Avoid fast sugars

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Here’s How to Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days
Video: Here’s How to Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days


Simple sugars are carbohydrates found in a variety of natural foods, including fruits, vegetables and milk, in addition to processed foods such as sweets and soft drinks. These sugars are quickly digested and used by the body, causing rapid spikes and dips in blood sugar (blood glucose), which in turn results in low blood sugar. Avoiding some simple sugars (especially sugar from candies or sweetened drinks) can aid weight loss, improve insulin response, and improve blood lipid balance. Try to reduce the number of simple sugars in your diet and replace them with healthier options, such as protein, fiber and healthy fats.

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Method 1 of 3: Prepare meals without simple sugars

  1. Read the food label. In the Netherlands, it is mandatory for food manufacturers to state the amount of sugar and types of sugar in all foods with a label. Read all food labels so you know exactly what's in your food.
    • Look at the food label and look for "sugar". You can find it in the list under the label "carbohydrates". The amount stated is usually the amount of sugar per 100 grams of the food.
    • Simple sugars may also be listed as raw sugar, caster sugar, beet sugar, cane sugar, confectioner (powdered sugar), molasses, turbinado sugar, maple syrup, honey, sugar cane syrup, beet juice, invert sugar, malt syrup, agave syrup, and fructose glucose syrup.

    Avoid added sugars. Added sugars are syrups or sugars that are added to foods during production and can always be considered as simple sugars. Added sugars are "empty calories," as they add no nutritional value to your food.

    • Sweets, pastries, regular soft drinks, fruit juices, breakfast rolls, sweetened cereals and coffee are all products that usually contain added sugar.
    • Stay away from cookies, chips and sweets in the supermarket.
    • Take a look in your pantry, fridge and freezer. Throw out most processed foods with simple and added sugars (such as cookies, candy, or regular soft drinks). Having one or two sweet treats at home is acceptable.
    • Note that while there are simple sugars in fruits and some dairy products, these simple sugars are much healthier than added sugars. Vegetables and dairy products add various essential nutrients (such as vitamins, minerals, fiber and proteins) to your diet.
  2. Make sure that 50% of your meals consist of fruits and vegetables. Some fruits and vegetables contain small amounts of simple (fast) sugars. However, they also provide nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber, which are essential for a healthy diet.
    • Vegetables with simple sugars include: carrots, sweet potatoes, peas and squash. Don't leave out these vegetables, just make sure you eat plenty of other healthy vegetables.
    • Do not replace fruit with fruit juice. Many juices do not contain fiber and are high in sugars and calories.
    • Also, don't eat too many dried fruits. Sugars are often added to dried fruits (especially tart fruits such as cranberries).
    • In addition, the amount of sugar in dried fruit is more concentrated because the water is removed during the drying process. Stick to a healthy serving of dried fruit - about 1/4 cup. A serving of fruit juice is about 1 cup or less.
  3. Take low-fat dairy products every day. Dairy products such as milk and yogurt also contain simple sugars in the form of lactose. However, these foods are also a great source of protein, calcium and vitamin D, and are part of the daily diet.
    • Aim for 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy products per day. Some examples are milk, yogurt or cheese.
    • Although dairy naturally contains fast sugars, there are also many dairy products that contain a significant amount of added sugars. Products such as chocolate milk or yogurt with added fruit usually contain more sugar than the plain counterparts.
    • Choose yogurt or cottage cheese without fruits or other flavorings. Add fresh, whole fruits or a teaspoon of honey for a more natural, healthy taste. You can always buy low-fat plain Greek yogurt and sweeten it with your own raw honey, berries and nuts. The key is to limit the sugar you add and choose where that sugar comes from.

Method 2 of 3: Use as little fast sugars as possible in recipes

  1. Bake with unsweetened applesauce, bananas, figs or dates. If you bake at home, such as muffins or cakes, replace sugar with an equal amount of unsweetened applesauce or a mashed ripe banana.
    • Using fruit can reduce the amount of quick sugars in recipes, as well as give yourself extra fiber, vitamins and minerals that are in the fruit.
    • If you use bananas or unsweetened applesauce instead of sugar, put less liquid in the recipe. That way you make sure that the batter or dough is not too wet.
    • Any ingredient replacement can change the texture, color or flavor of the original recipe.
  2. Cook with honey, agave syrup, or maple syrup in place of white sugar. Some recipes require sweetener with limited number of possible substitutions. More natural sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup are sweeter than refined sugar, so you have to use less of it.
    • Homemade barbecue sauce, ketchup, or salad dressings are examples of sauces that are equally delicious with honey or maple syrup.
    • Sweeteners such as maple syrup, honey and agave syrup are less processed compared to white or brown sugar.
  3. Make a homemade ice cream sorbet. Instead of buying ice cream or a sherbet from the store, just make it at home. Mix frozen fruit with no added sugar in a blender or food processor for a sorbet-like result.
    • There are even kitchen utensils that can turn frozen bananas and other fruits into "soft ice cream" such as ice cream.
    • Ice cream desserts also contain fiber, vitamins and minerals from the fruit, making it a healthy dessert.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid fast sugars when you eat out

  1. Read the menu and food descriptions carefully. By knowing exactly what's in your meal, you can determine which options contain more or less simple sugars.
    • Foods to watch out for include: those made with sweet and sour sauce, BBQ sauce, ketchup or salad dressings, baked beans, sweet potato fries, marinara, salsa, and other condiments / spreads.
    • Don't forget the more obvious sources of simple sugars. Foods such as pancakes / waffles, desserts, muffins, white bread with jam and muesli usually contain a significant amount of added sugars.
    • Do not hesitate to ask the waiter or chef for specific information regarding the meals or ingredients.
  2. Limit the number of spices. These items can contain a significant amount of simple sugars and can be avoided or limited when you dose them yourself.
    • Ask if things like dressings, sauces, ketchup, syrup, or spreads can be served with it.
    • Ask for plain olive oil and vinegar for salad dressings instead of creamy sauces or vinaigrette-like dressings.
    • Jam and jelly, whipped cream and coffee flavors, as well as apple syrup can contain many simple sugars.
  3. Do not order soft drinks. Regular sodas can contain more than 39 grams of sugar - and that's a small glass! Stick to water and other sugar-free drinks.
    • If you still want a soda, choose the diet version or have a small amount.
    • After the first drink, switch to water, unsweetened tea, or plain unsweetened coffee.
  4. Skip the alcohol. Beware of certain alcoholic drinks including blends, wine and beer. Although they don't taste sweet, they still contain a significant amount of simple sugars.
    • Specialty cocktails and mixed drinks can sabotage any attempt at limiting simple sugars, as they often contain single syrup (sugar water), flavor syrups, soda or fruit blends, and even sugared rims on the glass.
    • To limit your sugar intake, you can choose an alcoholic drink diluted with water or unsweetened spring water, or go for a low-carb / low-calorie beer.
  5. Share the dessert. Ordering a dessert or sweet treat every now and then is fine. However, by sharing your dessert with others, you can reduce the consumption of fast sugars.
    • If no one wants to share dessert with you, ask if half can be packed for take away.
    • Order a children's menu or "petit" dessert, if available. The smaller portion will help limit the amount of simple sugars you consume.
    • Order fruit instead. Although this still contains some simple sugars, you have the advantage of fiber, vitamins and minerals.


  • Foods rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein, healthy fats and low-fat dairy are very likely to be low in simple and added sugars.
  • To make avoiding simple sugars easier, choose fresh foods over processed, sweetened, or spicy foods and drinks.
  • Preparing your food, dressings and sauces at home makes it much easier to limit the amount of simple sugars in your food, because you can control the amount of added sugars.
  • Try replacing creamy or fruity dressings with vinegar-based ones, and opt for savory rather than sweet sauces.


  • For diabetics, simple sugars are not the only type of carbohydrates to be restricted for a healthy diet; you may also need to limit the number of complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates contain more fiber that balances blood sugar. It still affects your blood sugar, but not as drastically as simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are usually found in starchy foods such as bread, rice, grains and some vegetables.