Grow garlic indoors in pots

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Grow Garlic From Cloves Indoors in Pot | Easy Tips To Grow Herbs  - Gardening Tips
Video: How To Grow Garlic From Cloves Indoors in Pot | Easy Tips To Grow Herbs - Gardening Tips


Growing garlic is an ideal project for both the novice and the experienced gardener. By planting a clove of garlic, a new garlic plant will appear after some time. There are many different types of garlic, such as White Pearl, Lautrec Wight and Purple Moldovan Wight. Garlic can be planted indoors in containers and it can be grown in most seasons. Planting the indoor in containers also minimizes exposure to pests and diseases. Garlic does need targeted care and the right material to grow into a healthy, tasty plant. This article will teach you how to grow garlic indoors in pots.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Preparation

  1. Choose a pot that is at least 8 inches deep and has drainage holes. If you want to plant more than one garlic bulb, the pot should be large enough to allow you to plant garlic cloves 10 cm apart and 10 cm from the edge of the container.
  2. Find a garlic bulb that is suitable for growing. You can find these at a nursery or from a neighbor's garden. The planted parts of the garlic bulb are called "cloves". The whole garlic is the bulb.
    • It may be better to get garlic bulbs from a garden center, as many supermarkets treat the bulbs chemically so that they won't germinate and grow poorly.
  3. Put on your gardening gloves.
  4. Mix the potting soil with the garden sand. Choose a ratio of 3 soil to 1 sand.
  5. Fill the container with soil to within an inch of the top edge.
  6. Take the garlic bulbs and separate the cloves. Hold the cloves with the flat part (the bottom) down and the pointed part facing up.

Method 2 of 4: Planting garlic cloves

  1. Push each clove 10 to 15 cm into the ground. There should be about an inch of soil between the soil surface and the top of the clove.
  2. Plant the garlic cloves 10 cm apart.
  3. Place the pot somewhere so it gets about 8 hours of full sun per day. An ideal place for this is the windowsill in the kitchen.

Method 3 of 4: Take care of the growing garlic

  1. Place the container of garlic in a sink, bathtub, or anywhere else that water can drain. Water the soil by spraying it evenly with water. Let the water run through the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.
  2. Make sure to water the growing garlic enough to keep it moist, but not too wet. This will depend very much on the sunlight and heat in your home. The warmer the house, the more often you will have to water.
  3. Watch the garlic begin to develop chive-like green leaves.
  4. Cut off the flowers at the base when they start to sprout. By doing this all the energy will be used to make the sphere bigger.

Method 4 of 4: Harvesting and using garlic

  1. Harvest the garlic 8 to 10 months later when the leaves start to brown and die.
  2. Hang the harvested garlic in a cool, dry place (such as a garage). It should dry for about a week.
  3. Eat or cook the dried garlic. You can also plant the cloves to get even more garlic.


  • If the container is large and you want to plant more than one row of garlic, make sure the rows are planted at least 47cm apart.


  • Don't hesitate to harvest your garlic once the leaves die and start to fall off. The cloves can be deformed.
  • Growing garlic indoors can cause strong odor development. This can overpower the other scents in your home.


  • Ground
  • Garden gloves
  • Cloves of garlic
  • Water
  • Pot
  • Potting soil
  • Garden sand