Remove fingerprints from a TV screen

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
remove fingerprints from a tv screen
Video: remove fingerprints from a tv screen


Watching TV through a layer of dust and fingerprints can be a frustrating experience. Fortunately, removing fingerprints from your TV screen is not that difficult. You can use water, a solution of water and isopropyl alcohol, or a solution of water and vinegar to easily remove fingerprints from your screen.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Remove fingerprints with water

  1. Turn off your TV and unplug it. Since you'll be using water to clean the fingerprints on your screen, it's a good idea to turn off your TV and turn off the power completely. If there is a switch next to your outlet that you can use to turn the outlet "on or off", you can turn the switch off instead of unplugging the TV.
    • When the TV is turned on, water touching the screen may heat up and burn inside the screen. To avoid permanent damage, always unplug your TV before cleaning it.
  2. Use a dry anti-static cloth to gently wipe the TV screen. Gently wipe the TV with the cloth, paying particular attention to the areas with fingerprints. Do not use excessive pressure on the screen. Too much pressure can deform the screen by bending the glass.
    • Anti-static wipes are the safest to use on your TV screen.
    • If you don't already have one, purchase anti-static wipes from an electronics store.
  3. Dampen a clean cloth with water and wipe the screen. Wet the cloth and squeeze it over the sink to remove the excess water. When wiping the screen, pay particular attention to the areas with fingerprints. Use gentle pressure with the cloth so you don't damage the screen.
    • Make sure the cloth is not wet enough to run off when you apply it to the screen. The cloth should only be slightly damp.
    • Do not wipe behind the frame of the screen as this may damage the electrical components.
  4. Avoid using window cleaner, alcohol, soap, or other cleaning products. These materials will damage the screen and make it unusable. Just because a product is designed to clean glass doesn't mean you can use it to clean your TV screen.
    • You should also never use abrasive cloths or kitchen paper on your TV screen. These cleaners will damage the screen.
  5. Allow an hour for the screen to dry before plugging the device back in. When you're done wiping the fingerprints off the screen with the damp cloth, let the screen dry for at least an hour before plugging it back in. Do not turn on the TV until it is completely dry. Otherwise, you can cause damage to the screen that cannot be easily repaired.
    • The screen may look and feel dry within the hour, but feel free to wait until the hour is up.

    Switch off your TV, unplug it and let it cool down. Before cleaning your TV, make sure there is absolutely no power supply. To prevent damage to the TV, first switch it off with the remote control before removing the plug from the socket.

    • It is important to let the TV cool down before cleaning it. Any water you use to clean the screen can be heated by the TV and cause damage.
  6. Use a clean cloth to gently wipe the screen. Use a gentle pressure with the cloth to remove dust and fingerprints from the screen. Pay attention to where the fingerprints are and make sure to clean those areas more than the rest of the TV. Do not use more than gentle pressure or you may damage the screen.
    • If the fingerprints come off when you wipe them with the cloth, stop cleaning the TV.
  7. Mix equal parts isopropyl alcohol and water in a measuring cup. It's okay to use isopropyl alcohol on your TV because it's a mild alcohol. It will not damage your TV screen once it is diluted with water. Use your measuring cup to mix exactly one part water with one part alcohol.
    • If you don't have a measuring cup, mix the alcohol and water in a glass. Make sure you don't use more alcohol than water.
    • Do not use any other chemical as a substitute for isopropyl alcohol.
  8. Dip a clean cloth in your solution, wring it out, and wipe the display. Your cloth should be damp when you use it on your TV. Never use a cloth soaked in the solution as it may damage the screen. Gently wipe your screen with the cloth, spending more time on the areas of the screen with fingerprints.
    • Dip a cotton swab in your solution and dry with a cloth so that it is slightly damp - wipe the corners of the screen where it can be difficult to remove fingerprints with a cloth.
  9. Dry the screen with a clean cloth. Once you've completely removed the fingerprints from your TV screen, dry the screen with another cloth. Wipe the entire screen, paying particular attention to the fingerprint areas.
    • Let the TV dry for about 15 minutes after wiping.
    • Plug the TV back in when it is completely dry.

Method 3 of 3: Using a vinegar solution

  1. Unplug your TV and wait for it to cool down. Before cleaning your TV, turn it off and unplug it. Switch off the TV with the remote control before removing the plug from the socket. Unplugging the TV while it is still on can damage electrical circuits.
    • If the TV has not cooled down when you clean it, the screen will heat up the water and may damage the screen.
  2. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Use a measuring cup to mix exactly one part water and one part white vinegar in your spray bottle. If you don't have a measuring cup, use a glass and try to be as accurate as possible when mixing the ingredients. It is always better to use more water than too much vinegar.
    • If you're using a spray bottle that used to contain a different cleaning agent, pour in dish soap. Rinse it a few times until no more foaming occurs. Let it dry when you are done.
  3. Spray the vinegar solution on a microfiber cloth. Do not use paper towels, tissues or scouring pads to wipe fingerprints off your TV screen as these products will scratch. A microfiber cloth will remove the fingerprints without damaging the screen.
    • Spraying the mixture on the cloth a few times should be enough.
  4. Wipe the screen in small, circular motions with your cloth. Circular movements ensure that you do not leave streaks on the screen when you wipe the cloth. Gently wipe the screen so you don't damage it.
    • If there are fingerprints on the frame of the screen, wipe them in circular motions with the microfiber cloth.
  5. Dry the screen with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. After wiping the entire screen with the damp cloth, you can dry it with another cloth. Swipe again in small circular motions, paying particular attention to any remaining fingerprints or dust on the screen.
    • Let the TV screen dry for another 15 minutes after you clean it.
    • Reconnect the TV to the mains once it is dry.


  • Make sure your TV is safe before cleaning it. While this is important regardless of the size of your TV, it is especially crucial when cleaning a large TV.


Remove fingerprints with water

  • Dry, anti-static cloths
  • Water

Using an alcohol solution

  • Dry, clean cloths
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Water
  • Cotton swabs
  • Measuring cups

Using a vinegar solution

  • Dry, clean cloths
  • Spray bottle
  • Water
  • Natural vinegar
  • Measuring cups or a glass
  • Dishwashing liquid