Convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Temperature Conversion Trick (Celsius to Fahrenheit) | Don’t Memorise
Video: Temperature Conversion Trick (Celsius to Fahrenheit) | Don’t Memorise


You can convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius or vice versa by simply adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Next time you see the temperature in the wrong temperature scale, you can convert it in seconds!

To step

Method 1 of 6: Fahrenheit to Celsius

  1. Understand the temperature scales. The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales start at different numbers - while at Celsius 0 ° is the freezing point, at Fahrenheit it is 32 °. In addition to a different starting point, the two scales also increase in different proportions. For example, the range from freezing to boiling is from 0 ° -100 ° at Celsius, and from 32 ° -212 ° at Fahrenheit.
  2. Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature. Since the freezing point is 32 at Fahrenheit and 0 at Celsius, start the conversion by subtracting 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature.
    • If the original temperature in Fahrenheit is 74ºF, subtract 32 from 74.74 - 32 = 42.
  3. Divide the result by 1.8. The range from freeze to boil at Celsius is 0-100, while at Fahrenheit it is 32-212. So you can say that compared to 180º difference in the Fahrenheit range, there is only 100º in the Celsius range. You can write that as 180/100, which, simplified, equals 1.8. Therefore, to convert it, you have to divide the result by 1.8.
    • In the example of step 1, you have to divide the outcome, 42, by 1.8. 42 / 1.8 = 23.74 ° F is converted 23 ° C.
    • Note that you can also see 1.8 as 9/5. If you don't have a calculator handy or prefer to work with fractions, you can also divide the result of the first step by 9/5 instead of 1.8.

Method 2 of 6: Celsius to Fahrenheit

  1. Understand the temperature scales. Because the same rules apply when converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit, you also use the difference of 32 and the difference in ratio of 1.8 here. You only use them in reverse.
  2. Multiply the Celsius temperature by 1.8. If you want to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit you have to reverse the process. Start by multiplying the Celsius temperature by 1.8.
    • For example, if you are working with a temperature of 30 ° C, multiply this by 1.8 or by 9/5. 30 x 1.8 = 54.
  3. Add 32 to the result. Now that you have corrected the difference in the ratio of the scale, you still need to correct the starting point. To do this, add 32 degrees to the result of the first step, and you have the temperature in Fahrenheit.
    • 54 + 32 = 86.30 ° C is the same as 86 ° F.

Method 3 of 6: Celsius to Kelvin

  1. Understand the temperature scales. According to scientists, the Celsius scale is derived from the Kelvin scale. Although the distance between Celsius and Kelvin is even greater than between Celsius and Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin have the same ratio of degrees. While the Celsius: Fahrenheit ratio is 1: 1.8, the Celsius: Kelvin ratio is 1: 1.
    • It may sound strange that the freezing point at Kelvin is so high, namely at 273.15 K, but that is because the zero point of the Kelvin scale coincides with absolute zero, -273.15 ° C.
  2. Add 273.15 to the Celsius temperature. Although water freezes at 0 ° C, scientists actually see 0 ° C as 273.15 K. Since the two scales rise in the same ratio, you can always convert from Celsius to Kelvin simply by adding 273.15.
    • For example, if you're working with a temperature of 30 ° C, just add 273.15 to that. 30 + 273.15 = 303.15 K.

Method 4 of 6: Kelvin to Celsius

  1. Understand the temperature scales. The 1: 1 ratio at Celsius: Kelvin still applies when you convert it the other way around. You just need to memorize the number 273.15 and do a reverse operation if you want to convert from Kelvin to Celsius.
  2. Subtract 273.15 from the Kelvin temperature. If you want to convert from Kelvin to Celsius, just subtract 273.15 from your temperature. Let's say you start with a temperature of 280 K. Subtract 273.15 from that to get the Celsius temperature. 280-273.15 = 6.85 ° C.

Method 5 of 6: Kelvin to Fahrenheit

  1. Understand the temperature scales. One of the most important things to remember when converting between Kelvin and Fahrenheit is the ratio of degrees. Since Kelvin has a 1: 1 ratio to Celsius, so it has the same ratio as Fahrenheit and Celsius, so for every 1 K, Fahrenheit changes by 1.8 ° F.
  2. Multiply by 1.8. To correct the scale between Kelvin and Fahrenheit, first multiply by 1.8.
    • Say we start with a temperature of 295 K. Then we get 295 x 1.8 = 531.
  3. Subtract 459.7 from the result. Just as we need to correct the starting point of the scales by adding 32 when converting between Celsius and Fahrenheit, we need to do the same here to convert from Kelvin to Fahrenheit. However, 0 K = -459 ° F. Since we have to add a negative number, we can just subtract it.
    • Subtract 459.7 from 531.531 - 459.7 = 71.3. So 295 K equals 71.3 ° F.

Method 6 of 6: Fahrenheit to Kelvin

  1. Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature. The easiest way to convert from Fahrenheit to Kelvin is to convert to Celsius and convert from there to Kelvin. That means we start by subtracting from 32.
    • Let's say the temperature is 82 ° F. Take 32 from there. 82 - 32 = 50.
  2. Multiply this by 5/9. The next step is to multiply by 5/9 or 1.8.
    • 50 x 5/9 = 27.7, which is the Fahrenheit temperature converted to Celsius.
  3. Add to that 273.15. Since the difference between Celsius and Kelvin is 273.15, you can find the Kelvin temperature by adding 273.15.
    • 273.15 + 27.7 = 300.8. So, 82 ° F = 300.8 K.


  • Here are some key numbers worth remembering when converting:
    • Water freezes at 0 ° C or 32 ° F.
    • Body temperature is about 37 ° C or 98.6 ° F.
    • Water boils at 100 ° C or 212 ° F.
    • At -40 both temperatures are the same.
  • Always check your answers again.
  • Remember that Kelvin is always 273.15 more than Celsius.
  • You can also use the formula C = 5/9 (F - 32) to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and use 5 / 9C = F - 32 Celsius to Fahrenheit. Those are short versions of the formula C / 100 = F-32/180.