How to Prevent Camel's Toe Formation

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
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"Camel's foot" is the colloquial name for the outlines of the external genital organs of a woman, showing through tight-fitting clothing.As stated above, this problem occurs when the clothing is too tight. This is a common occurrence for swimwear, swimming trunks, skinny jeans, leggings, and short shorts. If this problem has not spared you, do not worry. After reading this article, you will learn how to prevent the formation of "camel's toe".


Method 1 of 3: Choosing the Right Clothes

  1. 1 Wear clothing that is appropriately sized. Of course, tight pants or shorts look very attractive. However, if your appearance is beyond the bounds of decency, then you are unlikely to look pretty.
    • Typically, a cameltoe problem occurs when trousers or shorts are too tight on the crotch.
    • Thin fabric pants or shorts can also cause this problem. Also, a small swimsuit that doesn't fit your size can cause camel toe. Therefore, choose clothes that are the right size.
  2. 2 Choose clothing in specific fabrics. The problem of “camel's toe” most often concerns things made of stretch fabrics. For example, elastic yoga shorts can make you feel awkward if you wear them for a workout.
    • When choosing clothing, especially for the gym, choose one that has crotch lining. This extra layer of fabric helps fight this problem. Don't buy spandex clothes.
    • Do not wear linen and polyester clothing, especially if it is warm outside. These types of fabrics can lead to a cameltoe problem.
  3. 3 Choose dark colored clothing. Black or dark fabrics mask the camel's toe.
    • The worst option is stretch fabrics in light colors.
    • Stretch shorts or light-colored trousers contribute to the appearance of a cameltoe.
  4. 4 Choose the right leggings. Prefer tight, non-translucent leggings that won't show your underwear.
    • Either way, don't wear tight tights instead of leggings. Tights are very transparent, so you will have a lot more problems with your appearance than just camel toe.
    • If you can't imagine your wardrobe without leggings, wear them with a long shirt or sweater. Few people will be pleased to look at you in leggings that are too tight. Wear tunics. Even if you have a camel's toe, no one will notice.

Method 2 of 3: Preventing Camel's Toe

  1. 1 Wear underwear. Wear underwear if you want to prevent camel toe. Otherwise, you cannot avoid the appearance of a camel's toe.
    • This is especially true for clothing made from thin, stretch or light-colored fabrics. If you do not wear underwear, but wear thin, stretchy or light-colored clothing, this problem cannot be avoided.
    • Wear tight panties. If you wear tight panties, you are unlikely to encounter the problem of "camel toe", as they will not overly hug you. Plus, the tight panties will provide the support you need by smoothing out all lines.
  2. 2 Buy clothes or panties with multiple seams. When buying jeans, trousers, or shorts, go for ones that have multiple seams.
    • For example, buy garments that have a V-shaped crotch stitch.
    • Garments with a single crotch stitch can cause camel toe. This is due to the fact that the fabric will move out and lead to the appearance of a "camel's toe".
  3. 3 Choose trousers with a low waistline. This applies to both denim pants and sweatpants. The higher the waistline, the more likely the appearance of a camel's toe.
    • When choosing trousers, go to the fitting room and put them on, paying attention to the appearance of the "camel's toe". Avoid mom's jeans. These models have a high waist, widen at the hips and taper towards the ankle.Not only is it inconvenient and often ugly, this model of jeans contributes to the formation of a "camel's toe".
    • Choose pants and sweatpants according to the size of your thighs. Do not wear pants that will gather in the crotch area.

Method 3 of 3: Solve the problem

  1. 1 Use a pad attached to your underwear. If you realize that you are having this problem, quickly fix it by placing a pad that attaches to the underwear. Many beauty pageants use this method.
    • Instead of wearing the pad vertically as you normally would, attach it horizontally to your panties.
    • When using a pad, you may think that this is a regular adhesive plaster.
  2. 2 Pull out the fabric if cameltoe appears. Of course, you can quickly fix this problem, but keep in mind that it can recur.
    • Find a secluded spot, such as a restroom, and remove the fabric from the problem area.
    • You can also pull the pants down a bit so they don't fit too tightly around your crotch. If you can't deal with the problem this way, tie a sweater around your waist to hide the problem area.
  3. 3 Purchase special inserts in your panties to prevent the appearance of "camel toe". This is a problem for many, so special inserts have been developed to help solve this problem.
    • You can also purchase commercial inserts that resemble spacers, but they are specifically designed to prevent camel toe. Camel Ammo and Camelflage are two well-known brands.
    • You can purchase special panties designed to prevent cameltoe. You can purchase these panties online. They have several layers to prevent the appearance of a camel's toe. Some of them have a triangular insert in the crotch area.
    • You can also use a cameltoe attachment. As a rule, such devices are flesh-colored. You can purchase them online.
  4. 4 Use a cardboard overlay. If you don't have a pad on hand, you can use a cardboard pad that you can cut yourself.
    • Attach it vertically. You can cut it according to the size of your panties.
    • Then place a cardboard overlay under the spacer. Use the spacer wings to secure the cardboard cover. Thanks to the cardboard overlay, you can avoid the cameltoe problem.


  • Most often, cameltoe appears on yoga shorts.
  • Cheap fabrics usually do not provide adequate support. Poor quality produces poor results.