Lose two kilos in two weeks

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lose 2kg in 2 Weeks 🔥 14 Day "At-Home" Weight Loss Workout Challenge!
Video: Lose 2kg in 2 Weeks 🔥 14 Day "At-Home" Weight Loss Workout Challenge!


If you want to lose two kilos within two weeks, you will lose about 17,500 calories or 150 g. per day, by eating less and by exercising. While the first two pounds can go quite fast if you want to lose a lot, it can take a long time to get off the last two pounds. If you really want to lose two pounds in two weeks, you need to train efficiently and eat fewer calories until you reach your goal.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Exercise to speed up your metabolism

  1. Exercise in the morning. If you are used to training in the afternoon or in the evening, you will know your combustion accelerates for 14 hours (a large part of the day) if you do a workout in the morning. Schedule the workout 20 or 30 minutes after getting up.
  2. Drink coffee before you start your workout. Coffee is known to help you train more intensively, so you will train even harder.
    • Skip this step if coffee on an empty stomach makes you nauseous. Drink it before you jog for half an hour and you will probably run faster and thus burn more calories during your break.
  3. Select music. Remember that more than 140 beats per minute (BPM) will increase the intensity of your workout. Reading or watching TV, on the other hand, is likely to distract you too much and burn fewer calories.
    • Use the Cadence app for the music for your workout based on BPM. Songs that have the same speed as your heart rate help you achieve a high intensity quickly.
  4. Do a high intensity interval training (HIIT). Alternate 25 minutes of cardio with a 10-minute warm up and a 10-minute cool down. The 25 minutes of cardio consists of 30 seconds to 1 minute of sprinting and then 2 to 4 minutes of running at medium speed.
    • HIIT boosts human growth hormone production by 450 percent over 24 hours. It helps you burn fat instead of muscle, so it is ideal for a weight loss workout.
    • High-intensity training means 90 percent of the speed of your heart rate in terms of speed. You can then no longer have a conversation and you feel that you are moving forward.
    • Average intensity training is 65 to 80 percent of the maximum of your heart rate. You can still talk to a friend, but you are short of breath.
    • If you are in good shape, you can try Tabata intervals, in which you do 4 minutes of 20-second sprints, alternating with 10 seconds of rest.
  5. Join a boot camp or start a P90X. Not only will two weeks of these interval training based workouts boost your metabolism; your whole body is trained by it, you build muscle mass and burn fat.
  6. Start strength training. On days when you are not doing P90X or a boot camp, grab your weights and do 30 to 45 minutes of strength training. Do your upper body for 1 day and your lower body 2 days after that.
    • Start your week with popular exercises such as biceps curls, triceps curls, pushes and chest presses.
    • Try new weight machines, train with kettlebells or the suspension trainer from TRX. Better yet, do your workout with a friend who can show you how all the new equipment works.
    • The ideal amount of weights is the amount where you can do 2 to 3 sets of 8 repetitions and that your muscles get very tired. You should not be able to do another set rep after the end of your sets.

Method 2 of 3: Lose weight through diet

  1. Eat breakfast half an hour before you start your workout. It should be high in protein and have about 400 calories. For example oatmeal with skimmed milk, Greek yogurt with muesli and berries or an omelet of two eggs with vegetables on the side or through it.
  2. Eat three 400-calorie meals and two 200-calorie snacks. However, when exercising, never eat less than 1,500 calories.
    • Losing two pounds by dieting and exercising means meeting a calorie deficit of about 1,000 per day. If you cut about 400 to 600 calories per day (subtracted from 2,000), burn 600 calories, and further speed up your metabolism by burning even more calories, you can easily create that calorie deficit.
    • If you don't like calorie counting, know that most people eat about 600 calories per meal; eat about a third or a quarter of a normal serving. Eat smaller amounts of high-starch fatty foods and eat more vegetables for a healthier diet.
  3. Don't try to eat wheat bread anymore. Replace it with wraps made with quinoa, spelled or couscous, sweet potato, beans, and get starch from fruits and vegetables.
  4. Replace processed sweets with fruit and dark chocolate. Berries are very good for your metabolism and fruits with a lot of vitamin C in them are good for the stress hormones that make you gain weight. The dark chocolate must contain at least 80% cocoa.
    • Avoid sugar from beverages such as alcohol and soda, as well as sweets or cakes. A glass of soft drink already contains 150-300 calories, making it very difficult to reach your calorie deficit.
  5. Try to vary your diet. Dr. Oz recommends eating between 1,600-1,800 calories because your body would burn more calories. You can also give yourself a few extra snacks per week so that you can better cope with your food cravings.

Method 3 of 3: Lose extra weight

  1. Reduce your water weight by lowering the amount of sodium you consume. While this may seem unnatural, drinking water reduces the amount of sodium you take in by flushing out the salt in your body.
  2. Eat more fiber by eating more fruits, beans, and whole grains. Also eat 120 ml. Greek yogurt per day. Both help you dispose of waste that can weigh half to 2 kilos.
    • If you find yourself feeling bloated from too much air due to too much fiber, take an anti-gas pill.Pills with enzymes in them and other anti-gas treatments can get rid of the discomfort and bloating within two hours.
  3. Get an extra half hour of sleep per night. Interval training makes you tired, but the extra sleep balances the hormones that make you gain weight. If you can handle the cortisol hormone better, you will lose weight faster.


  • Coffee
  • An interval timer for high intensity training
  • Weights or devices with weights
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • High protein snacks
  • Greek yoghurt
  • Whole grains