How to use the brainstorming method

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 6 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Brainstorming Techniques: How to Innovate in Groups
Video: Brainstorming Techniques: How to Innovate in Groups


Brainstorming is one of the most common informal inventive techniques (in our country they are most often called “creativity techniques”). While this technique can be useful in many situations where creative, speculative learning is required, it can also be especially useful to you in writing. Brainstorming can be used in a situation where the writer is faced with some obstacle in his writing, or does not quite know what to write about. The method can point the author in a certain direction when the writer already has a topic that he wants to explore.Brainstorming helps a writer get his thoughts and ideas together before starting to put them on paper or in any document. The end result of this method should be a list of words and phrases that are somehow related to the mind of the writer, and which should prove to be very useful in the writing process.


  1. 1 Make a connection diagram of the problem in your question.
  2. 2 Set a timer. You can put it on any time that you think will allow the full potential of the brainstorming session to be realized. The starting point will be the topic word or thought that you want to study, written down at the very top of the sheet. Perhaps it will be a word like 'government' or 'education'. Continue writing down the list of words or phrases below until the time runs out.
  3. 3 Don't pause - write non-stop. Even if it is a completely stupid useless idea, it is better to write it down than to interrupt your creative flow. Keep working, and if nothing comes to mind, just write "I don't know, I don't know, etc." It will be so boring that your dormant brain will eventually come up with an idea.
  4. 4 Let's say you don't have anything to clarify the situation. Focus on the keyword (topic) and continue until more details begin to emerge. In other words, delve into the more private and small details of your overall whole.
  5. 5 As the flow of your ideas begins to dry up, revisit the list you already have from time to time. Previous terms may require further explanation or bring new thoughts to the surface.
  6. 6 After completing your brainstorming session, reorganize words and phrases into sequential categories.
  7. 7 Once you've gathered enough good ideas, start working on a draft. If you feel more ideas are needed, try other informal inventive techniques (creativity techniques) such as freewriting or mind mapping.
  8. 8 Use online tools like 420fablesto make free writing a regular part of your daily writing education.
  9. 9 Use a dictionary to find random words. Close your eyes and point your finger at any part of the page, or pick the most attractive word when you are just browsing the dictionary. Write these words down in the same way as your other thoughts related to these concepts. You can find another good tool for choosing random words here.


  • Try brainstorming with friends. They may have completely different ideas, and your cooperation will result in a great result, and you can help them too!
  • In your free time, play your imagination. Look at something and try to relate it to something else. And then, this is the second with something else. For example: apple → banana → banana peel → comedy → fun → clown → circus → lion and so on! Let's play.
  • Don't be afraid of crazy ideas.
  • Save your brainstorming notes - you never know when you might need them.
  • Brainstorming can be difficult on the first few attempts, but don't give up! If it doesn't work, try again.
  • Continue brainstorming, even if you came up with a good idea at the very beginning of the session; you may find ideas as good - or even better - in the future.
  • While brainstorming, it can be helpful to listen to classical music, jazz, or something else without words (you don't need words to distract you and get confused with your thoughts).
  • You don't have to drop ideas right away. Keep writing and see where your thoughts take you.
  • Try using sticky notes (stickers) as shown above. Every time something comes to your mind (whatever!) Write down and paste. This may come in handy while writing your essay.
  • Additional supplies for writing (including a thick ream of paper) will provide you with the materials you need to continue your creative flow without interruption.


  • Brainstorming can be very frustrating and exhausting at times, so remember to take frequent breaks.
  • Brainstorming does not guarantee you will get rid of stubborn writing blocks and dead ends, but it will provide you with the warm-up and an idea of ​​where to direct your writing process.