Losing fat from the lower abdomen

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
LOSE BELLY FAT in 10 Days (lower belly) | 8 minute Home Workout
Video: LOSE BELLY FAT in 10 Days (lower belly) | 8 minute Home Workout


Fat from the abdomen can be difficult to get rid of because you can't tackle the area yourself like you can with other parts of the body. However, by working hard and persevering, you can get rid of your excess weight by changing your diet, exercising and exercising for the whole body, and making simple lifestyle changes.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Getting rid of excess fat

  1. Cut back on calories. If you want to lose weight, there is no way to make sure that you only lose fat in a specific part of the body. If you want to get rid of fat from your gut, you will have to lose weight everywhere by cutting down on calories.
    • Cut in about 500 to 750 calories per day. This small reduction allows you to lose 500 to 750 grams per week.
    • Health professionals generally don't recommend trying to lose more weight in a week.
    • Use a food diary or an app or online tracker to get an idea of ​​how many calories you are currently taking in daily. Subtract 500 to 750 from that number to get an idea of ​​how many calories you should be taking in daily to lose weight gradually and moderately.
  2. Focus especially on proteins, fruits and vegetables. Studies show that a diet with fewer carbohydrates can not only help you lose weight quickly, but also help reduce the amount of belly fat.
    • Eat 80 to 120 grams of lean protein with every meal (an amount about the size of a deck of cards).
    • In particular, opt for non-starchy vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, cauliflower and lettuce, and try to eat two servings of vegetables with each meal. Eat 100 to 200 grams of leafy vegetables.
    • Eat 1 to 2 servings of fruit daily. Fruit contains natural sugars and should be eaten in portions of the correct size, namely 200 grams or 1 piece of fruit of average size.
    • Examples of low-carb meals include a mixed green salad with raw vegetables, 150 grams of grilled chicken and an oil-based dressing, 250 ml of Greek yogurt with nuts and 200 grams of fruit or grilled salmon with a small salad and steamed broccoli.
  3. Eat fewer grains. Foods such as bread, rice and pasta can be part of a healthy diet. However, these foods contain significantly more carbohydrates than other foods. So eat less of it to be able to stick to your diet with fewer calories.
    • Foods you should eat less include bread, rice, pasta, crackers, chips, tortillas and muffins.
    • Limit the size of the portions to 30 to 50 grams. Do not stop eating grains completely. Opt for nutrient-dense grains such as quinoa and oatmeal.
    • Also always try to choose whole grains. These foods are higher in fiber and other nutrients that are part of a healthy diet.
  4. Avoid added sugars. Studies show that sugar (and especially added sugar) is one of the biggest causes of too much belly fat. Eat foods that contain a lot of sugar as little as possible.
    • Added sugars are sugars that are added to foods during the manufacturing process. For example, sugars have been added to cookies and ice cream, which is to be expected. Foods like crackers, juice, and pasta sauce can also contain a lot of added sugars.
    • Natural sugar is not added and occurs naturally in foods. Fruit, for example, contains some sugar, but it is natural sugar. Foods with natural sugar are a much better choice because they generally contain more important nutrients.
    • Make it a habit to read food packaging. Know that prepackaged foods contain hidden sugars. Look up the different names for added sugars and know that several types of sugars can be added to a particular product.
    • If you have a sweet tooth, opt for healthy options like honey, dark chocolate, dried fruits and Greek yogurt to satisfy your cravings for something sweet.
  5. Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated is extremely important for your body to function normally. Studies show that drinking plenty of water also helps you lose weight faster.
    • This is partly because water makes you feel full so you eat less.
    • Try to drink 8 to 13 glasses of water a day. Drink 1 to 2 glasses of water before each meal to reduce your appetite and make you feel full more quickly.

Part 2 of 4: Getting rid of belly fat by exercising

  1. Exercise in the morning. Some studies show that if you exercise in the morning before eating breakfast, many of the calories you burn come from fat (rather than glycogen stored in your body).
    • You don't have to get up that much earlier to exercise in the morning. Just set your alarm to go off 30 to 60 minutes earlier than usual.
    • Other benefits of exercising in the morning include avoiding the hustle and bustle at the gym early in the evening after work, exercising, having afternoons off and being able to concentrate better during the day.
  2. Do aerobic exercise. Cardio exercise burns calories and helps speed up your metabolism so you can lose weight faster.
    • Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week. For example, you can train for half an hour every day for five days. However, if you're trying to lose belly fat, some experts recommend exercising for up to an hour a day.
    • For example, you can go jogging, walk briskly, cycle, swim or dance.
    • Try to find something you like. If your workouts are fun, you are much more likely to skip a workout and stick to your routine.
  3. Do strength training. It is also important to do resistance training or strength training a few days a week. This helps to strengthen your muscles and maintain lean muscle mass while following your diet.
    • It is recommended to do strength training about 2 or 3 days a week. Make sure to do exercises that work your entire body and all major muscle groups.
    • You can't tackle your belly fat yourself, but by doing some exercises during your strength training that target your core (back and abs) you can get a tighter, less plump stomach. Do exercises such as plank exercises, crunches and v-sits.
  4. Do interval training. Studies show that people who do intensive interval training lose more fat around their stomach than people who do regular cardio exercises.
    • Interval training is a type of training that lasts shorter, but where you use your body more intensively. You alternate between short, very intensive exercises and moderately intensive exercises.
    • Do interval training 1 to 2 days a week. You can also count this as cardio training. It is recommended to do a total of 75 minutes of high intensity exercise per week.

Part 3 of 4: Making lifestyle changes

  1. Business suit stress On. Stress increases the amount of cortisol, a hormone that makes the body store extra fat, especially on the stomach. Stress can also cause emotional eating, where you eat to feel better instead of because you are hungry.
    • If possible, avoid associating more or less with people who are stressing you out and avoid things that cause you stress.
    • By organizing your time better, you can also ensure that you suffer less from stress and anxiety on a daily basis. This way, you don't have to rush to meet your deadlines.
    • If you are under stress, sit down for a few minutes each day, close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and clear your mind of all the thoughts and things you are doing.
  2. Get more sleep. Studies show that a lack of sleep can be disastrous for your appetite and your amount of body fat. If you don't get enough sleep, you run the risk of gaining weight and gaining more fat around your belly.
    • As an adult it is recommended to sleep 7 to 9 hours a night. This amount helps you to stay healthy and also ensures that you are well rested.
    • Make sure to turn off all lights. Switch off all electronics such as phones, tablets and computers at least 2 hours before going to sleep.

Part 4 of 4: Track your progress and stay motivated

  1. Find someone to diet and exercise with. Trying to lose weight on your own can be difficult, especially when the people around you are eating unhealthy food.
    • Find a friend to diet with so you can keep each other motivated, share tips and tricks, and keep each other company while exercising.
    • Studies show that people lose more weight and last longer when they have a group of people who help and support them.
  2. Keep a food diary. Studies show that people who write down what they eat lose weight faster than people who don't. They also regain weight less quickly.
    • This is partly because writing down what you eat makes you feel responsible for your decisions. Keep your food diary as accurate as possible.
    • You can keep a calorie calculator on the internet or a paper food diary. Apps like MyFitnessPal and other websites help you keep track of what foods you eat and let you see how many calories the different foods contain.
  3. Record your measurements. Track your progress by measuring your waist size or standing on a scale before starting any diet.
    • Weigh yourself daily or weekly to see your progress. Try to get on the scale at the same time and wear the same clothes to keep track of your progress as accurately as possible.
    • By weighing yourself every day, you can quickly spot any problems with your weight loss routine. If you see that you are gaining weight, you can scroll back through your diary to see if you are overeating. You can also increase your cardio before you gain too much weight.
    • Also measure your waist circumference and hip circumference from time to time to see how much belly fat you have lost.


  • Always talk to your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet. Your doctor can tell you if you can lose weight safely and correctly.
  • Stick to the lifestyle changes you have made during your diet for long-term weight loss and fat loss. If you fall back into your old habits, you may gain weight again.
  • Remember, you can't tackle your belly fat alone. It is not possible to just get rid of the fat on your lower abdomen. Instead, try to lose weight, maintain a healthy diet, and exercise to get rid of belly fat.