Cooking crab legs

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Cook Crab Legs
Video: How to Cook Crab Legs


There are several ways to prepare crab legs, you can steam, grill or prepare them in the oven. But one of the fastest and most delicious ways to prepare crab legs is to cook them. By cooking them, the legs retain their flavor and you can serve the dish in less than 10 minutes.

To step

  1. Remove the legs from the boiling water, drain and serve with clarified butter. Serve immediately. This is how you make clarified butter:
    • Cut butter into cubes. Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat until it foams. Let it simmer for a while.
    • Remove the foam from the surface of the butter with a slotted spoon or similar utensil. You don't have to remove all of the foam, but try to remove most of the foam. You now remove the solids and moisture from the fat.
    • Place cheesecloth in a colander with small holes and pour the contents of your pan through the cheesecloth. Discard what remains in your cheesecloth. Now you have made clarified butter!


  • All you do is reheat the pre-cooked crab. Do not overcook the legs as this will cause the meat to lose flavor and texture.
  • Crab legs can be thrown straight from the freezer into the pan, but let the legs cook for 10 minutes longer.
  • Some people prefer steaming crab legs because they can get a little soggy from cooking.
  • There are all kinds of crab available, although your supermarket may only have the North Sea crab on its shelves. Other commonly eaten species are king crab, spider crab and snow crab.
  • Nutcrackers, hammers, pliers, knives and forks are useful tools for breaking the shell. It is not recommended to use your teeth.
  • Buy 225 to 450 grams of crab legs per person.


  • Most crab legs for sale at the store are precooked, so you defrost them and reheat them. However, if you bought uncooked crab legs, you should cook them for 10 to 15 minutes instead of the 2 to 5 minutes for pre-cooked crab legs.
  • You can keep thawed crab legs in the refrigerator for two days, but it is best to cook them as soon as possible. Crab legs can spoil quickly, and they taste better when fresh.