Treating chickenpox at home

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Chickenpox Treatment | Treatment For Chickenpox | Chickenpox Symptoms | Signs Of Chickenpox | 2018
Video: Chickenpox Treatment | Treatment For Chickenpox | Chickenpox Symptoms | Signs Of Chickenpox | 2018


If your child has chicken pox, he or she probably won't feel very well. The illness generally clears up on its own without the need for medication, but there are several ways you can make your child feel more comfortable while his or her body is fighting the virus. There are some basic guidelines you can follow to make sure your child continues to feel comfortable, as well as natural remedies you can use to soothe itching, heal blisters, and remove the scars caused by chicken pox. Scroll down for more information.

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Method 1 of 4: Basic treatment guidelines

  1. Keep your child home from school. If your child gets chicken pox, he or she can very easily infect other children who have not yet had the disease and have not been vaccinated against it. That is why it is very important to keep your child at home. It is also important that your child gets enough sleep so that he or she can recover more quickly. Put on your child's favorite movie and have him or her lie on the couch or in bed if possible.
    • Keep your child home from school for at least five days when the first spots start to form.
    • Also keep an eye on the spots. When they dry out, your child can go back to school. This process may take longer than five days.
  2. Keep your child hydrated. It's important to make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids, especially if he or she has a fever or is feeling sick. Drinking plenty of water can rinse your child's body and allow new cells to grow. Drinking plenty of water can also help keep your child's skin hydrated, which will reduce itchiness. It will also help heal the scars created by chicken pox.
    • Try to get your child to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
    • If your child does not want to drink tap water, you can give him or her fruit juice and other cool drinks.
  3. Have your child eat soft foods that are easy to digest. Unfortunately, blisters can also form in the throat. When that happens, it will be difficult for your child to swallow. Therefore, it is necessary to make your child eat soft foods that are easy to swallow and not too heavy on the stomach.It is also important to give your child easily digestible foods, because digesting more complex foods requires energy that the body needs to heal itself. Soft foods include:
    • Soups: The classic chicken soup with vermicelli can help soothe the throat, while carrot soup with cilantro is known to fight these infections.
    • Ice creams, popsicles and frozen yogurt.
    • Yogurt, pudding and cottage cheese.
    • Soft bread.
    • Avoid spicy foods as this can make the blisters hurt more.
  4. Boost your child's immune system with vitamin C. Because chickenpox is a viral infection, strengthening your child's immune system can help fight the infection and speed up the healing process. Vitamin C will help your child's body attack and kill the virus. Make sure your child is getting enough vitamin C by feeding him or her the following foods, among others:
    • Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits and tangerines.
    • Other fruits such as kiwis, strawberries and papayas.
    • Vegetables like broccoli, spinach and kale.
  5. Drink soothing herbal tea. Herbal teas can help soothe the blisters that form in the throat. They can also help your child fall asleep despite the discomfort he or she is experiencing and help keep your child hydrated. Make sure to let the tea cool slightly before giving it to your child, otherwise your child could burn from it. You can also add honey, which will flavor the tea and help your child's healing process. Good teas to give to your child include:
    • Chamomile tea
    • Peppermint tea
    • Holy basil tea
  6. Have your child take cold showers. Taking cold showers can help soothe your child's itchy skin and make your child feel more comfortable when he or she is feeling sick. You can also give your child a warm shower or bath if he or she doesn't like the cold water.
    • However, don't let your child take hot showers. The hot water can dry out your child's skin and make the itching caused by chicken pox worse.
  7. Keep your child's nails short so that he or she cannot scratch the skin. This may sound strange, but it is important to trim your child's nails so that he or she cannot damage the blisters if he or she scratches them. In any case, you should prevent your child from scratching the blisters as much as possible, but cutting your child's nails will prevent him or her from scratching the blisters open. Vesicles that are scratched open are more likely to become infected.
    • If your baby gets chicken pox, put on mittens to keep your child from scratching the blisters.
  8. Rub ice cubes over the itchy areas. If your child is very uncomfortable, you can rub ice cubes over the itchy blisters to give your child some relief. The ice will help numb the areas to reduce swelling and itching.
    • Massage the itchy areas with an ice cube for about 10 minutes.
  9. Spread calamine lotion on the skin. Calamine lotion is an ointment that you can smear on your child's blisters. It is a good idea to give your child a bath before applying the lotion to the skin. The lotion has a cooling effect so that your child can better tolerate the itchy blisters and he or she can fall asleep at night.
    • Put a small dollop on each blister and gently spread the lotion into the skin.
  10. Give your child acetaminophen to ease the pain caused by chicken pox. Paracetamol is a pain reliever and antipyretic. It can temporarily soothe the uncomfortable side effects of chicken pox, such as fever and loss of appetite. However, always seek the advice of your doctor before giving your child any medication.
    • The oral dose for a child is based on the age and weight of the child. If the child is less than 12 years old, the dose is 10 to 15 mg per kilogram of body weight. This dose should be taken every 6 to 8 hours. Do not give your child more than 2.6 grams or 5 doses per day.
    • If your child is over 12 years old, the dose is 40 to 60 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. This dose should be taken every 6 hours. Do not give your child more than 3.75 grams or 5 doses per day.
    • You can also give your child ibuprofen, but never give him or her aspirin.
  11. Give your child an antihistamine to relieve the itching. The blisters and rashes caused by chicken pox can cause serious discomfort for your child. Over-the-counter antihistamines can help relieve itching by reducing the swelling in the blisters. Also talk to your doctor now before giving your child an antihistamine. Some well-known over-the-counter antihistamines are:
    • Cinnarizine
    • Promethazine
    • Claritin
    • Zyrtec
  12. Use medicated acyclovir cream. Another drug that can be used to treat chickenpox is acyclovir (brand name Zovirax). This is an antiviral drug that prevents the virus from spreading. It also reduces symptoms such as blisters and rashes. Treatment usually starts within 24 to 48 hours after the rash appears. You will need to get a prescription for this drug from your doctor. Aciclovir is also available as a cream. However, this drug is generally not recommended for healthy children.
    • For children 2 years of age or older, the dose is 20 mg per kilogram of body weight. The drug should be taken orally four times a day for five days. An alternative is to give the child 80 mg per kilogram of body weight for 5 days.
    • Children who weigh more than 40 pounds may have the adult dose. This is 800 mg 4 times a day. The drug must be taken for 5 days.

Method 2 of 4: Treat itching with home remedies

  1. Apply honey to the blisters. The antibacterial properties of honey and the sugars it contains will help reduce your child's itching. Honey will also help your child's healing process and moisturize his or her skin, soothing the irritation caused by the blisters.
    • Wash your hands with warm water and soap. Use your finger to apply honey to all itchy blisters three times a day.
  2. Have your child take an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal can soothe your child's itchy skin. The proteins, fats and sugars in oatmeal help to protect and moisturize the skin so that the blisters are more tolerable. If you don't have oatmeal at home, you can also use cornstarch. This has a similar effect. To prepare an oatmeal bath, do the following:
    • Grind 180 grams of regular oatmeal into a fine powder. You can use a blender or food processor for this. There is no need to do this, but it helps to let the bath water soak up the oatmeal when you prepare the bath.
    • Prepare a warm bath and sprinkle in the oatmeal. Stir through the bath water and leave the mixture alone for about 15 minutes.
    • Let your child soak in the bath for 20 to 30 minutes. Help your child dry off after the bath.
  3. Soak your child in a baking soda bath. Baking soda is a natural acid neutralizing agent, which means it can help soothe your child's itchy skin. It does this by restoring the natural pH of your child's skin. The pH value may have changed due to chickenpox. To make a baking soda bath, do the following:
    • Prepare a warm bath and then dissolve 300 grams of baking soda in the warm water. Stir the mixture and let your child soak in the bath for about 15 minutes. Help your child dry off after the bath.
  4. Prepare a bath with different herbs. Turmeric and ginger are both antibacterial herbs that can help keep your child's blisters free from bacteria. Infected blisters are much more itchy. Both herbs can also help heal your child's skin once the virus has been treated.
    • Turmeric: You can add three teaspoons of turmeric to your child's warm bath. This will help soothe your child's itchy blisters.
    • Ginger: Have your child drink ginger tea. You can also add three teaspoons of dried ginger to your child's warm bath to help heal your child's skin.
  5. Try a green pea paste. Cooked green peas contain vitamins K and B vitamins, proteins, zinc, magnesium and potassium, as well as other important vitamins and minerals. The vitamins and proteins promote skin health and zinc helps in the production of new skin cells. This way you can prevent serious scars on the skin of your child due to the chicken pox. To make a green pea paste:
    • Crush 200 grams of cooked green peas and make a paste. Apply the paste on the blisters and let it work for an hour. Wash the paste off the skin with warm water.
  6. Use neem leaves. The molecules produced by neem leaves help soothe a variety of skin conditions, including itching caused by chicken pox. The leaves have antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. They also help purify the blood and detoxify the intestines so that your child's body can properly fight the virus that causes chicken pox. To use neem leaves:
    • Method 1: Grab a handful of neem leaves and grind them to make a paste. Apply the paste to the blisters.
    • Method 2: add a handful of neem leaves to boiling water and cook the leaves for several minutes. Let the water cool down and use a washcloth to apply the water to your child's skin.

Method 3 of 4: Treating blisters with home remedies

  1. Apply aloe vera gel to the blisters. Aloe vera has long been known to rejuvenate the skin and fight infections. If your child has blisters because he or she has chicken pox, aloe vera can help keep the blisters from getting infected. In addition, aloe vera helps to speed up the healing process, as well as the production of new skin cells. This means that the blisters are less likely to leave scars. To apply aloe vera gel, do the following:
    • Wash your hands with soap and warm water. Use a finger to apply a pea-sized drop of aloe vera to all blisters.
  2. Spread sandalwood oil on the blisters. Sandalwood oil has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help tighten the pores in your child's skin. This can help soothe irritation and make the blisters heal more quickly. To use sandalwood oil, do the following:
    • Soak a cotton ball in the oil. Gently apply the oil to all blisters.
  3. Use vitamin E oil to help treat the blisters. Vitamin E oil is an antioxidant that promotes skin health. Applying the oil to your child's skin will help fight bacteria that could infect the blisters. The oil can also help the blisters heal faster and prevent scarring when the blisters are gone. To use vitamin E oil, do the following:
    • Apply the oil to all blisters on your child's skin once a day.
  4. Add brown vinegar to a bath. The acid in vinegar helps kill harmful bacteria. You can prepare a warm bath for your child and then add 1 cup of brown vinegar to help the blisters heal faster and prevent them from becoming infected.
  5. Apply tea tree oil on the blisters. Like many of the other natural products listed in this section, tea tree oil kills bacteria. It also has antiseptic properties, which means that the oil can seal your child's blisters and help them heal faster. However, tea tree oil can cause skin irritation, so it is important to dilute the oil with another oil before applying it to your child's skin. To use the oil, do the following:
    • Mix about 50 ml of base oil (jojoba oil, coconut oil or olive oil) with 15 drops of tea tree oil.
    • Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it to all blisters.

Method 4 of 4: Removing the scars caused by chicken pox at home

  1. Spread coconut water on your child's scars. Coconut water is one of the best hydrating liquids out there. By moisturizing your child's skin, the scars will become less red and eventually disappear. To use coconut water, do the following:
    • Soak a washcloth in coconut water and then spread the water on your child's skin five or six times a day.
  2. Apply lemon juice to the scars. Lemon juice can lighten the skin and make it look healthier. That means that the juice can get rid of the red spots left by the virus that causes chicken pox. To use lemon juice to fade these scars, do the following:
    • Apply a drop of lemon juice on the scar. Make sure to apply the juice only to the scar. Let the lemon juice dry. When the juice has dried, wash it off the skin.
  3. Use a paste of turmeric and neem leaves. Turmeric and neem leaves both have antiseptic properties that can help heal and fade scars from chicken pox. To make a turmeric and neem leaf paste, do the following:
    • Add 120 grams of turmeric to 100 grams of neem leaves. Make a paste by crushing both ingredients. Apply the paste to the skin.


  • Take your child to the hospital if he or she continues to have a fever.