Dealing with sexual frustration

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Ways to Handle Sexual Frustration 😳🤫
Video: 6 Ways to Handle Sexual Frustration 😳🤫


At some point, each of us will experience sexual frustration at one point or another. For example, we are in a relationship where we are out, we are single and have no prospects, or our health is preventing us from enjoying this extremely human activity. The first part deals with ways to deal with that frustration, the second discusses the frustration in a relationship, and the last part deals with the frustration of being single. To start feeling better about this highly personal issue, skip to Step 1.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Eliminating sexual frustration

  1. Avoid stress. Stress can affect your ability to enjoy sexual relationships. If you can't handle stress well, talk to a psychologist or doctor about it. He / she may be able to help you find a suitable solution. Your sexual symptoms (or those of your partner) are just a side effect; the real problem may be easy to fix.
    • Sadness, trauma, and depression can result in decreased sexual desire.
    • Visit a budget expert if you are under stress from financial difficulties.
    • Relationship problems can also make you less likely to be sexually satisfied.
      • Simple Ways To Reduce Stress? Try yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises.
  2. Get moving. Any kind of frustration - physical or otherwise - can be relieved by physical exertion. Sports such as kickboxing and other martial arts are ideally suited for this. It ensures that you fill in your time, ensures that your head is elsewhere for a while, and that your adrenaline starts to flow. Physical exercise is a healthy alternative.
    • Any kind of exercise is good, including yoga, weight lifting, and cardio. This is not only good for your physical health, but also for your mental health.
  3. Masturbate. While you may be a little wary about this because of your upbringing, the tendency to masturbate is completely natural and human. As long as you do it at home, it is an excellent way to eliminate sexual frustration. In fact, it may be the most effective way to do that.
    • If masturbation alone doesn't get you rid of your sexual frustration, then you can try other techniques. Just as your sexual partner can bore you, you can also get tired of yourself. A new technique can cause you to experience an even more intense orgasm, expelling more pent-up frustration than you thought possible.
  4. If your health is troubling you, get it checked. A too high or low libido often has a medical basis. Consider the following things:
    • If you have an eating disorder, discuss it with your doctor. Talk about a healthier diet, ways to curb your fears, medications, and surgery if necessary. You have plenty of options.
    • It is also possible that the drugs you are taking are affecting your sex drive in some way. Consider trying an alternative treatment plan. However, do not stop your medication if you do not have permission from the doctor.
    • If there is another biological issue, look for a detour. People who are paralyzed in certain areas say they can be intensely satisfied in other erogenous zones, such as the ears.
  5. If you feel deprived of contact, engage in activities that bring you closer to others. If the sexual frustration you are experiencing includes feelings of loneliness, engage in activities that bring you closer to people. Adding human touch to your life is a lot easier than you think.
    • The most effective plan? Dance or theater. If that doesn't suit you, try exercising. Being part of a group makes you closer to others. In addition, it helps to provide you with a sense of identity.
  6. Use art or other calming hobbies as an outlet. If you're not much of a sports or fitness enthusiast, look for more artful outlets. These actions can be extremely purifying and calming. In addition, curbing your fears can make you less frustrated. The less stress you have in your life, the less you will worry about it.
    • Think for example of painting, cooking, DIY, pottery, making candles, learning to play a musical instrument, carpentry, woodwork, or any other hobby. In this way you also develop all kinds of talents!
  7. Tackle low self-esteem. While this is not the case for everyone, you may withdraw from human relationships because of low self-esteem. If that's the culprit, your sexual frustration might disappear like snow in the sun as you deal with your mental troubles. It may take a while, but it will make the future look a lot brighter.
    • Start by gathering a group of positive, supportive people around you. That is one. From there you can start evaluating yourself. Although not strictly necessary, it usually doesn't hurt to hire a psychologist. Consider therapy to speed up the process.
  8. Use toys. Some people, especially women, have trouble orgasming. This can be very frustrating. You would say that the human body would respond appropriately to sexual intercourse and related matters. But sometimes this requires an external party: sex toys. They may seem a little intimidating at first, but it can pay off.
    • There are hundreds, thousands of kinds of toys. If you're a novice, then you probably don't want to get off to a flying start just yet. Ask your friends what they like and do research online. What interests you?
  9. Visit a sex therapist. If you're having problems with your libido (any one) or are half of a couple who really needs help, a sex therapist can be just what you need. And yes, that is a real and decent profession. There are legitimate therapists who specialize in sex. They help patients who have had enough, too little of it, and everything in between.
    • If you're not sure where to start, discuss your situation with your doctor first. He / she should be able to recommend a professional to help you.
    • You don't have to worry about anything or be ashamed of anything. There are millions of people who are undergoing therapy and getting better.

Part 2 of 3: Being frustrated in a relationship

  1. Make time. Sex in movies always looks so enchanting. Two pairs of cans meet, and within seconds the floor is covered with clothing. In real life it is not like that. Preparations need to be made, even for people who are new to dating. Each party has to agree on a time, exchange phone calls, shower, skin prep, and only then can the fun be kicked. Why would that be any different in a relationship?
    • Find a time when you and your partner are free and don't have to be weighed down by a huge shopping list. Record the time for sex on your calendar, literally. If you need to take an hour out of your busy schedule, do that.
    • You may think, "Making time for sex is ridiculous! Kind of pathetic, though. It should be a priority!" Well, in some cases it doesn't. You and your partner have busy lives, with a job, and maybe children too. Making time for sex may be just what you need. It may be a little less romantic, but it will get the job done.
  2. Talk to your partner. There are two possible scenarios: either you want it and he / she doesn't; or he / she wants to, but you don't. Let's discuss both options for a moment.
    • If you want to, communicate openly with your partner. After all, you are both adults. Why can't you talk about sex? How can you ease each other's concerns and fears? Do you have to come to a compromise? He / she may not even know how bad it is for you.
    • If you don't want it, it's important that he / she knows how you feel and what you're going through. Not talking about it can make your partner feel uninvited, unwanted, or downright unhappy. If he / she knows what's going on, he / she can support you and help you where possible.
  3. Gradually work your way up to sex. Many couples are consumed by all-or-nothing thinking. It doesn't work like that! Have a nice kiss one night. Use your hands the next day. If you're looking for sex, keep pushing the boundaries a bit. Maybe your partner just needs to get used to it a little bit.
    • This, of course, only applies if you've had sex before, and there are no extenuating circumstances involved. If he / she doesn't want to have sex for personal reasons, then maybe that is something you should respect.
    • Your partner should feel comfortable. If he / she doesn't, then no sex will take place. If it does happen, miraculously, it won't be so nice. Don't push the boundaries further than your partner can handle; do not demand anything from your partner that he / she is not willing to do.
  4. Know that women need arousal for the desire to work. Many women are different from most men (most, not all). While most men are always ready, women generally don't want to be rushed. If she doesn't want to have sex with you, it may be because you aren't arousing her enough. She might want to make love to you if you do.
    • Suppose you and your girlfriend are watching a movie. You think about sex, and she thinks about the movie. There's nothing wrong with that! As long as she has the desire to have the desire, the chance of sex is still alive. She just has to understand that from herself, and you have to understand that from her too.
  5. If you are in a long distance relationship, make use of the technology. Long distance relationships have never been easier with the advent of technology. If you are sexually frustrated because your sweetheart is far away, use Skype, Facetime, or sext. It's not the same, but it can help!
    • Some people are a bit wary of phone sex and things like that. It may be something you should bring up slowly. Start with small steps. First, say how much you miss your partner, how much you would like to touch them, and so on. Build it up gradually.
  6. Always take care of yourself. If you're in a relationship where sex has been off the table for years, you'll come to a point where you need to take care of yourself first. Only you know what that point is, and when you have reached it. If your needs are rational and not met, then you have the right to end the relationship.
    • Sex is an important part of any adult relationship. Claiming otherwise removes you from being human. These desires are, to some extent, natural. If you feel like you aren't being taken care of, then you need to take care of yourself. There is nothing wrong with that.

Part 3 of 3: Being single and frustrated

  1. Adjust your life to find a potential mate. Playing video games twenty-four hours a day in your mom's basement won't get you having sex. If you want to meet people and establish a sexual relationship, then you have to meet people. A lot of! Adjust your lifestyle so you can do that!
    • The most obvious option is the bar. If you're looking for a short-lived affair, the bar is a great place to find it. But if you are looking for a serious relationship, something for the longer term, then you better do something else. Join a club, gym, or sports team. Take a side job or take a course. Surround yourself with people who have the same interests as you. You can even befriend the friends of your new friends!
  2. Make sure to make yourself attractive. Whether you decide to hit bars, or if it's the first day of your new course, make sure to make yourself sexually attractive. You don't go after someone you don't find attractive, so why should someone have to go after you if you aren't? Make sure you are always washed, shaved and smelling nice and fresh.
    • And if you like one night stands, make sure you always have a condom with you. Sex is fun, but unsafe sex can have dire consequences.
  3. Look differently at the people around you. Unfortunately, your sexual frustration can arise from the people you find attractive. In other words, from the people you want to have sex with. If your potential partners' pond consists only of supermodels, then you can look forward to a bumpy, lonely ride.
    • This is easier said than done, but at least give it some thought. If you keep turning down potential dates, it's up to you. Your sexual frustration doesn't even have to be a problem.
  4. Hang it on the big clock. This sounds a bit crazy, but the fastest way to a potential partner is often through a friend. Let your friends know that you are single and looking. After all, your friends have friends, and those friends have friends too. They likely attend events with other people who don't have to be strangers to you at all. Use your friends to your advantage!
    • Let them know exactly what you are looking for. If you want a quick turn, make sure they don't pair you with their little sister. Let them know what you have in mind to avoid catastrophe.
    • Your friends have probably been in the same situation at one time or another. Maybe they can shine their light on your situation.


  • Multiple sclerosis and arteriosclerosis are diseases that play an important role in many sex disorders.


  • Certain surgical procedures can induce erectile dysfunction.