Play with your Siamese fighting fish

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Betta splendens, or Siamese fighting fish, are strikingly beautiful, curious and social fish, native to Southeast Asia. Because siamese fighting fish can live in extremely small spaces, such as in the wild in paddy fields and drains, they have been bred to be kept as pets in a small fishbowl or aquarium only. Although they can live in narrow spaces and males should be kept separate to avoid conflict, siamese fighting fish can become bored if not challenged. If you have siamese fighting fish, you can give them the attention they need by learning how to play with them and teach them tricks.

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Method 1 of 2: Add entertainment to your siamese fighting fish tank

  1. Place objects on the bottom of your siamese fighting fish tank. Fighting fish are very curious fish and they enjoy themselves by discovering new things. They also like to have places to hide and rest in their tank, so adding objects to the tank makes them very happy.
    • Find ready-to-use aquarium supplies or use supplies that can be thoroughly cleaned, won't disintegrate in water, and are non-toxic. If it's small enough and clean enough, you can put it in your tank!
    • There are a lot of products available that are specially made for hemp fish aquariums. At the very least, place an artificial plant where your betta can hide or relax.
    • While your betta will need places to hide and explore, it's also important to leave plenty of open space to swim freely. Do not overfill the aquarium with stuff!
  2. Try to place floating objects at the top of the aquarium. Use a small floating toy or a float. You shouldn't cover the entire surface as bettas come to the surface to gasp for air, but you can float some fun toys around to play with.
    • Make sure the toy is clean before putting it in the water.
    • Place a small ping pong ball at the top of the aquarium. Do you see what the fighting fish is doing? Some bettas push him around the tank. If the fighting fish doesn't play with the ball right away, give it some time to get used to it.
  3. Feed your betta live food regularly. This is a great way to entertain your fish. Pet or fish stores often sell live worms that your siamese fighting fish will chase with enthusiasm.
    • Always feed your betta a varied, balanced diet. Too many treats or meals are not good for your fish, but can be offered every now and then without any problems. You simply should not overfeed them to prevent them from getting sick!

Method 2 of 2: Playing with your fighting fish

  1. Run your finger back and forth through the water in the aquarium. See if your fish follows your finger as you move. Often times, the betta will join the swim if he knows you are his caretaker.
    • Have your betta follow different patterns you make with your finger. Can you make him do a somersault?
  2. Teach your fighting fish to eat from your hands. When you feed your betta, let him come up and see you feed him. Once your fighting fish is used to being around you while it eats, try to keep your hand above the water. Slowly you can try to hold the food slightly under water, between your thumb and your index finger.
    • Try to give your fighting fish something to eat that it really likes when you train it. Betta can even jump if you hold worms or insects just above the surface of the water!
  3. Train your betta to swim and even jump through a hoop. Make a hoop out of a piece of pipe cleaner or plastic, find out what your fighting fish prefer to eat and use it as bait. Hang the hoop in the tank so that the fighting fish can swim through it. Move the bait to encourage the fighting fish to go through the hoop.
    • When your fighting fish is comfortable swimming through the hoop, slowly raise the hoop higher and higher until the bottom just touches the surface of the water. With enough practice, your fighting fish may jump out of the water and through the hoop to get the food.
    • Remember not to overfeed your betta. A few treats while exercising are fine, but don't overdo it as this can lead to illness or even death.
  4. Let your betta "shine" by holding up a mirror. Show your fighting fish its reflection for a few seconds. When he sees his reflection in the mirror, he thinks there is another fish in the tank. Male fighting fish are very territorial, so they will spread their fins at the sight of this imaginary other fish.
    • There is a debate about whether or not this is a good idea to do with siamese fighting fish.


  • It is better not to pet siamese fighting fish too often or never at all. It is not good to pet them, as it affects their natural mucus layer and makes them susceptible to disease. In addition, never touch them with dirty hands, as bacteria can easily be transferred by direct contact.
  • Never put anything in your siamese fighting fish's tank that could break off or release into the water. Items such as colored stones can contain poison and / or toxic chemicals that can injure or kill your fish.
  • Never tap the glass with your fingers when your fish is in a bowl or vase. Bettas are very territorial. The tapping of your fingers scares the somewhat insecure fish and can cause them to die from shock.