Repair earplugs

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Repair Headphone Wires
Video: How to Repair Headphone Wires


Broken earplugs can be annoying if you just want to listen to something. Fortunately, they are easy and inexpensive to fix in some cases, depending on the source of the problem. If one of your earbuds falls off every now and then, try twisting and sticking the wire with tape until sound comes through again. If twisting doesn't work, you may need to open the earbud and solder the connection, if you know how. In some cases, you may just have to buy new earplugs. But if you protect your earplugs when not in use, you can keep them healthy for a long time.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Sticking broken earplugs

  1. Find the problematic spot. Put in the earplugs and turn on music. If they start to falter, pay close attention to where the problem is coming from.If only one side falters, that earbud is likely to be shorted. If you don't hear any sound at all, the break could be close to the plug, or even in the metal pin that goes into your device.
    • If you still have a pair of earbuds, you can use them to make sure it's not your device's connection that's causing the problem. For example, if both sets of earbuds don't work with your iPhone, you probably need to fix your iPhone output instead of your earbuds.

    Note: Short circuits are most common in the parts of the cable that are close to the plug and the earbuds. These parts undergo the most wear and tear.

  2. Twist the cable until the earbuds work again. Bend, straighten, and move the cable around the problem area. Hopefully you will hear music again, when the ends of the broken cable touch each other. Hold the position of the cable the moment you hear the music again.
    • Slowly turn the cable so that you can stop as soon as it works again.
    • In some cases the break is closer to the center of the cable. So always check the entire cable to find the break.
  3. Tape the cable to hold it in place. With one hand, hold the cable in the correct position, and use your free hand to wrap a piece of electrical or duct tape around the damaged area. The tape presses the cover tightly around the wires, holding them together. Your earbuds should now work again as long as you don't remove the tape.
    • If possible, bend the cable in half at the point of the break, and tape it where the cables meet. This will reduce the slack in the cable.
  4. Consider buying replacement earplugs. Your earbuds may work again with the tape, but this is only temporary. If you continue to have problems, you may still have to invest in new earplugs or have them repaired. Fortunately, earplugs are not that expensive these days.
    • You can find new earplugs in most electronics and online stores for € 10–20.
    • If you have a warranty on your earbuds, you may also be able to exchange them for new ones or get your money back. Usually you can see in the user manual or on the receipt of your earplugs whether they have a warranty.

Method 2 of 3: Solder a broken connection

  1. Find the source of the problem. Put in your earplugs and listen carefully to find out where the sound breaks down. If only one side is not working, the problem is most likely in that earbud. If you don't hear anything at all, the problem is probably in or around the plug.
  2. Pry open the plastic case of the broken earbud. You need small and thin tools for this, such as a small slotted screwdriver or pocket knife. Pry the end of your tool into the groove between the two halves of the housing, then push and twist to separate them.
    • Unless your earbuds are made to be disassembled, you will probably need to glue them back together afterwards with superglue.
  3. Check the earbud for wiring problems. In the earplug you should see two copper wires, both of which lead to their own end point at the edges of the round circuit board. Look for wires that are broken or disconnected from their end point.
    • If both wires look good, the break may be lower in the cable, near the plug.
  4. If the problem is there, remove the sleeve from the plug. Sometimes the break is not in one of the earplugs, but in the jack plug with which you connect the earplugs to a telephone, laptop or stereo system. In this case, you will need to remove the protective sleeve from the plug and pull back the rubber cover to expose the wires underneath. Now that the sleeve is out of the way, you can solder freely.
    • With some plugs you can simply unscrew the sleeve. With others you can pull the sleeve off with a little force.

    Note: If there is no way you can remove the sleeve, you have no choice but to cut the plug and buy a replacement plug to solder it back on. Plug repair kits usually cost as little as € 7–10.

  5. First remove the old solder from the earplugs before soldering them again. Lay the end of the desoldering ribbon flat over the solder tin, where the cable pulled away from the end point. Heat the ribbon with your soldering iron where the two materials meet. The tightly woven copper brings out the remnants of the old solder, leaving room for the new solder.
    • Desoldering ribbons can be found at all hardware stores and DIY stores.
    • When you have removed the lump of solder, cut the end of the desoldering ribbon and repeat the process for each lump of old solder where the wire has come loose.
  6. Solder the broken wires back to the end points in the earbuds. Now that the old solder is gone, you can put the loose wires back to the end point and press 0.8 mm solder into the connection. Melt the solder with your soldering iron and secure the wire. Repeat this process for each broken wire.
    • If both wires are broken, you can connect them to any of the end points on the PCB.
    • You may find it helpful to hold the cable and earbud together with a table clamp or pliers while you work on the wiring.
  7. Connect each colored wire to its end point to fix the plug. When soldering broken cables into the plug, it is important to check that they are going to the correct end points first. With most earbuds, the copper wire should go to the large end point in the middle, the red wire to the smaller end point on the right, and the green wire to the end point on the left.
    • If you connect the wires incorrectly, the problem may not be solved later.
    • If you previously had to cut the plug to get to the broken wires, buy a replacement plug and solder the wires to the colored end points as described in the new plug's instructions.
    • With some replacement plugs, you can simply thread the broken wire through the hole in the end point and tighten it, instead of soldering it.
  8. Test the earplugs. Connect your earbuds and turn on music to check whether you can now hear sound from both earbuds. After repairing the damaged wires, they should sound like new again. Have fun listening!
    • If you still don't hear anything, it could be because the solder has come off or you connected the colored wires to the wrong endpoints. You will have to try again to correct your mistake.
    • In the event of a break in the middle of the cable, it is actually not worth the cost and hassle of repairing it. If you think this is the problem, the best thing to do is to buy new earplugs.

Method 3 of 3: Improve the life of your earplugs

  1. Always pull your earplugs out of a device by the plug, not the cable. When taking your earbuds in or out of a device, grasp the shell of the plug. This way you don't pull any wires loose. Always pull them out slowly.

    Tip: Wrap a layer of electrical tape around the cover of the plug, so that it is extra strong and the cable does not bend easily.

  2. Keep your earplugs rolled up or in a case when you're not using them. Remove your earbuds from your device and roll them up in a loose-fitting loop around your hand. Then place your earbuds on a flat surface so that they don't get tangled. For extra protection you can put your earplugs in a hard or soft holder so that you can easily take them with you.
    • Never leave your earbuds loose in your pocket or rolled up around your device. This can cause them to become tangled or put stress on the cable.
    • You can buy earplug holders online or at an electronics store.
  3. Clean your earplugs regularly. If your earbuds have loose rubber tips, take them off and clean them with soapy water to remove wax and dust. Use a dry toothbrush to clean the speakers and remove any build-up. Let the rubber caps dry completely before reattaching them.
    • Never wet your earplugs completely, as this can stop them working.

    Tip: If your earplugs do get wet, immediately put them in a container of rice to let them dry. Leave them there for two or three days so hopefully they don't get too damaged.


  • Soldering is a simple job. If your earbuds cost more than $ 25–45, you can save money by repairing them yourself.
  • Another alternative that may be cheaper is to take your earplugs to an electronics store to have them repaired if you don't have a soldering iron yourself.
  • Clean the outlet of your phone or MP3 player to see if a build-up is not causing any problems.


  • Trying to repair your earbuds yourself may lose your warranty, so if it doesn't work, you'll have to buy a new pair anyway.


Stick broken earplugs

  • Insulation or duct tape

Solder a broken connection

  • Soldering iron
  • 0.8 mm solder
  • Desoldering ribbon
  • Slotted screwdriver, pocket knife, or similar
  • Scissors
  • Super glue (optional)

Improve the lifespan of your ears

  • Storage case
  • Toothbrush
  • Soap