Knowing if a guy is nervous because he likes you

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell If A Guy Likes You But Is Hiding It 😳🥰
Video: How To Tell If A Guy Likes You But Is Hiding It 😳🥰


Guys are confusing, to say the least. It's so hard to find out if they like you, and it can drive you crazy not being able to find out the truth. One particular kind of guy who is really hard to decode is the somewhat nervous / shy type. While there are useful clues to find out if a boy likes you, this will be different for each boy.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Observe his behavior

  1. Watch his attitude. If you talk to him online, make sure he's confident and talkative, then see if he treats you the same way in real life. If he likes you, chances are he will be nervous / shy when you sit across from him.
  2. Pay attention to who initiates the conversation. When talking to him online, pay attention to who usually initiates the conversations. If he is, that's a good sign that he likes you.
  3. Look out for emoticons. Nowadays people use inappropriately with emoticons. It's usually a good indication that he likes you if he sends you smiley faces on a regular basis. If you feel flattered by this, send a smiley face back. It can give him the courage to ask you out.
  4. Wait to be contacted. When a guy tries to touch you in a casual way, it's a good indicator that he likes you. Beware of the creeps who try to touch you in inappropriate ways. When done appropriately, just smile and keep the conversation going.
  5. Watch tall tales. Some men will take the more primitive route and try to impress you with their performance. Even a nervous type can embellish a story just for you. Notice if he tries to get your attention with a story about how he "tries to save sea otters from the South Pacific" or how his "father was in Fleetwood Mac".
    • Usually they'll mention something small like "Yes, I play electric guitar" or "Did you see my touchdown last Friday?"
    • If you like him too and he starts singing his heroic deeds, play the games for a while, but then quickly change the subject.
  6. Try to find out about he talking about you. You can't really start looking for this. It only happens when it happens. Sometimes a guy who is interested in you will try to find out more about you through your friends. This is a clear indication that he likes you.

Method 2 of 3: Pay attention to his body language

  1. Watch his body language. You can tell from his behavior whether he is nervous around you. Compare how he behaves around his friends with how he behaves around you. Does he radiate a certain desire in you?
  2. Watch for restless behavior. Many men are not that smooth and have very little experience approaching a girl. A reflection of our current generation is a feeling of unease, which can cause fiddling. Watch what he does with his hands.
  3. Check how close he gets to you. He may try to get closer to you. Notice if he casually leans towards you in a crowd. Even when the two of you are together, you notice that he comes close enough to you for subtle contact. These are good indicators that he likes you.
  4. Watch his smile. One of the simpler signals a boy can send is simply with his smile. Sometimes men just smile extra, but if you notice that a lot of those smiles are aimed at you, then that's a good sign.
  5. Watch for eye contact. Find out if he is looking at you when he thinks you are not looking. He could do a number of things if you catch his eye. He could immediately look down, look at you for a few seconds and then look down, or just keep staring at you.
    • Look him in the eye. If you feel like you've had eye contact with him longer than you have with other people, even if it's only a fraction, then something is probably blossoming.

Method 3 of 3: Listen to him

  1. Pay attention to the questions he asks. If a guy likes you and you talk to each other, he can ask you a lot of questions. If he's a smooth talker, you may not even notice. He fishes for common interests.
    • Continue on a shared interest if you find him getting excited about a topic. In turn, ask him questions to see if he is pretending or being sincere.
  2. Listen to his tone. Sometimes men change the sound of their voice depending on who they are talking to. Listen to him in a group with his friends. Then notice if he talks to you the same way when you're alone. If he talks to you the same way, it doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't like you. His voice should be slightly softer.
  3. Watch for murmurs. Some people naturally mumble. When guys like a girl and easily mumble, you may hear that. This is more typical of a shy man.
    • If you are in such a scenario and you want him to relax, put your hand on his shoulder or the top of his forearm.
  4. Listen to everyday conversations. In many cases, when you like each other, it doesn't matter what you're talking about. Two people who like each other can go on and on about the most everyday topics. Think back to your conversations. Wonder if the topic was bleak, but your body chemistry felt upbeat.
  5. Call each other. If this guy likes you and you like him, give him a call. Why wait for the man to take the initiative. Take control and call him. See if the conversation is natural.
    • Some people don't like phone calls, but sometimes you can tell if they try anyway.


  • If a guy is confident around other girls, but shy and nervous around you, then it's almost certain that he likes you.
  • Girls, trust your heart. It does not lie. If you "really" think he loves you, then it probably is. Just don't kid yourself.
  • If you like him, try flirting with him online or in person. If he flirts back, that's a good indication that he likes you.
  • Notice if he accidentally touches you (e.g. arms, legs), and if he moves or not. If he likes you, he probably won't move.
  • You can test whether or not he loves you using the "personal space test". Step into the boy's personal space so that you practically touch each other. If he likes you, he will either flinch because he's nervous / shy or stay where he is.
  • Does he avoid your look and you, but when you approach him does he seem happy to see you? Then he likes you. He's just in awe of you.


  • Just because a guy is nervous about you around doesn't mean he likes you. He may be generally nervous with girls. If he talks easily to other girls, but nervous with you, then he likes you.
  • Just because a guy is flirting with you doesn't always mean he likes you. He can be a natural flirt. Try to find out discreetly.
  • Don't become an emotional detective looking for something that's not there.