Receive the Holy Ghost

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Baptist Pastors Receive the Holy Ghost (Jubilee Highlights with Pastor Rod Parsley)
Video: Baptist Pastors Receive the Holy Ghost (Jubilee Highlights with Pastor Rod Parsley)


There are different ideas circulating in Christian circles about receiving the Holy Spirit, but in the Bible - if you take it as true - it is clearly and simply described.The short and long term benefits for those who receive the Holy Ghost are Biblical, and wonderful.

To step

  1. Consult the Bible to learn about receiving the Holy Ghost.
  2. Look up Acts 2:38. It says here that you receive the Holy Ghost when you repent and are baptized.
  3. Convert to Jesus. The Greek word "metanoeo" originally meant "to change your mind" but is translated in the Bible as to repent or to repent. It points to the change from not living according to God's will to living according to God's will.
  4. Ask God to give you the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "And I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds; and the one knocking, it will be opened… how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? " (Luke 11: 9, 10 & 13b)
  5. Ask God by praying and using your voice to receive the Holy Ghost. Be prepared to be transformed and speak in tongues by the power of the Holy Spirit, as was the case with the early disciples. "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2: 4).
  6. Count on God to stay close to your life. Many have been delivered from sickness, addictions, and all kinds of problems at the time of receiving the Holy Spirit.
  7. When you receive the Holy Spirit, you receive the love and power of God to bring healing into your life as well as that of others as described in, for example, Luke 24:39, Acts 1: 8 and Romans 5: 5.
  8. Live like a good Christian. (Galatians 5: 22-25 & Romans 12: 9-21)
  9. Use your new tongue (prayer language) to speak to god. This is constructive and ensures that you will keep the faith you have just received: "For he who speaks a foreign language does not speak to men, but to God; for no one understands, but with the spirit he speaks mysteries… He who speaks a foreign language edits himself ”(1 Corinthians 14: 2 & 4a)
  10. Tell others how easy it was by letting them know what happened to you. Pray for them so that they too can be healed and receive the Spirit of God (see Mark 16: 15-20).


  • Hold on and keep asking if you don't receive the Holy Ghost (see Luke 11: 5-13) and don't stop until you are filled with the Holy Ghost as the disciples were in Acts 2: 4. See also Acts 10: 44-46 and Acts 19: 1-6.
  • There is nothing in the Bible that contradicts an immediate reception of the Holy Ghost. Just make sure you repent and get baptized. Receiving the Holy Spirit is then guaranteed by God.
  • Consult the Bible online and find all references to repentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost, and speaking in tongues.
  • To repent means to change your mind in the original (Greek) text, not just to change to a (different) religion.
  • The Holy Spirit is also referred to in the Bible as the Spirit of the Lords or simply the ghost and is a translation of pneûma agiov.
  • Different terms are also used for receiving the Holy Ghost, all referring to the same wonderful experience, such as:
    • "To be filled" with the Holy Spirit
    • the Holy Spirit "receiving"
    • "The outpouring" of the Holy Spirit
    • "Be baptized" in the Holy Spirit
    • "Being born" of the Spirit, etc.
  • If this seems right to you, give it a try - you have nothing to lose.
  • Whether or not you believe in the Holy Spirit is your choice. Respect everyone's choices and world view.
  • Look up the original meanings of the words in the Bible through Strong's Concordance.
  • Faith, knowledge, understanding, generosity, and speaking in tongues are all essential parts of Christianity, but must all be done in the spirit of love or there is nothing but noise (1 Corinthians 13: 1-3).
  • You don't have to literally believe every word of the Bible to receive the Holy Spirit. You will receive Him if you believe in God so far that you can ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit. This is what Jesus said according to Luke 11:10.
  • Receiving the Holy Ghost is a wonderful experience that can never be undone (John 14: 15-17).


  • People who speak in tongues but still live badly still have the Holy Spirit. They choose to sin themselves. Paul's letters are full of warnings about this.
  • Well-behaved people cannot claim to have the Holy Ghost just because they are well-behaved. Everyone can do that, if they choose this.
  • Healing from God, Joy, Faith in Jesus and a water baptism are not in themselves proof that someone has received the Holy Spirit. The Samaritans in Acts 8: 5-17 had all of this, and yet they did not receive the Holy Spirit until after the Apostles laid their hands on the Samaritans.
  • Salvation is not a condition of receiving the Holy Ghost. Receiving it is salvation (John 3: 5; John 6:63; Romans 8: 2; 2 Corinthians 3: 6 and Titus 3: 5).
  • If you decide to receive the Holy Ghost, people with good intentions such as friends and family will try to change your mind. Read what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit (John 7: 37-39, Isaiah 11: 2, John 14:26), pray about this and make your decision.


  • Bible