
Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
RISE (ft. The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive) | Worlds 2018 - League of Legends
Video: RISE (ft. The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive) | Worlds 2018 - League of Legends


If you press the snooze button several times each morning before you get up, but prefer to get up a little earlier, you can do a number of things to make it easier to wake up. Have a regular bedtime ritual in the evening and try to get seven to nine hours of sleep. By doing things like setting your alarm clock on the other side of your bedroom, or by using a special app that helps you wake up, you too will be next to your bed in no time.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Wake up on time

  1. Do not press the snooze button. It is important that you get up as soon as your alarm goes off. Using the snooze button will negatively affect your sleep rhythm and will only make you feel more tired.
    • If you set the alarm for seven, but don't get up until ten past seven after hitting the snooze button once, you'd better just set the alarm to ten past seven and allow yourself those extra minutes of uninterrupted sleep.
  2. Turn on the light as soon as you get up. This makes it easier for your eyes to adapt to the day, while at the same time encouraging your brain to wake up and get moving. Place a lamp right next to your bed, so that you can easily switch it on as soon as you wake up.
  3. Set your alarm on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. This will prevent you from pressing the snooze button again and again, and you will have to get up to turn off the alarm.
    • Place the alarm on a bookshelf next to your bedroom door or in front of a window.
    • Just make sure the alarm is close enough that you will hear it when it goes off.
  4. Open the curtains or blinds immediately when you wake up. In a dark room, it is much more tempting to stay in bed, so open the curtains or the blinds right away and make sure that sunlight comes into your room every morning, making it easier for you.
    • If your room isn't getting a lot of sunlight, see if you can perhaps invest in a natural alarm clock. A natural alarm clock imitates the light of the rising sun, so that you gradually wake up naturally.
  5. Program your coffee maker so that the coffee is ready when you wake up. If you have a cup of coffee every morning, programming your coffee maker is a great way to motivate yourself to get out of bed. In this way you will not only wake up with the smell of fresh coffee, but you will also spend less time making the coffee.
  6. Keep a warm bathrobe or sweater close at hand next to your bed. The main reason people have trouble getting out of bed is that it is so nice and warm under the covers. If you already have a sweater, bathrobe or cardigan ready, you don't have to worry about the cold morning air once you wake up.
    • You can also have slippers, slippers or socks ready so that you can be sure that you do not have cold feet once you are out of bed.
  7. If you don't have an alarm, try a special app. You can of course always use the alarm clock on your phone, but there are also all kinds of apps that are specially designed to help you wake up and get up. Take a look in the app store on your smartphone to see if there is one that you think is suitable.
    • Try an app like Wake N Shake, Rise or Carrot to help you get up.
  8. Make appointments for the morning hours so that you have extra motivation to get out of bed. You are much more likely to get out of bed if you know you have to do something. Schedule meetings early or arrange to work out with a friend in the morning so you will be more motivated to get up and take action in a timely manner.

Method 2 of 3: Sleep well

  1. Get used to a bedtime ritual. In addition to things like showering or brushing your teeth, try to create a more elaborate ritual in which you prepare yourself for the next day, so that you have to do less the next morning. Try to maintain the same routine every night so that it becomes a habit.
    • Your bedtime ritual may include a shower, getting your clothes ready for the next day, preparing your packed lunch, and reading before going to sleep.
  2. Have a healthy meal a few hours before going to sleep. Eating the wrong things can upset your stomach, or at least make it harder for your mind and body to sleep peacefully. Eat healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, proteins or some nuts.
    • Avoid drinking alcohol or drinks with caffeine just before going to sleep. Drinks like coffee can keep you awake or prevent you from sleeping deep enough.
    • If you eat a whole meal right before going to sleep, your stomach will not have time to digest the food. Therefore, try to eat for the last time at least two hours before going to bed.
  3. Try to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. This means that you have to set your alarm so that you get the right amount of sleep. Getting enough sleep every night will make you much more productive during the day, and you really can't expect to wake up early if you go to sleep very late.
    • For example, if your alarm should go off at seven, try to go to sleep around eleven at night.
  4. Turn off all screens at least an hour before going to sleep. The light that television and computer screens give off is much more harmful to your eyes than other types of light, and it also makes it harder for you to fall asleep. Try not to watch TV or use your computer or smartphone for at least an hour before going to bed.
    • It is very smart not to watch TV in bed or to use laptops or telephones as a rule.
  5. To fall asleep faster, listen to so-called white sounds. If you sleep lightly and tend to wake up at night, try a sound machine or turn on a fan to create soft background noise.
    • You can also download an app on your phone that plays white noise.
  6. Create the right sleeping environment by regulating the temperature. Make sure your bedroom has the right temperature. If you are too hot or too cold you will not sleep well and will not wake up rested. The ideal sleeping temperature differs from person to person, but is on average between 18 and 20 degrees.

Method 3 of 3: Stay awake in the morning

  1. Drink a glass of water as soon as you get up. That way you get energy and hydrate your body. Before going to sleep, put a glass of water by your bed, or as soon as you get out of bed, pour a glass of water and drink it empty.
  2. Complete your bathroom ritual. This includes things like brushing your teeth, washing your face, and brushing your hair. Most people wake up quickly from cold water, so splash a lot of cold water over your face or take a short, cold shower if necessary.
    • Try to keep to the same bathroom ritual so that it becomes a habit.
  3. Have a healthy breakfast. A suitable breakfast can help you wake up and keep you feeling healthy and energized throughout the day. Try to eat something with a lot of protein, such as eggs, or have some (toasted) bread and fruit on the go.
    • Granola and oatmeal are also healthy options.
    • Try making a smoothy with different types of fresh fruit, vegetables and yogurt.
  4. Get some exercise. Sport is an excellent way to get your body moving, get more energy and feel fresh and strong. If you don't have time for a full workout, take a short walk or do some jumping jacks to get your blood flowing.
    • Go for a run in the area or do some yoga.
  5. Start your day motivated and in a productive way. Instead of starting your day lying in front of the TV or hanging around the house, try to get a number of things done right away in the morning, such as an errand or certain chores. That way, you'll be the rest of the more motivated and feel like you've already done something.
    • Make a list before you go to sleep or immediately when you get up so that you know exactly what you need to do.
    • Your list might include things like walking the dog, doing the dishes, or going to the post office.


  • Put a pen and paper next to your bed so that you can easily light up any chores or thoughts that come to your mind while you are in bed. This will help clear your mind so that you sleep more peacefully.
  • Try not to go to sleep when you are angry or sad, because such intense feelings can make it more difficult to fall asleep. Always try to deal with any negative feelings before going to bed.
  • Try to think of the fun things you will do the next day to make it easier to wake up in the morning.