Remove dandruff with vinegar

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
Quick and Easy Home Remedies For Dandruff
Video: Quick and Easy Home Remedies For Dandruff


Dandruff is a common problem with symptoms such as excessive scalp flaking and itching. Since dandruff can be caused by excess yeast or bacteria on the scalp, and yeasts and bacteria need a certain pH level to grow, changing the pH of your scalp can help get rid of the problem. One way to easily change the pH of your scalp is with vinegar. Vinegar also has the added benefit of taking away some of the itchiness caused by the dandruff. Applying vinegar to your scalp regularly can really help get rid of dandruff.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Apply a vinegar rinse to treat mild dandruff

  1. Wash your hair. Do not use heavy shampoo and conditioner; try something with citrus or tea tree oil that won't rob your scalp of the grease.
  2. Make a solution of one part vinegar to one part water and apply it to your wet hair. Slowly pour it over your head, taking care not to get it in your eyes. From time to time, massage the solution further into your scalp.
  3. Let the vinegar solution sit on your scalp for a few minutes. Let the vinegar solution soak into your scalp for a moment. You will smell the strong scent of vinegar when you apply it, but it will wash you out later.
  4. Rinse your hair thoroughly. You can use shampoo and conditioner again or simply rinse your hair with warm water. However, rinsing your hair with water may not completely get rid of the vinegar smell.
  5. Repeat the wash with the vinegar wash daily until the dandruff is gone. It may take a few days for the dandruff to fade noticeably, but keep going with the routine and it should go away. The smell of vinegar may make you feel a bit sick, but the better health of your scalp is well worth it.

Method 2 of 2: Using concentrated vinegar to treat severe dandruff

  1. Take a bath or shower. While you don't necessarily need to wash your hair prior to this vinegar treatment, you do need to be somewhere where you can spill some vinegar. It is also better not to wear clothes, otherwise vinegar can get on it.
  2. Mix 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with a few tablespoons of water in a small spray bottle or bowl. While you can use undiluted apple cider vinegar, it may be too harsh for a sensitive scalp and can dry out your hair. Instead, opt for a slightly diluted solution, which gives you all the benefits of vinegar, but less strong.
  3. Apply the vinegar solution directly to your scalp. Spray it directly on your scalp or use cotton wool to apply it.Don't forget to keep your eyes closed so you don't get vinegar in it!
  4. Massage the vinegar into your hair and deep into the scalp. You shouldn't just put the vinegar on your hair and not your scalp. Take the time to massage it thoroughly into your scalp.
  5. Let the vinegar sit for about 20 minutes. Wrap a warm towel around your head to reduce the odor and keep the vinegar in place. The heat from the towel will also open your pores so that the vinegar can really get into the pores.
  6. Rinse your hair thoroughly. Because of the vinegar's powerful scent, you will likely need shampoo and conditioner to get it out of your hair. Use products that are mild or even beneficial to your scalp, such as shampoo and conditioner with tea tree oil.
  7. Repeat this vinegar treatment a few times a week. Since the concentrated vinegar can be too strong for your hair and scalp, don't do this every day. However, regular vinegar treatment will help keep away the bacteria that cause dandruff.


  • Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the vinegar. It is a natural antiseptic that can also be added to a small amount of shampoo before washing your hair. Like vinegar, it helps to remove bacteria and fungi from the scalp.