Dealing with someone who hates you

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What to do when everyone hates you
Video: What to do when everyone hates you


Most people will at some point experience that someone dislikes them or even hate them. In those cases where you've hurt someone, you should apologize and do your best to make it right. However, if someone hates you for improper reasons, such as your identity or dress taste, then there is no reason to change anything about yourself. Instead, you should do your best to protect yourself, both mentally and physically, from negative people. Remember that it is impossible to please everyone and do not let unwarranted hostility oppress you.

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Method 1 of 4: Do not directly confront negative people

  1. Ignore them. If possible, try not to get involved with negative people at all. Bullies often love the response of their victims. Very often negative people try to validate themselves by making someone else feel bad. This can result in a downward spiral, where the hater insults you and you respond and the hater reacts to your reaction.
    • Bullies are a special kind of negative people. Someone is a bully when their actions keep repeating and there is a power imbalance. While all bullies are negative people, not all negative people are bullies. For example, your little brother can berate you without actually being a bully because you are probably bigger and stronger than he is. Likewise, a classmate who says something bad to you doesn't have to be a bully. Passive methods are generally better at dealing with bullies, while confrontation is often the best method for dealing with other negative people.
    • If your hater gets annoyed in class, pretend you don't hear him or her. If the hater is trying to lure you out of your tent to get your attention, don't respond in any way.
    • Keep in mind that ignoring hatred is not best in all circumstances. If the person who hates you attacks you physically or verbally, it is best to bring in a person in charge, such as a teacher or team leader.
  2. Radiate confidence. Confidence is your best weapon against a hater. Laugh off insults, respond wittily, and stay positive. If your confidence is rock solid, a hater is more likely to get frustrated and just leave you alone.
    • For example, if someone insults your art, be above it. For example, you could say, "Too bad you feel that way, but art is subjective. I'm doing my best to get better, so I appreciate it when you have constructive criticism. "
    • If someone calls you "weird," you could say, "Maybe a little, but I am who I am. What's wrong with being weird? "
    • When you meet someone who clearly hates you, don't look down or the other way. This way of doing things makes it clear to the hater that you are afraid, giving the hater exactly what he or she wants. Rather stand upright and walk past with your head held high.
  3. Avoid negative people. This doesn't mean you should avoid everyone, because you should never let bullies run your life. It simply involves trying to put yourself in situations where you are not confronted with negative people.
    • Especially when you are young, you will have to deal with a lot of negative people who do not understand your interests and passions. Rather than associating with these types of people, look for ways to pursue your passions beyond the sphere of their negativity.
    • If you are dealing with particularly harmful people in one of your classes, ask if you can move to another group. If you are confronted with negative people in a club or group, consider moving to another group that is not that negative.
    • If you know that a particularly annoying person is always in the same place, every day, don't go to that place. Take a different route or ask a few friends to visit that place as a group.
    • Avoiding negative people is also a great way to boost your confidence. This gives you a chance to pursue your interests without a flow of negative thoughts.
  4. Give them proof to the contrary. When negative people say you can't do something, showing that you can is the best way to silence them. Do those things they say you can't do and do them well. Use their negativity as fuel for your own drive.
    • For example, if negative people tell you that you will never be good at sports, you can prove otherwise by working hard. Join a sports team in a sport of your choice (if not already) and get into it.
    • If negative people tell you you're too scared to talk to your crush, let that motivate you to finally ask them out.
    • Keep in mind that negative people proving otherwise will not always cause them to stop their behavior. In some cases, your success can make the negative people even more jealous. This is not a reason to stop yourself from succeeding, but don't do anything only because they challenge you. Live for yourself.

Method 2 of 4: Face negative people

  1. Let us hear from you. If you can no longer take it, please indicate this. Avoiding negative people doesn't always solve the problem. Find a time to speak openly with such people and try to explain what is bothering you. As a mature and conscientious equal, engage in a conversation with each negative, no matter how blunt the other has been in the past. This is especially important with negative people who remain passive and don't directly offend you.
    • Tell the negative, "I notice that you are very negative with me, and I like it more if you keep those thoughts to yourself. It's childish, and I don't want to deal with it anymore. "
    • Trying to understand why the negative acts like that. Ask them, "Did I do anything to you? You are very negative with me and I don't understand why. "
  2. Do not rush. Negative people feed on your emotions. If you react quickly and emotionally, chances are that you will not make it clear to the other person. If you lash out, someone like that only has more reason to put you down. Don't let anger and frustration cloud your words. Give yourself time to cool down before responding.
  3. Don't get physical and aggressive. Resolve conflict with thoughtful words and confident maturity. If negativity is fire, be like water yourself to put it out. Respond coolly and calmly. Fighting fire with fire does not work.
    • While you should never start a fight, don't allow a negative to hurt you. Learn self defense and protect yourself. Use your attacker's strength against him or her.

Method 3 of 4: Dealing with Internet harassment

  1. Don't respond to trolls. Negative people you meet online can go on even longer than the ones you see every day. However, remember that their motivations are usually the same: they want a response from you. Fortunately, there are many ways to exclude cyber bullies.
    • Block people who are bothering you. Most online platforms offer you the option to block certain users. Use this feature to prevent the negative person from contacting you. On many forums, this feature can even hide his or her public posts so as not to ruin your day.
    • Read the rules of the game or website. Most bans will ban trolls, threats, and other negative communications. Rather than responding to such attacks, it is better to report this to a moderator.
  2. Protect your privacy. Do not use your real name on Facebook and other websites. This is especially important if you have a unique name that can be easily found through a search engine. Use a nickname when gaming and commenting on forums. Consider using different nicknames to make persistent trolling difficult to track you to websites you visit.
    • Never forget that whatever you post on the internet will in principle remain accessible forever. Even if you think a forum is private or that you deleted something, a hateful person can easily download it or take a screenshot of it for later use. Think before posting.
    • Especially if you are a minor, you have to be very careful what kind of information you give out online. Don't post things that could give a stalker a clue about your home address or your daily routine.
  3. Tell someone when you feel threatened. When a bully moves from minor insults to direct threats, just ignoring them isn't enough. If this happens to you, tell someone you trust. If you are still a minor, you must tell a parent or guardian.
    • Do not delete anything. While you may be tempted to erase these hurtful words, it's better to keep them. Keep all emails, messages and chat logs. Certain forms of bullying are illegal. If things escalate to the point where authorities are needed, then you will need to be able to show evidence of what happened.
  4. Accept criticism with your head held high. If you run a business, you will likely get some negative responses online. The anonymity of the Internet can encourage dissatisfied people to be harder than they personally would. Don't let their words undermine your confidence, but weigh them carefully. Just because something is said in a negative way doesn't mean it's wrong. It is better to see such a "hateful person" as a rude critic. The same is true if you are a writer or artist and post your work online. Vicious comments like these are different from harassment and should be treated very differently.
    • Try to communicate with critics by posting personal comments. Be empathetic, logical and polite. Offer solutions. Try not to react angrily without thinking carefully about your words.
    • Consider not responding at all. It's hard to please everyone, and it's hard to have a meaningful conversation with someone through a forum. This is especially true when a person makes a habit of posting snide comments. This is the nature of an online presence. Some people may hate you for the same things that others love.

Method 4 of 4: Keep your feet on the ground

  1. Don't lose sight of perspective. These negative people can be incredibly annoying right now, and even make your life miserable, but think about how much they ultimately matter. Chances are that before you know it, you will find yourself in a completely different situation. Life is changeable by nature. Don't let these negative people dominate your life, when they can be a small, unpleasant aspect of it.
  2. Remember that the experience is temporary. Think about how much longer you will be dealing with these negative people. Introduce yourself in five years. Think about where you want to go and what you want to do. Ask yourself if these negative people are still a part of your life. Chances are that you know this kind of hateful person through school. There is a good chance that after a few years you will never see them again. Hold on until then.
    • If these negative people are still a part of your life in five years, ask yourself what you can do to change that. Can you go to another school? Can you change yourself? Can you immediately confront them and solve the problem?
    • If the negative people are no longer a part of your life in five years, think about why this is. Maybe you are going to study at a university, get another job, or your social circle changes. Is there any way to make this change faster?
  3. Forgive the hateful people. Understand that spitefulness returns to those who spread them. These people are unlikely to hate you for any injustice you may have done to them. Chances are, on some level, they have issues with their own identities. Some people even act spitefully because they are jealous or because they don't think about the impact of their words on others. Try to find the empathy to open your heart.
    • If you can forgive the hateful people, you may find that their words no longer bother you. Try to understand their reasons. Expand your awareness beyond your own experience and uncertainties.
    • Don't confuse belittling thoughts with forgiveness. Don't tell yourself that these negative people are just stupid, narrow-minded, and / or narrow-minded, even if that's true. Remind yourself that haters are also human beings with their own thoughts and feelings.


  • Never forget to keep your back straight. A strong character will always overcome raw power.
  • Don't provoke hatefulness. Don't act arrogant or obnoxious.
  • The next time someone lashes out or swears at you, give them the peace sign.
  • Remember, it's usually not your problem if someone hates you. If you haven't done anything wrong, it doesn't matter if someone hates you for a little something. When people have that problem with you, they have to be mature enough to leave you alone.
  • If negativity is directed towards your gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, or sexual orientation, then it should not be tolerated. If this happens at school, talk to a teacher or mentor about it. If it takes place in your workplace, talk to a supervisor or someone from human resources.
  • Don't let other people's opinions bother you. You have better things to think about and more positive things to focus on.
  • It's okay if people hate you. You can't please everyone all the time, and at some point you'll run into people who hate you, even if it's for nothing or out of jealousy. If someone hates you, be proud that you at least did something to get their attention.
  • Before things escalate, it can be a good idea to alert a negative person to their behavior in good time. It may turn out that he or she doesn't like you because of a misunderstanding. If you don't try to clarify things, you could be missing out on an important friendship.
  • Do you hate the idea that these people are in your life? Surround yourself with people who make you happy!


  • Don't get caught up in a scuffle. This will prevent you from getting into trouble at school or even with the law.
  • Don't retaliate. You will likely end up having to bear the consequences.