Read More

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
BOOKSTORES: How to Read More Books in the Golden Age of Content
Video: BOOKSTORES: How to Read More Books in the Golden Age of Content


There is so much to read and so little time! Many people have trouble finding time to read in addition to work, school, and raising children. The constant wave of information of modern life discourages you from diving into a book. There are a few simple steps you can take to read more: find a topic that interests you, find a quiet, secluded place, set aside time to read, turn off your phone, and be fully present in the here and now.

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Part 1 of 2: Motivating yourself to read

  1. Find reading materials that fascinate you. The best way to start reading more is to get yourself excited about it, and the best way to get excited about reading is to get excited about ideas.
    • Explore. Read the back cover of any book that interests you. Open the book and read the first few lines. Find something that piques your interest and get started.
    • If you're really intrigued by the topic - if it sparks your interest - you may hardly be able to stop turning the pages. Reading is an edifying habit, but it can also be very joyful and frantically thrilling.
  2. Think about the type of information you want to include. You read to fill your brain with ideas and information: so what do you want to think about?
    • Consider reading non-fiction books: history, politics, science, economics. This is a great way to think more deeply about the systems and patterns woven by the world around you. Read widely and varied, or pick a topic and dive deep into it.
    • Consider classical literature: everything from Shakespeare and Hemingway to Kerouac.Books referred to as literature tend to clarify the human condition. Read about the triumphs and tragedies, joys and sorrows, exquisite details and broad truths, and you may gain insight into your own situation.
    • Read the news: You can subscribe to a local newspaper or read about current events online. News articles range from conveniently short to delightfully in-depth, and they can provide great conversation piece for meaningful conversation. Stay up-to-date with current events and immerse yourself in the world.
    • Read fiction: fantasy, science fiction, romance, vampires. Pulp stories are a great way to capture the imagination with an air of tension and mystery - or perhaps just to escape the realities of everyday life.
    • Read poetry, philosophy, magazines, fan fiction, wikiHow articles; everything that stimulates your imagination and lures you into the depths.
  3. Ask friends and family for recommendations. Ask other people about books they have found particularly insightful or well written.
    • You may find that certain books and articles come up naturally during a conversation - don't be afraid to ask questions. If a book is mentioned in conversation, chances are you will find it interesting.
    • Don't be afraid to borrow books from someone. Your social network is the largest and most relevant lending library. If you see a book on someone's shelf, start a conversation about it and express your interest. If the conversation goes well, ask if you can borrow the book.
    • Choose a book from an online list such as "The Best Books of the 20th Century" or "Classics Everyone Should Read". These types of lists are subjective by definition, but will generally represent well-written books that receive wide attention. Choose something that piques your interest.
  4. Browse a library or bookstore. The next time you have an hour to spare, go to a bookstore or public library. Meander along the bookshelves and peruse books you have noticed, and agree to take one book home and finish it.
    • Don't be afraid to get lost in a book. When you've found a book that interests you particularly, take it off the shelf and start flipping through it. Libraries and bookstores provide a safe space to explore and expand your taste in reading material.
    • You can usually sign up for a library card in any medium-sized place. You don't need a pass to view books in most libraries, but you do need a library pass to borrow a book. Ask a librarian at the lending desk - usually somewhere central in the building - and indicate that you want a library subscription.
  5. Consider joining a book club. Although your participation is voluntary, a reading club can give you the structure you need to develop a disciplined reading habit.
    • Social commitment is a great way to get you to read more, and a book is more helpful if you can talk about it with a group of friends.
    • Consider joining an online book club. There is no cost, no actual obligation, and you can share your thoughts about what you read with others. You can read as much or as little as you like, although you may find that you need to read a certain number of books to keep up with the pace of the group.
    • If you can't find an existing reading club, start one yourself. Meet up with friends or family members who read a lot. If you enjoy reading the same kind of books - SF, for example, or philosophy - suggest reading the same book and then discussing it.
    • Keep in mind that while a reading club can provide social structure to your reading habit, you may end up with a book that doesn't really interest you when the group has decided to start reading it. On the other hand, you can gain new perspectives by reading books that you would otherwise never read.
  6. Make a list. Write down the titles of five or ten books you really want to read. Stick the list on a wall and check off the titles you have read.
    • Agree with yourself that you will have completed the list by a certain date. Even if you don't meet the deadline, it will definitely get you reading.
    • If you give yourself an "assignment" - these books must be read then and then - you are more likely to get it done. Promise yourself something for every book you read: treat yourself to a delicious meal, indulge in something you wanted to buy, or just buy a new book. This can give you the incentive to read, even if it's just for yourself.
    • Use an app as a reading log, such as ReadMore ( as a digital archive that you can take with you.

Part 2 of 2: Make time to read

  1. Reserve time to read. Nothing else. Just read. Create Reading Triggers: Link your reading habit to specific routines you do every day.
    • Read on the train on the way to work; read during meals; read in the bathroom; read before bed. Read when you have ten minutes to spare, and you'll start forming a habit.
    • To start, read a certain amount of pages per day - say 10-20 pages every morning. Open your book when you wake up or take a few pages with you while enjoying your morning coffee. Make reading the first thing you do every day before the distractions and complications of life flood your mind.
    • Read before going to sleep. Reading heavy or complex food before bed may not be helpful, but you can relax your mind with stories before going to sleep. This is a great way to get into the habit.
    • Try to read for at least half an hour at a time. Get carried away in the pages to the point that you don't think about anything else. If you need to be on time somewhere, set your alarm - but avoid getting your attention drawn to your phone. The goal is to reach a state of flow.
  2. Be there. Here and now, focusing only on the words that fill the page.
    • Sit somewhere comfortable and get lost in what you are reading. Block all thoughts of the past and the future, and try not to think about your work. There is a time for everything, and you are going to do everything you have to do - but now you are reading.
    • Mute or turn off your phone. If you need to be on time somewhere, you can set a timer so you don't feel the need to check your phone.
    • Before reading, it's important to finalize any obligations that might distract you. Feed pets, respond to emails, empty the trash and put things in order. Organize your environment so that you can organize your thoughts.
  3. read in a peaceful environment. Read away from people, traffic, distractions, and loud noises, and you may find it easier to disappear into your book.
    • Read in a park, in the library, or in a quiet room. Read at home or in a cafe. Choose a place where you can forget about the outside world for a while.
    • Switch off the television and close your internet browser. Shield yourself from irrelevant information in order to become more immersed in the book you are reading.
    • If you can't find a quiet space, put on headphones to block out ambient noise. Play soothing music at a low volume. Consider using a noise generation website, such as Rainymood ( or Simply Noise (
  4. Make reading a habit. The more you read, the easier it will become.
    • Make a commitment to read every day for a week, even if it is only 20 minutes a day. Once you've read every day for a week, make a commitment to read every day for a month. Gradually increase and each session how much you read.
    • Start small; Don't intimidate yourself with something that is too heavy right at the beginning or you may procrastinate. Start reading something you know you will read and finish. Build trust and slowly work your way up to the heavier texts.
    • Consider dividing your reading sessions into natural chunks: Suppose you commit to ending a chapter when you start reading, or read until the next natural resting point. For example, if you're reading an adventure story, wait to put your book down until the characters go to sleep for the night. Immerse yourself in the story.
  5. Consider reading ebooks. You can read e-books on a Kindle, or you can download the books directly to your phone or computer.
    • E-books are useful when you don't want to carry a heavy book. You can put a huge and varied library in your pocket, read when you have a spare time, and pick up right where you left off.
    • Check out Project Gutenberg, where you can download thousands of ebooks for free.
  6. Consider using a speed reading app. These apps speed up the reading process by blocking vocalization - speaking words in your head as you read them - and firing words into your brain at a rapid pace.
    • The average person reads about 200 words per minute. With speed reading apps you can indicate the number of words per minute, from very slow (less than 100 words per minute) to lightning fast (no less than 1000 words per minute).
    • There are many of these apps, and they are usually free to download. Try Spritz ( or Spreeder (
    • Keep in mind that the faster you have to process information, the less you will be able to remember. There is a reason that we naturally have a certain reading speed. Speed-Reading apps are great for wading through large sources of information quickly, but they probably won't aid in reading comprehension.