Remove suggestions from Chrome

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To  Remove  Chrome Search History ⚡| How To Delete Chrome Search History Suggestions Permanently
Video: How To Remove Chrome Search History ⚡| How To Delete Chrome Search History Suggestions Permanently


This wikiHow shows you how to prevent Google Chrome from making search suggestions when you type in an address or search from an address bar.

To step

Method 1 of 5: Delete a search suggestion on Android, iPhone or iPad

  1. Open Chrome. This is the round red, yellow, green and blue icon and is usually on your home screen (iOS). If you're on Android, you'll find it in the app drawer.
  2. Enter a URL or a search term in the address bar. You can stop typing if you see the suggestion you don't want to see.
  3. Tap and hold the suggested search term or URL. A popup will appear asking if you want to delete this suggestion from your history.
  4. Tap on remove. Now that you have removed this URL from your history, it will no longer appear when you type in the address bar.

Method 2 of 5: Block predictive search suggestions on Android

  1. Open Chrome. This is the round red, yellow, green and blue icon and is usually on your home screen. If it's not here, you'll find it in your app drawer.
  2. Tap on . This is in the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Scroll down and tap Settings. This is at the bottom of the list.
  4. Tap on Privacy. This is under the heading "Advanced".
  5. Uncheck "Search and site suggestions". This is the third institution on the list. This prevents Chrome from making possible search suggestions.
    • If these steps don't work for you, you may need to clear Chrome's data. Go to Settings Open Chrome. This is the round red, yellow, green, and blue icon and is usually on your home screen.
    • Tap on . It's in the top right corner of the screen.
    • Scroll down and tap Settings.
    • Tap on Privacy.
    • Swipe the "Show suggestions" switch to Off. It's under the heading "Web Services". If this switch is off (Open Google Chrome. If you are using Windows, this will be in the Windows / Start menu. If you're using a Mac, this will be in the Applications folder. Look for the round red, green, blue and yellow icon.
    • Enter the URL or search term in the address bar. You can stop typing if you see the suggestion you don't want to see.
    • Highlight the suggested URL. If the suggested URL is already highlighted, go to the next step.
    • Press ⇧ Shift+Delete (Windows) or Fn+⇧ Shift+Del (Mac). This will remove the suggestion from your search history and Chrome will no longer suggest it.

Method 5 of 5: Block predictive search suggestions on a computer

  1. Open Google Chrome. If you are using Windows, you will find this in the Windows / Start menu. If you are using a Mac, you can find this in the Applications folder. Look for the round red, green, blue and yellow icon.
  2. click on . It's in the top right corner of the browser.
  3. click on Settings.
  4. Scroll down and click Advanced. It's at the bottom of the list. You will now see additional settings.
  5. Slide the "Use a prediction service to complete searches and URLs typed in the address bar" to Off. This is under the heading "Privacy and Security". This will make the switch gray or white. Chrome no longer makes search suggestions when you type in the address bar.