Drink Noni

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: Top 8 REASONS TO Drink Noni JUICE


Noni, also known as Indian mulberry or morinda, has been used in the Pacific for thousands of years for health problems. Proponents of noni claim that the juice can help with symptoms ranging from lethargy to cancer. To make juice at home, all you have to do is mix the fruit and extract the seeds. It is also available in already prepared form or as an extract. Consult a doctor before drinking the juice and discontinue it if you experience any adverse health effects, as noni as a herbal remedy is still unproven.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Mix noni fruit

  1. Let unripe fruit rest for a few days. Unripe noni is hard to the touch. Place unripe fruit on a counter. After a few days you will notice that the skin is getting lighter. When the fruit is soft to the touch, it is ready to use.
    • Noni juice is also sold in bottles, as dried fruit, in powder form, or as capsules. All of these can be taken immediately and can help avoid the unpleasant smell and taste of noni.
  2. Mix the fruit with water. Rinse the fruit and put it in the mixer. The mixer may need some water. In this case, add half a cup (120 ml) of cold water and add more if necessary. Blend the fruit until a thick, applesauce-like juice remains.
    • You can cut the fruit into smaller portions if everything doesn't fit in the mixer. Because the ripe noni fruit is soft, you can also crush it manually.
  3. Strain the juice to remove seeds. Take a sieve or a colander for this. Hold it over an empty bowl or funnel placed in a serving dish. Pour the juice into the strainer and use a spatula to stir the juice to drain. Use the spatula to scrape off all remaining juice from the mixer. The sieve will collect the seeds from the fruit.
  4. Mix the noni juice with water. The mixed noni juice is still thick. Add some water to dilute it to make it easier to drink. You can add as much in the bowl or serving bowl as needed.
    • You only need about a quarter of a cup (60 ml) of noni juice per day. One fruit provides enough juice for two people, so don't hesitate to dilute the juice with water.
  5. Season the noni juice with fruit. Noni juice has a strong, unpleasant taste. You can fix this by using the noni juice in a smoothie. For example, try mixing a teaspoon of sifted noni juice with 1 cup of carrots, a peeled orange, two tablespoons of coconut milk, one cup (240 ml) of coconut water, 110 grams of pineapple, two tablespoons of shredded coconut, and a cup of ice.
    • You can also simply add a little fruit juice or honey to a glass of noni juice. It won't take away the flavor of noni completely, but you will get used to it over time.

Part 2 of 2: Taking noni juice safely

  1. Consult a doctor before drinking noni juice. Noni juice is a vegetable supplement. It is always a good idea to get checked by a doctor if it is safe for you to drink it. Noni juice is claimed to have many miraculous health benefits, but these are unproven and side effects can occur. Keep in touch with a doctor in case there is an adverse reaction to the juice.
  2. Start with small amounts of noni juice. One-tenth of a cup (about 10 ml) is a general starting dose. You only need a splash of juice per serving. As you get used to the juice, you can increase the dose or take a second dose later in the day. Do not consume more than three cups (750 ml) per day.
    • With noni extract in capsule form, limit yourself to 500 mg per day. Read the label to find out how much of the extract each pill contains.
  3. Avoid noni juice if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Noni juice has been used in the past to induce abortions. While there is no established evidence that noni will harm embryos or babies, it is better not to take any chances. Remove noni from your diet during this time.
  4. Stop drinking noni juice if you experience liver or kidney problems. Anyone with liver or kidney disease should avoid noni. Potassium and other ingredients in noni juice will make these problems worse. Speak with a doctor to find alternative options.
    • Unexplained weight loss, fatigue, and nausea are common symptoms of these illnesses. Liver disease can cause the skin to turn yellow. Kidney disease can be accompanied by swelling of the face, hands and feet.
  5. Avoid noni juice if you have high potassium levels. Noni provides the body with a large amount of potassium. Too much potassium, or hyperkalaemia, affects the heart rate and muscle function. Stop drinking noni juice when potassium levels change or if you are having problems.
    • Symptoms of potassium excess include fatigue, numbness, nausea, chest pain, and palpitations.


  • The health benefits of noni juice are unproven. Be careful when using a herbal remedy and consult a doctor.


  • Noni fruit
  • Blender
  • Sieve
  • Water