Treating reflux disease naturally

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024


Reflux disease, also called chronic heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a common condition affecting about 10 to 20 percent of people. When acid comes up from your stomach into your esophagus, you get a burning pain in your stomach or chest. This can be quite uncomfortable and annoying, but luckily there are many ways to treat the condition. Your doctor may recommend medication, but even if you are on medication, it is important to adjust your diet and lifestyle to control your symptoms.

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Method 1 of 4: Teaching useful eating habits

Reflux disease is often caused by food, so you may not know what to eat and what to avoid. Fortunately, there are some foods and habits that can help prevent heartburn. Try making the following changes when eating to see if your symptoms are eased.

  1. Eat slowly so you don't get too full. If you eat too quickly, you can quickly overeat, which often causes heartburn. Try to eat more slowly with each meal.
    • Try to force yourself to slow down by putting down your fork after every bite. Do not pick up your fork until you have swallowed the previous bite.
  2. Eat smaller meals so you don't get too full. Eating three large meals a day can overfill your stomach and cause it to produce more acid. Try to eat a few small meals a day instead of three large meals.
  3. Get more fiber. Foods that contain a lot of fiber make you feel fuller than foods that are low in fiber. This can help you avoid overeating.Increase your fiber intake to see if that helps.
    • Good foods that are high in fiber include whole grains, nuts, seeds, root vegetables and green leafy vegetables.
    • You can also get more fiber by taking supplements, but doctors recommend trying to get as much fiber as possible by eating the right foods first.
  4. Neutralize your stomach acid with basic foods. Basic foods have a higher pH, which means they neutralize stomach acid and can prevent heartburn. Eat more basic foods to ease your symptoms.
    • Good basic foods include bananas, nuts, melons, cauliflower and fennel.
  5. Eat foods that contain a lot of water to thin your stomach acid. Water can help thin stomach acid and soothe the burning sensation of rising acid. So make sure you eat some foods that contain a lot of water with every meal.
    • Try celery, cantaloupe, cucumber, lettuce, and stock or soup.

Method 2 of 4: Avoid certain foods

There are also some foods that can cause heartburn. These triggers are different for everyone, so not all of these foods may be causing you problems. However, these are some of the most common triggers, so try to eat less or none at all to see if your symptoms go away. If you find yourself getting heartburn from a particular food, stop eating it.

  1. Make sure you eat less fat. Fat usually makes reflux disease worse. Try to eat a low-fat diet to minimize the amount of acid in your stomach.
    • Baked and processed foods are particularly high in fat, so eat as little as possible.
    • Use less oil and butter when cooking.
    • Try switching to low-fat dairy products.
  2. Stop eating spicy and sour foods. These foods are the main causes of reflux disease. If you notice that your symptoms get worse after eating spicy or acidic foods, stop eating these foods to avoid an upset stomach.
    • Spicy foods include cayenne, chilli, curries and many types of bell peppers.
    • Acidic foods include citrus fruits, tomatoes, some marinara sauces, and spices.
    • You can still eat these foods if they don't give you heartburn. Some people are better off spicy and sour foods.
  3. Drink non-carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks can push stomach acid into your esophagus during a meal. So choose drinks without bubbles. Tap water is best, so make sure you drink the most of it.
  4. Drink as little coffee as possible. Coffee is very acidic and can make your reflux disease worse. If you regularly drink a lot of coffee, try cutting back so that your stomach makes less acid.
    • Decaffeinated coffee may be less stressful on your stomach, but it can still cause symptoms. The problem is not caused by the caffeine, but the sourness of the coffee.
  5. Don't eat chocolate and peppermint. Both foods can cause heartburn, and it doesn't matter how much you eat. Do not eat them at all if they regularly worsen your symptoms.
  6. Stop drinking alcohol if it causes an upset stomach. Alcohol is also a known trigger of heartburn and reflux disease. If your symptoms usually start to bother you after drinking alcohol, try reducing the amount of alcohol you drink to see if that helps.
    • If you usually get heartburn after drinking alcohol, even after a small amount, you may want to stop drinking alcohol completely.

Method 3 of 4: Adjust your lifestyle

Your diet isn't the only thing you can adjust to properly treat reflux disease. There are also many things you can do in your daily life to ease or even prevent your symptoms. Try to implement these changes as well.

  1. Wear loose, loose clothes. Tight clothes can push acid out of your stomach and cause heartburn, especially if the fabric is tight around your stomach. Opt for wide, loose pants, shirts, and belts, especially when you eat out.
  2. Lose weight if necessary. If you are overweight, your risk of reflux disease is higher and your symptoms may be more severe. Talk to your doctor if you are overweight to determine what is a healthy weight for you. Then adjust your diet and exercise to achieve and maintain that weight.
    • Lose weight in a healthy way, not with a crash diet or an extreme diet. These diets are dangerous and people often regain weight when they stop dieting.
  3. Sit or stand upright for at least three hours after eating. Lying down can cause acid to drip from your stomach into your esophagus, which can cause reflux disease. Do not lie on the couch or in bed after you have eaten. Instead, try to sit or stand upright for at least three hours.
    • Do not eat for several hours before going to bed, because you can get heartburn at night.
  4. Chew sugar-free gum after eating. When you chew gum, you have to swallow more often and the acid is pushed back into your stomach. Studies show that chewing gum for half an hour after eating helps to prevent heartburn.
    • Do not chew on peppermint-flavored gum, as this can cause heartburn.
  5. Sleep with your upper body up. If you lie flat in bed, you can quickly get heartburn because acid can leak into your esophagus. Try raising the head of your bed or using foam headrests so that your head is 15-20 centimeters higher than your feet.
    • Do not put extra pillows under your head. These do not support your head equally well everywhere and you can get back or neck pain.
  6. Reduce stress to avoid your symptoms. There is a clear link between chronic stress and reflux disease. If you experience stress on a regular basis, taking steps to reduce the stress in your life can make a big difference.
    • Make time every day to practice relaxing exercises such as meditation, deep breathing exercises and yoga.
    • Doing things you enjoy is also great for relieving stress, so try to set aside some time each day to work on your hobbies.
    • If you are not successful in reducing your stress, talking to a therapist can be very helpful.
  7. Quit smoking or don't start at all. If you smoke, your risk of heartburn is higher. It is best to stop as soon as possible to avoid health problems. If you don't smoke, don't start at all.
    • Second-hand smoke can also cause health problems, so don't let people smoke in your home.

Method 4 of 4: Using home remedies

There is a lot of information on the internet about home remedies for heartburn, but not all of these remedies work. Fortunately, there are some that have been proven to help or prevent heartburn. It doesn't hurt to try them, so see if they work for you.

  1. Drink ginger tea or water. Ginger tea is a well-known and effective remedy for heartburn. Grind some fresh ginger to make ginger tea or water and drink it if you notice heartburn.
    • The recommended amount of ginger per day is 250 mg to 5 grams. It is safe to eat or drink large amounts of ginger.
  2. Soothe your stomach with licorice root. Licorice root is another common home remedy for heartburn that has some effect. You can take licorice root tablets or drink licorice root tea if you notice that you are experiencing symptoms.
    • If you are taking tablets, do not use them for longer than a week without asking your doctor if it is safe.
    • You can safely swallow a maximum of one gram of licorice root per day.
  3. When your symptoms start, try chamomile tea. Chamomile tea has a soothing effect on the stomach. If you find yourself developing reflux disease after a meal, drink a cup of tea to ease your symptoms.
    • Chamomile belongs to the same plant family as ragweed, so don't drink chamomile if you are allergic to ragweed. You can have a mild allergic reaction.
  4. Drink water with honey and lemon if you already have heartburn. This home remedy helps to partially neutralize your stomach acid. If you are having symptoms, put some lemon juice and honey in a glass of water and drink the mixture to see if it helps.
    • Citric acid is very acidic, so always dilute it with water and do not drink it neat.
  5. Drink aloe vera syrup to avoid heartburn. Drinking aloe vera syrup daily is somewhat helpful in preventing heartburn. Drink 10 ml per day to see if this helps you.
  6. Drink milk if it doesn't intensify your symptoms. Milk is a common home remedy for heartburn and can neutralize your stomach acid. Since milk contains fat, it can also make the problem worse. If you still get stomach acid after drinking milk, don't drink milk as a home remedy to treat your symptoms.
  7. If desired, try diluted apple cider vinegar. This is a common home remedy, but there is no evidence that it works. If you want to try it, it probably won't hurt. Put a teaspoon (5 ml) of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and drink it after a meal to see if you can prevent heartburn symptoms.
    • Never drink undiluted vinegar. This is very acidic and it gives you an upset stomach.

Medical conclusions

Reflux disease can be very annoying, but the good news is that there are many ways to manage the condition. With a combination of dietary and lifestyle adjustments, you can ease or prevent your symptoms. You can also try some home remedies to see if they help. If the condition does not ease, see your doctor for further treatment. You may need to take medication to control the condition.