Removing a keloid scar at home

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
4 Tips to get rid of Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars - Dr Lucas Fustinoni Brazil
Video: 4 Tips to get rid of Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars - Dr Lucas Fustinoni Brazil


Keloids are ugly scars that are caused by proliferating scar tissue. Treatments such as surgical cutting and laser treatments are possible to remove these scars, but they are often very expensive and do not always work. Many people have been able to get rid of keloids on their own at home, using a variety of home remedies and treatments. These treatments take some time, but they are safe and often only use natural ingredients. Go to Step 1 to get started.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Home remedies

  1. Use lemon juice to exfoliate the skin and reduce skin discoloration. Lemon juice can be very effective in reducing keloids and other skin problems. This method works because lemon is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Lemon juice contains citric acid which peels the skin and improves texture, color and appearance when applied regularly.
    • Apply fresh lemon juice directly to the scar. Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. Do this twice a day for best results.
    • If the skin around the scar is very sensitive, try diluting the lemon juice with water before applying. Don't go out with lemon juice on your skin; the citric acid makes your skin extra sensitive to sunlight.
  2. Apply crushed garlic to reduce the production of keloid tissue. Garlic is another great remedy. In addition to removing existing scars, it prevents the formation of new keloids because it prevents the production of fibroblast cells (the cells that cause keloids).
    • Crush a clove of fresh garlic and place it directly on the affected skin. Wash it off with warm water after 10 minutes.
    • If you find that this remedy is irritating your skin, try using garlic oil; it is softer and moisturizes the skin.
  3. Use honey to moisturize the scars and make them smaller. Honey is one of the best remedies for reducing keloid scars as it is a natural moisturizer that keeps your skin hydrated and prevents dryness. This reduces the risk of the scars getting worse.
    • Apply the honey directly to the scars and massage gently to stimulate blood flow and remove dead skin cells. You don't have to wash it off, but it will still feel a bit sticky.
    • Keep applying a good amount of honey on the scars every day, then they will be much less visible within a few weeks.
  4. Experiment with aloe vera to reduce redness and speed healing. Aloe vera contains a lot of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, fatty acids and amino acids, making it a popular remedy for all kinds of skin conditions. It contains a lot of water, which keeps the skin hydrated. It also rejuvenates the skin, helps against infections, reduces redness and speeds healing.
    • Clean the scar thoroughly with warm water before applying the aloe vera gel. Apply the gel directly to the scar twice a day. Keep doing this for several weeks, then you will soon see improvement.
    • Try to get aloe vera directly from a plant, rather than from a tube. Aloe vera plants can be found at the garden center.
  5. Try sandalwood paste to kill bacteria and reduce redness. Sandalwood is antibacterial, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. These properties make this powder a perfect remedy for all kinds of skin conditions, including keloids.
    • Take equal parts sandalwood powder and urad flour and mix with enough rose water to form a paste. Apply this paste to the scars before going to bed and leave it on all night. Wash it off in the morning with warm water.
    • Do this every night for a month to start seeing results.
  6. Use baking soda to exfoliate the scars and reduce redness. Baking soda acts as a caustic substance; it removes the top layers of skin leaving soft, new skin underneath. This can make the keloids smaller.
    • Mix one part baking soda with three parts hydrogen peroxide until you have a smooth paste. Apply this paste directly to the scars in circular motions to reduce redness and speed up healing.
    • Repeat this process up to four times a day, depending on how severe the keloids are.
  7. Spread some apple cider vinegar on the scars to restore the skin's pH levels. Apple cider vinegar can restore the pH of the surface of the skin, making the skin more alkaline. This reduces the growth of bacteria, and it shrinks the keloids and makes them less red.
    • Dilute some apple cider vinegar with the same amount of water and apply it directly to the affected skin. Massage it in gently until it is completely absorbed.
    • Continue to apply apple vinegar daily for several weeks until the keloid gets smaller.
  8. Make an aspirin paste to reduce inflammation. Aspirin contains anti-inflammatory ingredients that help you make the keloids smaller and less noticeable.
    • Take three or four aspirins and crush them. Add some water and make a smooth paste.
    • Apply this paste directly to the scars and let it dry completely. Then wash it off with water. Do this once a day.
  9. Apply onion extract to remove impurities. Onion extract can help get rid of keloids and keep them from coming back. This is because onions have powerful antimicrobial properties that can protect the skin from impurities.
    • Grind an onion in a blender until the juice comes out. Now take a clean cloth and dip it in the onion juice, then apply it to the scar.
    • Repeat this at least 3 times a day until the scar has disappeared.
  10. Use fine clay to soften and make scars disappear. Fine clay is a natural remedy that helps against all kinds of scars, including keloids. It makes the skin soft and makes the scar smaller.
    • Make a smooth paste by mixing a teaspoon of fine clay, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of rose water. Apply this paste directly to the scars and massage it in gently.
    • Let it dry and then apply another layer of paste. Leave this on for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.
    • Repeat this process daily until the keloid has disappeared or become much smaller.

Method 2 of 3: Natural oil

  1. Use castor oil to break down the scar tissue and purify the skin. Castor oil has the ability to penetrate deep into the skin and slowly break down the scar tissue. In healthy skin cells, it promotes circulation and removes toxins.
    • To treat keloids, take a clean cloth every day, soak it in castor oil and then press on the scar for one or two hours. You can also just smear the oil directly on the scar.
    • You can also use castor oil to prevent keloids from forming by applying the oil directly to the scrape or cut. This promotes healing.
  2. Use lavender oil to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. Lavender oil has a healing effect because it is antiseptic and helps to rejuvenate the skin cells. Lavender oil can be used on all kinds of wounds and skin conditions, including keloids.
    • Apply the lavender oil directly on the scars and massage it gently into the skin for about 5 minutes.
    • You can apply this oil three times a day, but if the scars are on your face or if you have sensitive skin, it is better to dilute the oil with some water.
  3. Apply tea tree oil to kill bacteria and promote healing. Tea tree oil is very effective in treating a variety of skin conditions (including keloids) thanks to its antiseptic properties, which prevent infections and support natural healing.
    • Rub the tea tree oil on the scars twice a day. You can also wash the scars with a natural tea tree soap; that has the same effect as the oil.
    • Make sure to buy pharmaceutical grade tea tree oil from the drugstore or health food store as it is 100% pure, unlike other varieties.
  4. Make gotu kola oil to remove the scars and prevent new scars. Gotu kola is one of the most effective herbs for treating keloids. It contains antibacterial properties that not only make the scars smaller, but also prevent them from coming back.
    • Take 500 ml of water and add 1/2 cup of dried gotu kola leaves (available at health food stores and online). Boil the water until it has evaporated halfway, then filter out the leaves, then add 240 ml of sesame oil.
    • Let the liquid simmer over low heat until all the water has evaporated. Use this herbal oil to coat your scars once a day until they are less visible.
  5. Make a paste with vitamin E oil to improve the overall health of your skin. Since vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, it is good for keloids.
    • Take 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil, 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter and 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel and mix well to form a thick paste.
    • Apply this paste on the scars and let it dry before rinsing it off. Apply the paste every day until your skin looks better.
  6. Use mustard oil to reduce keloid scars. Mustard oil is a powerful anti-fungal agent that can help get rid of existing keloids and prevent the formation of new ones.
    • Gently massage the gel into the scars three times a day using small, circular movements.
    • Continue to apply the mustard oil for three weeks until you have visible results.

Method 3 of 3: Take care of your skin

  1. Keep your skin clean and hydrated. Good skin care is essential in treating any skin condition, and keloids are no exception. Keeping skin clean and hydrated helps it rejuvenate itself - that means old, scarred skin layers will fall off and new, smoother skin layers will emerge.
    • Wash the skin with the scar at least once a day (twice if on your face) with a gentle cleansing product without dyes or fragrances. However, be careful not to wash the skin too often as it will dry out and become irritated.
    • Coat your skin after shampooing to stay hydrated. Use a commercially available gentle moisturizer or apply a natural oil such as coconut or olive oil.
  2. Apply sunscreen every day to prevent skin damage. Scars are very sensitive to burning and discoloration from the sun's harmful rays. That's why it's important to always put sunscreen on keloids when you go outside.
    • Use a cream with a factor of 30 or more and apply it at least 30 minutes before you go into the sun.
    • The sun's rays can damage the skin even when it is not very sunny or warm outside. That's why it's important to always put on sunscreen no matter what the weather is like.
  3. Eat healthy foods that help your skin rejuvenate. Eating a healthy diet is essential for the overall condition of your skin and can speed up the natural healing process of keloids.
    • Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Fruits such as watermelon and black grapes, and vegetables such as onions and cucumber are high in water, which helps hydrate your skin and make keloids look better. Also try to get a lot of vitamin C, for example by eating oranges, strawberries, papayas, green leafy vegetables, broccoli and bell peppers.
    • Avoid foods that are too acidic and foods with too much salt or sugar. These foods are bad for your skin and can make keloids worse.
    • Try to eat more vitamins E, D, B complex, CQ10, and fish oil, as they are all very good for your skin.
  4. Do not pick at the scars. If you have a cut or small scar, it can be very tempting to pick it. This is a very bad idea as it often leads to infection and the formation of keloids.
    • Stay away from cuts to prevent keloids from forming, and avoid touching existing keloids so it doesn't get worse.
    • If you stay away from the scars, there is a good chance that it will disappear on its own over time, without you having to do anything about it.


  • A saturated solution of potassium iodide can flatten the keloid scars as flat as a normal scar when you put it on. You can buy it at most health food stores or pharmacies.


  • Keep in mind that it can take up to a year for keloids to completely disappear.