Get Instagram followers fast

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


In this article, you can read how you can quickly grow the number of people who follow you on Instagram. The safest way to do this is to use organic ways to engage users with your profile by liking and commenting on other people's posts. On the other hand, if you are in a very hurry, you can also buy followers if you want.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Using standard manners

  1. Promote your profile. A perfectly groomed Instagram profile is of no use if people don't know where to find your content, so post the link to your profile wherever you can. Popular locations for this include social media and the signature under your email signature. You can also spread your profile by sending a link directly to as many people as possible in a private message.
    • A long-term strategy that can be of great use is to mention your Instagram on your business card.
  2. Make use of hashtags and name characters that are popular at the time. If you find that a particular hashtag and / or celebrity is in vogue at the time, try to find a way to use that hashtag and / or name that person in your next post.
    • Using hashtags can be a great way to get people to discover your Instagram account faster, but beware of using hashtags that are very popular (like #love or #mode) or you will face a much greater number include other photos. Instead, use more specific, targeted hashtags, as they can help you stand out.
  3. Write detailed captions. When adding a caption to your photos, think about what type of content you would read yourself; things like humor, questions and detailed stories usually attract more people, which also increases your chances of new followers.
    • It is also smart to ask people in your post to do something in an original way (for example: 'Tap twice if you think so!'), And a general call to action (such as: 'Follow this page if you want to see more of this').
  4. Limit your number of uploads. You may think it's helpful to post a ton of photos in a short amount of time to attract more followers, but that's far from true. If you post too much at once, your followers will only see photos of you. New users will not follow you, and those who do follow you are likely to change their mind and stop.
    • In principle, try not to post more than one to three photos per day.
  5. Post your photos during peak hours. An Instagram photo has a lifespan of three to four hours before disappearing in the Instagram community. If you post a photo while there is a maximum number of people on Instagram, you are much more likely to get random viewers and potential followers than if you post at any other time.
    • The two most popular times are in the morning and late afternoon when most people are done with work.
    • The most popular time of the week is Wednesday between 5:00 and 6:00 pm.
    • Another peak time on Instagram is between 2pm and 3pm (CST).
    • Every Instagram account has a different kind of audience. Keep track of the times when you get the most responses and post especially at those times.
  6. Follow as many users as possible yourself. One of the fastest ways to get the attention of other Instagram users is to follow them yourself first. The more people you follow, the more people will think about following you back.
    • Look for popular users and those who themselves follow a much greater number of people than the number of followers they have. Those people are likely to want to get more followers, so chances are they will follow you too.
    • If an account's bio says 'f4f' or 'follow4follow' (or some other variation of this phrase, which literally means 'follow to follow'), you can be pretty sure if you are following that person, he or she will follow you too.
  7. Respond to the publications of others. Following other users is a great way to get people to notice your account, but it probably won't do much until you start liking and commenting on their posts.
    • This strategy takes quite a lot of time, but often gives you loyal followers who will also recommend your account to their friends.
    • Once you have established a captive audience, it is very important that you maintain contact with your followers; building a relationship with your followers will help you get more followers faster. The nice thing about Instagram is that you can reply directly to your followers when they send you a private message.
  8. Join a mini community. Mini-communities are groups formed around Instagram accounts that attract a lot of users by sponsoring certain challenges and offering forums every day. Getting actively involved in a micro community allows you to quickly introduce yourself to other Instagram users. In addition, these users are usually very active on Instagram and so there is a good chance that they would like to follow new accounts.
    • The group named @joshjohnson#YY community for example offers challenges and forums every day. If you use the hashtag #YY adding to your photos and following the community's so-called 1-2-3 rule, you can easily get new followers. The basic rule is that for every photo you post, you comment on two other photos and like three other photos.

Method 2 of 2: Buy followers

  1. First of all, keep in mind that buying followers is illegal. It violates Instagram's Terms of Use, and if discovered, your account will be blocked and you could even be prosecuted. So if you decide to buy followers, make sure you know what risks you are running.
  2. Try to understand the difference between real and grid users. Some websites will sell you so-called fake users, which are basically bot accounts that just increase the numbers on your profile page so that it just looks like you have more followers than you actually have. Other websites sell you "real" users, which are real people who are willing to follow you on Instagram and who may or may not be really active in the community.
    • If possible, buy real followers rather than fake followers. Real followers will respond more actively to your posts and will actually ensure that your Instagram profile grows and stays active.
    • Fake followers often disappear over time.
  3. Know the pros and cons of buying followers. Buying followers is by far the fastest way to get a large following on Instagram. It's not always the most convenient way though, and if you can wait a few weeks, you may be better off trying to get followers in fairer ways.
    • The biggest advantage of buying followers is that in that case you can be sure that you will immediately get a large number of followers. If you make your account appear popular, you can quickly become more popular with other users. In addition, that way you no longer look like a "rookie" on Instagram, which makes people more likely to take you seriously.
    • The biggest disadvantage of buying followers is that when it comes down to it, those followers aren't involved with your profile at all. Additionally, buying followers violates Instagram's Terms of Use, and if you're not careful and it's discovered, the platform may block your account.
  4. Look for a website that offers followers for a fee. Type Buy Instagram Followers in a search engine of your choice and view the results. A few commonly used websites are:
    • AddTwitter-Followers
    • Cheap Social Media SEO
    • Social Media Combo
  5. Choose a website. Click on one of the links and view the company's website.
  6. Try to determine how secure the company providing the service is. Once you have chosen a company, make sure that it is legal and that you are not dealing with scammers by all means possible. The easiest way to do this is to type in the name of the company in the search bar of your browser, followed by the word "scam", and check the comments of other users.
    • Look for a service that allows you to pay by bank or instead of a credit card.
    • Buying Instagram followers is a pretty shady tactic in itself, so you might find some questionable details on the website you're using (like a URL address with multiple dashes, an ugly design, etc.) that you should overlook.
  7. Buy your followers from any website that offers followers for sale. Search Google for "Buy Instagram Followers" and choose any website from the list. Then go to the Instagram section on that website, choose a plan (1000 followers, for example) and enter your payment and account information. Once you've done this you should see the number of followers you have starting to increase.


  • Even if you buy followers, you should also try to involve people in the content of your account in more organic ways. Buying followers is best used as an additional way to gain followers, in addition to the more natural ways, and not as your sole strategy.
  • There are always things you can do to improve your Instagram strategy and attract more followers, but always remember that it can take quite a while to get a lot of followers in a fair and natural way, and that's no problem at all! All great influencers have ever started from your position.


  • Buying followers violates Instagram's terms of use, and if you do, you risk having your account locked out.