses the same names for you as his other friends, it could be a sign that you are good friends, but nothing more. Flirty or unique nicknames - like sweetheart, babe, or sweetheart - can indicate that he's interested in you romantically.
    • Platonic names can be something like: dude, man, bro, and mate.
    • Flirty nicknames include sweetheart, sweetheart, beauty, and doll.
  2. Pay attention to what he's talking about. If the topics of your conversations only revolve around sports, dirty jokes, vehicles, or video games, then he keeps your interactions purely platonic. If he entrusts you with his deepest insecurities and secrets, he may open up to you in a way that he doesn't with his male friends.
    • If interested, he can make specific comments about your sexuality and body. If his sexual comments are about other women or women in general, it could mean that he just considers you one of the guys.
  3. Keep track of how often he starts conversations. If he's not starting texts or conversations, he probably just sees you as a friend. But if he's constantly texting, calling, and asking to see each other, it could be a sign that he wants to get closer to you.
    • If he's texting you early in the morning and late at night, it could mean he's thinking about you when he's alone. Likewise, if he texts you right back, it could be a sign that he is interested in you.
    • If he waits a long time to respond to your messages, it could mean that he only considers you a friend.
  4. Pay attention if he asks you about other men. If he keeps asking you about your relationships with other men, he may try to find out if you are single or not. If both of you have mutual male friends, he may be concerned that you are dating one of them instead of him.
    • If a man demands to know what you are doing with other men, it is a sign of a jealous or controlling personality. If a friend tries to keep you from hanging out with other men, take this as a warning sign, and set boundaries.
  5. Check how often you are alone. If you only see each other in a group setting, you may have a hard time determining whether he likes you or not. Try asking him to do something together. If he wants to, he may still see you as a regular friend, but if he doesn't want to, he indicates he's not interested. If the two of you are alone together often, it may indicate that he cares deeply about you.
    • When the two of you are together, he may touch you more than he does in public, or he may have deep conversations. These conversations can be about past relationships or uncertainties about his future. This can be read as a sign that he trusts you. Such trust can be indicative of a deeper relationship.
    • If he behaves the same way either alone with you or in public, it still means that you two are good friends, but it could be a sign that he isn't interested in a romantic relationship.

Method 2 of 3: Observing body language

  1. Try to initiate physical contact. He may be waiting for you to initiate physical contact. Sit next to him so one leg and shoulder is touching his and watch him react. You can also put your arm over his shoulders or touch his arm.
    • If he doesn't seem to respond, it means that he is comfortable with you and considers you a good friend.
    • If he leans towards you or puts his arm around you, it could be a sign of romantic interest.
    • When he withdraws, he doesn't want to encourage further physical contact. This could be a sign that he is not interested.
  2. Notice how much distance he keeps between you. If you're alone or hanging out in a group, pay attention to how close he is to you. If he's holding you closer than arm's length, he may enjoy your closeness and may want more physical contact. Even if he is always sitting next to you in a restaurant, bar or movie, he shows that he appreciates your closeness more than the others. On the other hand, if he doesn't care where you stand or sit, he probably considers you a friend.
  3. Watch how it sits. If he's leaning toward you or sitting with his body open (legs spread and shoulders rolled back), he may be attracted to you. Fiddling with objects, showing you his hands and palms, and nodding in agreement when you say something can also indicate interest. However, if his body is turned away from you or he appears closed (his arms and legs crossed), he may consider you merely a platonic friend.
  4. Watch his eye contact. If he makes excessive eye contact with you, especially in a group of people, it means he is more interested in you than anyone else in the room. See if he makes eye contact and then shyly looks away. This is a common sign of attraction.
  5. Watch his gestures. If he actively gestures when he's talking to you, it means he's interested in what you're saying. If he nods along with what you say or gestures at you, he tries to involve you with him. If he rubs his hands together, it could be a sign that he's nervous about talking to you. Finally, when you notice that his gestures are like yours, his body indicates that he is interested in you.

Method 3 of 3: Talk to him about it

  1. Make sure you are alone. If you want to talk to him about the state of your relationship, find a time when the two of you can be alone. Ask him if he's off for the weekend and then invite him to your place. If he doesn't agree or tries to get out of it, it could be a sign that he's not interested.
  2. Do your normal things. Don't immediately bombard him with the big question. Do something fun that the two of you always love to do together. Play a video game, watch a movie, or talk about sports.
  3. Ask him if you can talk. When you feel the time is right, pause the video game or movie. You can even wait until just before he goes home. Ask him if you can talk for a few minutes. Reassure him that you don't want to make things uncomfortable, but that you want a little more clarity about your relationship. You don't have to reveal whether or not you like him.
    • You can say something like, "Hey, do you mind if we talk for a second? I want to discuss something with you. I'm a little confused about the state of our relationship, and I want to be clear about how we feel about each other. "
  4. Make sure you are good friends no matter what. A conversation like this can be tricky, and you want your friend to feel as comfortable as possible. Tell him how much you value your friendship.
    • You can say, "Your friendship means so much to me, and I want to make sure it lasts. At the same time, I want us both to know clearly how we feel about each other. "
  5. Ask him what his feelings are about the relationship. The question itself can be difficult. You may want to practice with a friend or therapist beforehand to help you. There are a number of ways in which you can phrase the question.
    • "How do you see our relationship?"
    • "Do you think we'll ever be more than friends?"
    • 'What you think of me?'
  6. Give him enough time to respond. He may be shy, timid, embarrassed, or nervous. Give him some time to think and formulate his answer. Don't interrupt him. Wait for him to finish talking before saying anything.
  7. Understanding his response. If he says you're like a sister, friend, or "one of the boys" to him, it's a sign that he appreciates your friendship but doesn't want anything more than that. Respond stylishly. Tell him it's okay for him to feel that way and that you are much happier knowing how he really feels.
    • Say something like, "I fully understand what you are saying. You're my best friend, and I want to make sure we can stay friends. I'm just glad we were able to talk about this. "
    • Your friendship may not be exactly the same as before, and it will feel a little awkward right after. However, if your boyfriend still wants to hang out with you platonically, that's a sign that he does care about you, albeit not in a romantic sense.
  8. Let him know how you feel when he confesses his love. If he admits that he likes you more than a regular girlfriend, be clear about how you feel about him. If you experience the same romantic attraction, tell him immediately.
    • You can say something like, "I'm glad to hear that. I like you too, and feel the same about it. "


  • It is always best to have this conversation in person. While it may be difficult, having a private conversation will strengthen your relationship and make it easier for him or her to hang out with you after the conversation.
  • If he doesn't have feelings for you, try to stay friends. Don't bring it up again or lash out at him. You can be sad at first, especially if you were deeply in love. If you feel like you can't stay friends, gradually break down.
  • If he likes you, he may or may not ask you out right away. He may be figuring out his own feelings and may want to take it easy. It may also be that he wants to start a relationship right away. Talk to him about your own feelings and expectations. Be honest in your relationship.


  • While it is almost always better to be honest about your feelings, try to understand how he may feel after the conversation. Text him the day after and see if he responds. If he's avoiding you, give him some space. Try to get back in touch after a few days.
  • If you can't put your feelings aside right away and they cause depression or anxiety, you may need to spend less time together.