Pay more attention to details

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ways to Immediately Improve Your Attention to Detail
Video: 3 Ways to Immediately Improve Your Attention to Detail


It is very easy to get involved in too many projects at the same time and suddenly all the details of those projects are no longer visible. This can happen at home (like when paying bills), at school (forgetting about homework or not doing your homework as well as you can), or even at work (not being well prepared for that big presentation). Fortunately, accuracy is a skill you can absolutely learn!

To step

Part 1 of 2: Improving your attention

  1. Get more organized. You need order in your life to even hope that you pay attention to the little things.This means that you put order in your work or school life, keep track of appointments and tasks that you have to do, so that you are not surprised when it is time to turn them in.
  2. Make lists. Lists are a very useful way to be organized and make sure you know when and how everything can come together. You will be less likely to lose sight of the details if you have them written down and put them where you see them every day (a list you have lost is just as useful as no list).
    • Make a long and short term list (day or week list) so that you are able to plan ahead. When the items on the long-term list arise, put them on the short-term list. This way, you won't be surprised by anything in your schedule.
    • If you have completed an item from the list, tick it off. That way, you know you're done with that and won't get upset about not knowing if you've already done every step of a particular item on the list.
  3. Stick to a specific schedule. If you run around every day, whether you want to or not, and make a mess of appointments and tasks again, try to pour this into a routine that follows the same basic rhythm over and over again. Your brain will notice that you have forgotten a certain detail more quickly than if every day is a mixture of different things.
    • Make sure you go to bed and get up around the same time every day. This way, your mind and body will get used to a single routine and you will get plenty of sleep so that your memory will start working better.
  4. Avoid distractions. Distractions come in many forms: your family, that annoying coworker who just won't stop talking, everything ever on the internet, even your stomach. When you are distracted and you try to pay attention to the details of a project or your homework, you will not be able to recall things easily and you will be more likely to forget details.
    • Work in an area conducive to your focus; not too hot, with good lighting and not too many people coming and going all the time (find a quiet place in the library at school; at work you can try to find a quiet, well-lit place in your office or cubicle ).
    • Put your mobile in silent mode and tell your friends and family members not to call you when you are at work unless there is an emergency.
    • If you work from home, don't do this in bed and try to arrange a fixed, organized workplace.
    • Try to keep annoying colleagues out and ask them to come back another time, if you can pay more attention to him / her.
  5. Don't multitask. Multitasking will divide your attention across multiple tasks instead of focusing on each task individually, which will ultimately result in none of the tasks getting the attention it needs and you won't be able to do all the parts properly. to work out.
    • Using the list previously created, go from project to project, giving full attention to each project without checking your phone, Facebook, email or thinking about what to eat tonight.
    • If you find yourself making plans for dinner or wondering what bills have been paid or not, write down your ideas or concerns (you can add this to your list) and move on to the project you're supposed to be working on. This way you know for sure that you will work on those worries and you do not have to think about it anymore.
    • Sometimes you will have to multitask or you will have to save energy by leaving certain parts of a project for what it is, because you have so much to do. Focus all your attention on the most important projects so that you don't miss any of the details, and pay less attention to the less important projects.
  6. Exercise. Sport helps improve your memory and concentration, and is also good for the whole body. To help increase your accuracy and keep your memory in shape, you should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
    • Your workout doesn't have to be more than a brisk walk to the greengrocer after work or cycling to work (don't forget to bring nice clothes if it's rainy or muddy). You can also do yoga for 30 minutes, go for a run, or just dance to music.
  7. Take a break now and then. A good way to keep your brain on screen and accurate is to pause every now and then. Make sure to load it around the same time every day, for about 10 to 15 minutes. This gives your brain a chance to relax before getting started on the next project.
    • Taking a break can be as simple as stretching and taking a short stroll around the office, or grabbing a coffee just down the street.
    • When you find yourself really losing your attention or getting sleepy, now is a good time to find a place to do some exercises, such as jumping jacks, to get the blood flowing again.

Part 2 of 2: Exercises to improve your focus

  1. Practice using memory. There are several excellent ways to learn to improve your attention to keep your brain sharp and focused. One of those ways is the game of memory. Collect a stack of cards, divided into pairs (start small, maybe 8-10 pairs) and place them face down. Turn a card over, look at it and turn it over again. Every time you find a pair, take it out of the game.
    • Your ability to remember where the cards are on the table will help you focus on small details in all aspects of your life.
    • You can also do this with a friend (especially if you have become very good and can show off your impressive skills!).
  2. Do "what's wrong with this picture" puzzles. You can find these in every magazine for children. These are often very easy, but you can probably also find a few that are a bit more difficult. The more you practice, the more you will notice that you have become better at remembering and noticing other details.
  3. Improve your math skills. Math and arithmetic are subjects where you need to work accurately (one number is wrong and your answer is no longer correct) and is a great way to improve your attention to detail.
    • Do things like bookkeeping by hand. Pay close attention to the numbers and double check your work.
  4. Try to remember an image. Take a good look at a particular scene (you can do this anywhere: at work, on the bus, or at the cafe), close your eyes, and then try to recall as many details as possible. The more you practice this, the better you will become at noticing details.
    • Another way to practice this is with an unknown photo. Look at it for a few seconds and then flip the photo. Try to remember as many details as you can. Repeat this exercise with a different image each time.
    • Sketching from memory is much the same as the previous exercise. Look at a particular scene or photo for about a minute and then look away. Now try to sketch from your memory what you have seen, or make a list of the things you have seen. When you are done, you can compare what you have seen with reality.
  5. Learn to meditate. Meditation is something that is very useful for a variety of things. It can help with your health, your mental health and it can help improve your memory and your attention to details by calming the mind and reducing stress (it helps your brain take more positive neural pathways) .
    • Find a quiet place to sit for about 15 minutes each day (if you are advanced in meditating, you can do it anywhere: behind your desk in the office, on the bus, etc., but it is better to sit in one. quiet place without too much distraction).
    • Close your eyes and take a deep breath from underneath your stomach. Focus on your breathing. When you notice distracting thoughts forming in your head, recognize that they are there but don't pay attention to them. Return to your breath by saying to yourself "Inhale, exhale."


  • Think positive. Being able to pay more attention to the details can get you a promotion. In fact, your relationships with your family / relatives and friends can improve as you learn to focus more on the details of conversations. At school, paying closer attention can translate into better study habits and new opportunities.


  • Do not overload yourself and make sure that there are not too many things going on at the same time. Being overloaded with work means that you don't pay enough attention to the details, which are then lost in the mess.