Attract women

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To "Attract" Women WITHOUT Saying A Word | The C-Zone Effect
Video: How To "Attract" Women WITHOUT Saying A Word | The C-Zone Effect


Picking up women is all about having the right attitude and a solid plan for dealing with any situation. Whether you're looking for a girlfriend or just a fun date, you need to present yourself as someone worth spending time with. Once women start to consider you a good catch, you will find that they may be trying to hit on you.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Find women

  1. Don't try to pick up a woman who is at work. Even though the waitress in the restaurant looks really good, there isn't really the best time or place for your decorating tricks. You can get a lot of conflicting signals because she has to be kind to you as a customer, but who knows, who knows, who wants nothing to do with you at all. Better to avoid confusion.
  2. Look for women in popular places such as malls, coffee shops, gyms and bookstores. Go somewhere that suits your personality. Not only will you be more likely to meet a woman you click with, but you'll also feel more comfortable approaching or talking to them in a familiar environment.
  3. Beware of women you meet in bars, on the internet, or at work. These may seem like places where you can easily find women to talk to, but you need to know what to deal with. Use it wisely!
    • There are plenty of women in bars, but drinking can be a coping mechanism for both men and women with serious problems. This could be a nasty divorce, job loss, or depression. Watch for unhealthy drinking habits.
    • The Internet is always a risky business to get women. It takes time to figure out whether someone's social media profile is correct.
    • While work can bring many opportunities to talk to girls, you should always be careful when you get involved in a relationship with a co-worker. If something goes wrong between you, it can result in a difficult work environment.

Method 2 of 3: Approach women

  1. Approach the woman indirectly. That way, you can start a conversation with her without it being obvious that you're interested. There are so many ways to start a conversation if you just pay attention. When you see that she is wearing a watch, you can ask her about the time. If you are at a mall, you can ask her where a particular store is. That's when you grab the opportunity to start a conversation with her. Since she doesn't expect her to be hooked up, you will likely be able to talk more casually, as well as her.
  2. Compliment her, and mean it. Her hairstyle, outfit, and shoes are perfect choices, as she will have gone through a lot of effort to decide on these things. She will appreciate it if a man notices her efforts to look beautiful, especially a man she is interested in.
    • Find the right words to tell her that she looks radiant because of her beautiful skin, or that you love the color of her hair.
    • Tell her that her outfit looks great, or that you love how she paired her shoes with her outfit.
    • Try to avoid comments such as suggesting that she is the most beautiful woman in her group of friends. She may interpret this as an insult to her friends rather than a compliment.
  3. Be nice to her friends. If she's with a friend and you shut them out while talking to her, she'll start to feel guilty. She can just push you aside for that friend, so be polite to her friends and include them in the conversation.
    • For example, if you ask the woman you have a crush on if she wants a drink, then ask her friend if she wants something too. That way, you will not only come across as generous, but also thoughtful.
  4. Tease her. It is not that this would suddenly stop working because primary school is over. A little teasing can liven up the conversation and add some humor. If she's a fan of the wrong sports team or is listening to an artist you don't like, tease her about it.The key is knowing when to stop. If she can't laugh about it with you, then it's better to stop.
    • For example, if you notice that she has a key ring from FC Groningen, you can ask her to give her telephone number, so that you can come by to play football together.
  5. Tell her you're busy. When you talk to her, you can let her know that you've been very busy lately, but really want to take her out. This makes you appear as someone who does not have all the time, is not available and therefore more attractive. Rather than pretending she's hard to get, she'll have to work hard herself to be worth your time.
  6. Give her some space. You started a conversation with her and she's fine, but now you need to know when to wrap it up. Tell them to go to the bathroom or talk to another friend or acquaintance if they are nearby. However, let her know that you'll be back soon so she doesn't feel abandoned. Show her that the success of your night out doesn't depend on whether or not she wants to talk to you. This also gives her enough time to arrange for her friends to find something else to do or to talk to someone else.
  7. Get a wingman. When you want to hook up with a woman, a friend can help you keep the woman's girlfriend busy. You may also need a backup if the girlfriend (s) of the girl you're trying to hook up with advise her to leave.
    • Choose your group carefully. Take a closer look at your friends. They don't have to be Ryan Gosling to assist you, but they should be pleasant company.

Method 3 of 3: Make women like you

  1. Be self-assured. You are meant to be confident, not haughty. You can best show this with your body language. Your body language will tell the woman a lot about you, so pay attention to how you present yourself.
    • Speak clearly and stand upright.
    • Make eye contact when talking to someone.
    • Smile.
    • Don't be defensive. Don't be distracted by your phone or appear indifferent to what's going on around you.
  2. Be a gentleman. Hold doors open for her and pull back chairs for her to sit down. Please and saying thank you are good manners by default. Being ill-mannered is neither sexy nor fun. Showing courtesy indicates that you have either had a good upbringing or taught yourself this. Certainly some women will consider this attractive.
  3. Put yourself in the right place. If you're singing, rock climbing, or speaking a foreign language, try to casually incorporate that detail into the conversation. It is important to choose the right time.
    • Ask her questions about herself. If you are looking for an opportunity to talk about your own musical talents, first ask her what kind of music she likes. Then comment on her response from your knowledge as a musician. For example, if she says she loves a certain band, you can say that their guitarist is great and he inspired you to learn to play yourself.
    • Haughty, boastful behavior can be a huge turnoff, so don't overdo it. Don't talk about money or how many girls you've shared the bed with. Most women will not be impressed.
  4. Be careful taking the first step. Don't just go for the kiss. This can be your third or fourth step, but not the first.
    • Take the opportunity to gently brush her hair from her face. This will show your gentle, caring side.
    • You can also tell her how beautiful she looks or whether she has beautiful eyes.
    • A kiss on the forehead is sweet and not too sensual.
    • Touch her in areas that aren't necessarily sensual. The upper back and hands are usually okay.
  5. Be honest with what you say to her. Lying to her won't earn you any points at all. Maybe you pin her up on her sleeve and forget about it afterwards. If she then brings it up again at a later time, but you don't remember, this will come across as very strange.
  6. Let her know exactly what you are looking for. Tell her you want a serious relationship, an open relationship, or just some fun dates. Don't give her false hope. If you're just looking for an adventure, let her know. Don't be selfish to break her heart, and always keep in mind the possibility that you yourself will be disappointed.


  • Always be open - a light smile gives the face a relaxed look.
  • Always listen to what she is saying. Sometimes men miss the most important part of the conversation because all they think is how to get the woman into bed. Even IF that's what you think, don't try to show it.
  • While it's okay to look at women, don't overdo it. Nobody likes a creep!
  • Continue to behave in a controlled manner. If you don't, you can embarrass yourself and show that you are interested in her.
  • Be yourself.