Remove blackheads from your back

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Large Blackheads on the Back
Video: Large Blackheads on the Back


Blackheads are never fun, but having blackheads on your back can be frustrating. Concentrate on getting rid of the blackheads you have by using products designed to cleanse your pores. These products remove the blackheads and dead skin cells. To prevent your pores from getting clogged again, wash your back every day to remove sebum, sweat and skin cells.

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Method 1 of 2: Using skin care products

  1. Wash your back with cleansers that contain salicylic and glycolic acids. Buy an over-the-counter acne remedy that contains salicylic or glycolic acid. Squeeze some of the cleanser onto a soft bath sponge and then rub it over your back. Try to wash your back for at least a minute to allow the cleanser to soak into your skin. Then rinse your back.
    • The easiest way to wash your back is in the shower.
    • Wash your back twice a day with the cleanser unless it dries out your skin. If your skin is too dry, wash your back only once a day.
  2. Treat your back with a light exfoliator once or twice a week. Buy an over-the-counter exfoliator and squeeze some of it onto a soft bath sponge. Massage the exfoliator into your back for at least a minute, then rinse your skin. The mild exfoliator will help get rid of the blackheads on your back.
    • To wash your entire back more easily, use a scrub brush with a long handle.
    • Many blackhead exfoliants also contain salicylic acid.
  3. Apply an over-the-counter cream or gel with retinoids to your back after washing. Apply the cream once a day. See if you can find a cream or gel with 0.1% adapalene. Such a remedy will help to unclog your pores so that you can get rid of blackheads more easily and prevent new blackheads from forming.
    • If you have blackheads in hard to reach areas, ask someone to apply the cream or gel for you.
    • Apply the cream or gel to your back after showering or before going to sleep.
    • You can also ask your doctor for a prescription topical cream containing tretinoin if the acne doesn't go away with an over-the-counter medication.
  4. Do not use products containing benzoyl peroxide. You've probably seen a lot of acne remedies that contain benzoyl peroxide that reduce inflammation and kill bacteria that cause acne. Blackheads are not caused by bacteria or cause inflammation, so benzoyl peroxide will not help get rid of blackheads.
    • If you have blackheads on your back that cause blemishes and cysts, benzoyl peroxide can help by killing the bacteria causing the acne.
  5. Ask your dermatologist about microdermabrasion. If you have a lot of blackheads that you can't get rid of with skin care products, talk to your dermatologist about microdermabrasion. Your back is treated with a small device that sprays tiny crystals on your skin. The device then sucks up the crystals, as well as the dead skin cells that are on your skin surface.
    • After the treatment, your back will feel softer and smoother.

Method 2 of 2: Prevent blackheads on your back

  1. Opt for non-comedogenic skincare products. To prevent blackheads from returning, wash and moisturize your skin with products that won't clog your pores. These non-comedogenic products do not contain dyes, chemical additives and natural ingredients such as coconut oil that clog pores.
    • The products may also state that they do not cause acne or clog your pores.
  2. Shampoo and condition your hair before washing your back. If you wash your back before using shampoo and conditioner, change your routine. Tilt your head to the side as you rinse the shampoo and conditioner from your hair. The leftover shampoo and conditioner will then wash down your side instead of your back. You can then wash your back so that it is completely clean.
    • Blackhead products work better if your skin is clean and free of greasy shampoo residue.
  3. Buy a clay or charcoal mask. Look for masks that thoroughly cleanse your pores so they don't get clogged with dead skin cells. Choose a mask that contains clay, charcoal, or sulfur, as those substances will help get rid of the blackheads on your back.
    • You can also buy all-natural ingredients to make your own masks.
  4. Apply a mask to your back once a week. Take a shower and wash your back thoroughly. Then turn off the tap and put the mask on your back. Let the mask soak into your skin for ten minutes so that the ingredients get into your pores. Then rinse the mask off your back and pat your skin dry.
    • To replenish the moisture deficit, apply a moisturizing agent to your back after drying that is suitable for your skin type. For example, if you have sensitive skin, opt for a mild moisturizer without fragrances.
  5. Keep your skin clean and dry during your day. If you exercise or sweat, shower as soon as possible and put on a dry shirt. It's important to prevent sebum and sweat from sticking to your back, as they clog your pores and cause blackheads.
    • Wear loose-fitting cotton clothes while exercising so that the sweat doesn't stick to your back.
    • If you can't shower after exercise, wipe your skin with a non-comedogenic cleansing cloth. Then put on a dry shirt.


  • Continue with your new skincare routine for six to 12 weeks and then see if it works.