Find friends on Facebook

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Find Friends on Facebook
Video: How to Find Friends on Facebook


On Facebook there are several options for finding friends if you have created a Facebook account. If you have friends who don't have Facebook yet, you can send them a personal invitation to create an account as well and then become your friend. After adding your friends on Facebook, you can keep in touch through your profile. Be aware that you cannot search for some Facebook users, so you probably won't be able to find them. Try the methods described below to connect with your friends on Facebook.

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Method 1 of 3: Using the search bar on Facebook

  1. Go to the Facebook search bar. You can find this bar in the top left corner of the home page. The Facebook search bar is designed to help you find a specific person, even if you don't know his or her last name.
    • The search results are based on the information you have added to your profile.
  2. Enter the names of your friends in the search bar. As soon as you start typing, Facebook will generate results based on your profile information. Facebook will suggest people from the same city, country, school, or employer.
    • The more details Facebook has about you, the more refined the search can be performed.
  3. Add a relevant detail. If you can't find your friend by name alone, add the city name, the name of the school or employer. This will reduce the number of results.
  4. Enter your friends' email address in the search bar. If you know your friends' email address, you can also enter it directly in the search bar.
    • Their profile will only appear if the email address entered is linked to their Facebook account.
  5. Add friends. When you found the right profile, click on it and go to their profile page. Via the button to “Add friend” at the top of the screen, you can send them a friend request.
    • If this person is a friend from a distant past, or someone you haven't spoken to in a long time, it's nice to include a short message with your request.
    • Help them remember who you are so they won't inadvertently decline your request.

Method 2 of 3: Add personal contacts on Facebook

  1. Click on “Find Friends” at the top of the page. A new page will load and will provide you with a list of “People You May Know”. This list is based on your profile information.
    • You can check this list and you may come across people you weren't looking for at first.
    • You can also use this list if you don't remember someone's name.
  2. Go to “Add personal contacts” on the right side of the page. The bar will display the email address currently associated with your account.
  3. Import your email contacts. Follow Facebook's directions for importing contacts of your choice. The steps may vary by email provider.
    • For example, if you are using Gmail, you will first need to log in to your Gmail account, click “Export” in Gmail, then select the contacts you want to add on Facebook.
  4. View the list of suggestions put forward by Facebook. Facebook will search for your friends based on the email addresses and names you have imported.

Method 3 of 3: Invite friends on Facebook

  1. Click on “Find Friends”. This button is located at the top of the page on every Facebook page. If you can't find the person in question using any of the above methods, it is possible that this person does not have a Facebook account yet.
    • You can take the opportunity to invite them to Facebook.
  2. Go to “Invite your friends”. This bar is located on the right side of the page under “Find Friends”. You can enter the phone number or email address of the person you want to invite to Facebook in this bar.
    • Enter your friends' phone number or email address in the search bar and Facebook will send them a notification that you are inviting them to Facebook.
    • Place a comma between each email address or phone number to invite multiple friends at the same time.
  3. Ask them personally. If you haven't been able to find someone on Facebook and you don't have a phone number or email address, ask the person personally. This is a great way to connect with each other on Facebook. Indicate that you would like to stay in touch via Facebook.


  • Some Facebook users choose privacy settings that hide their page so that you are unable to find them on Facebook.
  • Some Facebook users choose privacy settings that make it impossible to find them using the standard search method. For example, they can only be found by friends of friends.
  • If you found a friend on Facebook, but the "Add Friend" button is missing, this person has chosen the privacy setting that prevents anyone from sending him or her a friend request. You may need to be a friend of one of his or her friends to add them. Try to send them a message if this occurs.
  • If you're adding a friend from the distant past, introduce yourself by typing something on their page or sending a personal message before sending the friend request. Your friend may not remember you and therefore cannot accept your request.
  • If you log in to verify your email address, Facebook will not save your password.


  • Protect your own privacy by never adding anyone on Facebook you don't know.
  • Never share your personal Facebook account details and information with anyone else.