Make your house smell nice quickly

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Bad smells in your home are not only disturbing, they can also cause embarrassing situations when you have people around. Sometimes it turns out to be difficult to pinpoint the source of the foul odor. It is important to locate and then eliminate the cause of the foul odor. For short-term results, you can mask odors with fragrance products. In this article, you can learn how to find the sources of bad smells, how to eliminate them, and how to get your home smelling fresh again.

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Method 1 of 2: Eliminate odors present

  1. Identify the source of the foul odor. Sometimes it is very obvious, but if you are not sure, look around your house for the possible cause. There are a number of common sources of bad smells for which solutions exist to eliminate them.
    • Problem areas are closets, the refrigerator, the bathroom, the sink, the laundry room or the basement.
    • Check the places where pets may be staying. These spots can cause a terrible smell.
    • The drain can also be a source of bad odors. If it smells like rotten eggs, the drain pipe is probably dry or clogged.
    • Smoking in the house also causes a foul odor.
    • Also check the waste. The waste bins in, for example, a kitchen or bathroom can start to smell very dirty after a few days.
    • Most of the time, all you need to do to get your home smelling nice and fresh again is to remove the source of the foul odor.
  2. Remove pet odors from your carpet. There are several strategies to help you do this quickly.
    • A quick solution to this problem is the use of soda (baking soda). Soda will absorb the bad smells. Drizzle the entire carpet with baking soda, let it sit for 15 minutes, then remove it using a vacuum cleaner.
    • Wet dirt will require a different approach.
    • Remove urine and other wet grime by absorbing it with newspaper. Get new newspaper when the absorbent effect has worn off. Treat the areas in this way until only a very small amount of moisture remains when dabbing.
    • Rinse the treated areas with clean water.
    • Remove excess water using a cloth or a wet and dry vacuum cleaner.
    • Use a professional carpet cleaner or a pet odor and stain remover to remove unpleasant odors.
  3. Check if there are any problems with the drainage. A smell of rotten eggs could be an indication of dried out parts in the pipe to the sewer.
    • Test this by pouring a teaspoon of peppermint oil down the drain. This will not only help you identify the source of the problem, but will also mask unpleasant odors from the drain pipe. Peppermint oil has a very strong odor.
    • Run warm water down the drain pipe.
    • If you can smell the scent of peppermint oil in other parts of the house, it may be the gooseneck (siphon).
    • Pour a large amount of water down the drain pipe to remove the odor. While this may not be a long-term solution, it will quickly remove the foul odor for a short period of time.
  4. Remove smoke odor. Cigarette smoke is one of the most recognizable and striking smells in a home.
    • Smoke smell can be removed from your house by placing dishes or bowls with white vinegar or ammonia.
    • Vinegar is a great neutralizer of unpleasant odors. Once the smell has disappeared, you can throw away the vinegar.
    • Wipe hard surfaces with a mixture of vinegar (1/5) and water (4/5) to remove the smell of cigarettes.
    • Vacuum mattresses and upholstery. Then let these items air out, preferably outside.

Method 2 of 2: Create a more pleasant air

  1. Use scented products. Candles, fragrance oil or air fresheners can quickly spread a pleasant scent throughout your home.
    • Light a scented candle or use an oil burner with scented oil if you have one at home.
    • Use an electric air freshener or one that runs on batteries. Separate units that do not require electricity or batteries are also available.
    • You can also use a spray can to spread air freshener throughout your house. This fresh scent really lingers less long.
  2. Try frankincense. Frankincense smells very strong, but is certainly not unpleasant. There are hundreds of different types of incense sticks.
    • Light the incense stick by grasping the stick at the beginning, then hold the end in the flame.
    • Wait for the flame to penetrate the incense and then blow it out.
    • The end of the stick should now glow red and will produce a strong smelling smoke.
  3. Place fragrance oil with reed sticks in rooms that need to be provided with a fresher scent. The fragrance oil comes in a container.
    • The reed sticks absorb the fragrance oil and then spread the fragrance through the air.
    • These can have a very strong, but pleasant scent.
    • The fragrance oil, holder and the reed sticks are available at supermarkets, wholesalers and drugstores, among others. The oil is available in many different scents.
  4. Use scent bags in your home. There are bags of dried herbs or perfumed rice.
    • You can also easily attach these bags to clothes hangers. They will make your clothes smell fresh.
    • Place bags of dried lavender or cinnamon sticks around your home for a more natural aroma.
    • You can also make your own fragrance bags by putting dried flower petals or potpourri in a small fabric bag. Place the bags in different places in the house.
    • You can also make rosemary wreaths and hang them around the house in various places.
  5. Bake a batch of cookies. To quickly spread a pleasant scent, you can use prepackaged dough.
    • Choose the type of biscuit that you like smelling.
    • This may not be the best solution in the summer when it is hot.
    • Make sure your cookies don't burn, as this will cause more smells!
  6. Boil herbs and spices on the fire. The boiling water will give off a spicy scent.
    • Fill a saucepan halfway with water and bring it to the boil. Add nice smelling herbs and spices such as cinnamon and cloves. Let the water boil over low heat.
    • Make a pot of homemade chai tea.
    • Boil three cups of water and add 20 cardamom pods, 15 whole cloves, 2 cinnamon sticks and 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger.
    • Boil for five minutes and then add three tea bags.
    • Let the tea with the spices infuse well and then filter the water. Add milk and sugar, if necessary.


  • These tips can quickly mask and eliminate odors. Further steps may be necessary to permanently remove the odors from your home.
  • Try not to overdo it when using air fresheners. Stick to one or two methods at a time.


  • Be extremely careful when using candles and oil burners. Never leave them unattended, especially if children or pets are present.
  • Stubborn odors that cannot be removed can indicate more serious problems. If the odor persists, you may want to have your home inspected late to rule out the presence of dangerous mold or other hazards.
  • Always check the label and instructions for use of cleaning products before use. This is to determine whether it is safe to use the product around children and pets.