Making sugar paste for body depilation

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024


Using sugar paste is an age-old hair removal method that has only recently become popular in the modern world. The method is a bit like waxing and works much the same way, but the paste is made from more natural and household ingredients. If you have some simple ingredients and a stove, you can easily make a sugar paste at home and use it for hair removal on your body.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Mixing the ingredients

  1. Grab a saucepan. If this is your first time making sugar paste for body hair removal, don't use your prettiest saucepan. This process can be a bit tricky and the pasta often burns. The burnt pasta is quite difficult to get out of the pan. To be on the safe side, use a pan that you don't mind throwing away.
    • The mixture will boil and bubble when you heat it, so make sure to use a saucepan large enough so that the mixture doesn't overflow.
  2. Add 400 grams of white cane sugar to the pan. This is the simple white sugar that you probably already have at home and can buy at any supermarket. It is important to use white sugar for this recipe. You can tell if your pasta is ready by changing the color, so use white sugar as the base for your pasta.
    • If you want to make a smaller amount, just use half the amounts used for this recipe. However, you can easily put the sugar paste in a container and keep it, so don't worry if you're making a lot more than you need for a hair removal session.
  3. Add 60 ml lemon juice and 60 ml water. You can squeeze the juice from fresh lemons or buy store-bought lemon juice if you only have 60ml of juice. Pour the juice into the sugar and then add 60 ml of water. Mix the three ingredients with a spatula or large spoon until well blended.

Part 2 of 3: Heating the mixture

  1. Set the stove to low heat. It is important for the mixture to boil, but try to heat it slowly and carefully so that the pasta does not burn. Stay by the stove, especially if this is your first time making sugar paste. It can be difficult to get the pasta warm enough without burning, so you will need to keep a close eye on it. It will be clearly visible when the paste starts to burn as the paste will turn a very dark, almost black color.
  2. Keep stirring the mixture until it boils. Do not light the stove or leave the pan unattended. Keep stirring the mixture to make sure it never sticks to the pan. When the mixture starts to boil it will thin out. When it starts to bubble it is almost done, but make sure to let the mixture boil completely.
    • Use a candy thermometer if you have one. The mixture should reach a temperature of 120 degrees Celsius, the so-called "hard phase" in the candy making process.
  3. Put a few drops of the mixture on something white. You can use a plate, a napkin, a sheet of paper, or something else. This way you will have a good look at the color. The final sugar paste should be golden in color. When the mixture is boiling and golden, turn off the heat. Make sure you are still stirring the mixture.
  4. If you don't have anything else, use a microwave. Instead of the ingredients mentioned earlier in this article, use 200 grams of sugar, 60 ml of honey and the juice of half a lemon (about 2 tablespoons). Combine these ingredients in a microwave safe bowl and stir until you get a smooth mixture. Then heat the mixture in the microwave for two minutes.
    • Do not walk away while the mixture is heating in the microwave. You will need to stir the mixture every 20 to 30 seconds.
    • After two minutes have passed, allow the mixture to cool slightly to use or store.

Part 3 of 3: Storing the pasta

  1. Let the mixture cool. This is especially important if you want to start using some of the mixture straight away for hair removal. The mixture should be warm but not hot or you could burn yourself badly. In this article you can read how to use the sugar paste you make. Even if you are not going to use the sugar paste right away, let the mixture cool before putting it in a container.
  2. Pour the pasta into a microwave-safe bowl or container. It is important that the bowl or container can be heated as it is best to warm the mixture slightly before using it for hair removal. Keep the sugar paste at room temperature. This will prevent the paste from thickening and it will be easier to heat it up again.
    • If you don't have a microwave, you can always run the container under a hot tap to heat up the pasta.
  3. Reheat the sugar paste before using it. When the pasta thickens, add a few drops of water before putting the pasta in the microwave. Heat the pasta so that it gets warm but not hot. The sugar paste can easily burn you, so take extra precautions. The pasta will thicken slightly when you reheat it.


  • It is very important that the sugar paste has the correct consistency. Make sure you follow the recipe carefully. If the mixture sticks to your skin at room temperature or isn't easy to spread, then something went wrong. Try again to get the right consistency. The color will tell you when to turn off the heat so that the mixture stops boiling.


  • This paste is very messy and the residue is difficult to remove. To clean a pan, heat it on the stove until the leftover pasta has become liquid. Then throw the leftovers in the trash can. If there is still a thin layer of sugar paste in the pan, just boil some water in the kettle once or twice and rinse the pan with it. If there is more sugar paste in the pan, fill the pan with enough water and bring it to a boil. The sugar paste will dissolve in the hot water, and you can then dispose of the mixture down the drain or toilet. It is not recommended to pour large amounts of hot liquid syrup down a sink drain. You can get leftover sugar paste out of the pan with a kettle with hot water. Be careful when working with a heavy pan with hot liquid syrup in it.