Having fun with your friends

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
[Playlist] songs that will make u feel like you’re having fun with your friends 🍒
Video: [Playlist] songs that will make u feel like you’re having fun with your friends 🍒


It's always nice to spend time with your friends.However, if you are always doing the same thing, it can get boring. There are a lot of fun things you can do with your friends if you're looking for new ways to have fun with them. Read on to find out some new ways to have fun with your friends!

To step

Method 1 of 2: Having fun outside

  1. Go to the park. This is always fun, regardless of your age. Go out with your friends and play a game or sport. Bring a Frisbee or go to the playground together. The park is a great place to have fun, and it will cost you nothing!
    • You can organize a football or basketball game. If you ask others to join, you may also be able to make new friends.
    • Going for a run with a friend around the park can be a great way to have fun with your friends when you are very busy. You already planned it and running is more fun to do with a good friend.
    • The whole experience can be made even more fun for everyone by bringing all your friends together if you have kids of your own. Bring food and drinks and the meeting suddenly becomes a picnic. You can catch up with your friends while the kids play.
  2. Go for lunch or dinner together. You can choose to go to your favorite restaurant, or eat at someone's home if you don't want to spend too much or let it take place outside the home. This gives you the chance to catch up with friends while you eat or cook. [[Image: Have Fun With Friends Step 2 Version 3.webp | center]
    • Make sure it's a place where both you and your friends can have fun and that everyone can afford if you choose to meet up outside the home.
    • Organizing a dinner at your house is one way to save money and can be great fun. Invite your friends and enjoy a glass of wine while you cook or, perhaps even better, have everyone who comes bring a dish of their choice!
  3. Meet at your favorite coffee house or cafe. It's nice when the employees know you by name and what you are drinking and it's a good way to relax while chatting quietly with your friends.
    • Meet at a set time every week or month to meet. For example, try to meet every first Friday of the month. You can then catch up and stay informed about each other's lives. By keeping a fixed day and time, more friends will be able to attend.
  4. Volunteer together. Volunteering is a lot more fun if you do it together with people you can get along with. So have fun and realize that with your actions you are doing something good for your environment. Doing something useful and enjoying it will make you feel good about yourself.
    • Volunteer for a few hours every week at the animal shelter near you. You can then play with the animals and at the same time offer a helping hand.
    • Sign up with your friends to become a "Big Brother" or "Big Sister" and do fun things together with your "Little Brother" or "Little Sister" and your friends and their "Littles".
    • Sign up with your friends to volunteer at the local food bank. If possible, try to donate food as well.
  5. Go to an outdoor festival or concert. Many cities organize concerts, open-air films, plays and festivals for free or for a small fee. Keep an eye on your local newspaper for free or low-cost events to attend with your friends.
    • Check in advance whether it is allowed to bring your own food and drink. In some cases it is allowed to bring your own food and drink to open air concerts and theater.
    • Bring cloths or folding chairs if allowed.
  6. Visit a flea market. Looking for cheap treasures with a friend or several friends can be a lot of fun. Check your local newspaper for markets announced during the summer months or search by driving around and looking for road signs for a market.
  7. Plan a camping trip. Camping is a great way to have fun with friends and reconnect with nature. This doesn't have to be far. You can go camping in a nearby national park or in your own backyard.
    • Make sure everyone brings their own supplies when you go camping with your friends.
  8. Take part in a 5 km running race. During the warmer months, competitions are held all over the country. Find a running event near you and register with your friends. A 5km race can be a great way to have fun with friends, even if you don't like running. Most competitions offer separate start times for walkers. Just join your friends, get some exercise and have a blast!

Method 2 of 2: Having fun indoors

  1. Run a marathon by watching your favorite movies or TV shows. Find a weekend off and invite your friends to the "viewing marathon". In between movies or episodes, you can discuss what you liked about it and why it is your favorite.
    • Make sure you have plenty of food in stock. Snacks make watching continuously during the weekend a lot more fun.
    • Make sure to take a break from time to time to stretch and stretch or take a walk outside.
    • Have fun watching a bad movie, especially a cult classic. You can also do this with a poorly written book. Take turns reading aloud from the book and see how far each person goes before bursting out laughing and preventing them from continuing to read. You can even turn it into a game (a drinking game for those over the legal minimum age or else use chocolate / candy as a prize). Your body will thank you.
  2. Bring back fond memories of old times. This is especially nice if you have been friends for a long time. Talk about things you did together a long time ago. Often times, your friends will remember things you may not remember, so it's fun sharing stories about things you've done together.
    • Try to find things from that time. Look for old notes you sent back and forth at the time or a journal you kept together. Maybe you made dolls together or played football together. The items will help you recall memories of the time you spent together.
  3. Organize a game night. This can be a lot of fun for adults, teens and children alike. Card games, board games and video games are optional. Determine in advance which option is best for your guests.
    • Card games are a good option because most people have a deck of cards and there are a lot of simple games. The "Bullying" game is great fun with a group, while "Twenty-one" is better for a small group. Use small pieces of chocolate or candy for money when you play poker. That way, it's not about money, it's about fun.
    • Some board game options include: The Settlers of Catan, Scrabble, Way of Life and Cluedo. Cluedo, in particular, is easy to learn and a lot of fun, as you can accuse your friends of murder.
    • Multiplayer video games are also a lot of fun to play with your friends. For example, play Mario Party or compete in a multiplayer racing game.
  4. Organize a party! The possibilities for a fun party are endless, even for a small group. Be creative and you will have fun for sure.
    • Organize a dance party. Put your iPod on "shuffle", turn off the lights and dance. Watch the dance steps in your favorite music video and have the greatest fun by copying them. You can dress super stylish and learn a number of ballroom dancing steps.
    • Plan a theme party. This can range from a "murder mystery game" set in the 1920s or a "Hawaiian" theme party. This all depends on the creativity of you and your friends. Think about what your group is interested in and go for it.
    • Organize a baking or cooking party. Select some recipes to cook together. Go to the grocery store together to buy everything you need and work as a team to prepare the dish. Laugh about failures and enjoy your successes.
  5. Visit a museum or art gallery near you with your friends. You can visit the latest exhibitions together and discuss them extensively afterwards. Museums and art galleries also often host special events such as: lectures, film projections and musical performances where you can go with your friends.
  6. Go to the mall with your friends. Ask one or two friends to join you if you need new clothes or if you just enjoy shopping. Keep watching if you don't want to spend money. Walk around, look in the windows, talk and have fun!
  7. Make a movie together. Come up with a story based on a brainstorming session, write a script, collect the necessary attributes and start filming. You can shoot the film in one go or work professionally by editing the recordings afterwards. You will have even more fun when you watch the result of the film together.
  8. Create your own spa at home. Invite your friends and give each other manicures, facials and try new hairstyles and make-up. Serve your guests hot tea, fresh fruit and water with cucumber slices and lemon. Keep it calm, play soothing music in the background and light some scented candles to create a soothing atmosphere for your friends.


  • Just be yourself and have fun when you spend time with your friends.
  • Before you organize a party or a day out, ask your friends what they would like to do.