Cooking chicken

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ways To Cook The Juiciest Chicken Breast Ever - Bobby’s Kitchen  Basics
Video: 3 Ways To Cook The Juiciest Chicken Breast Ever - Bobby’s Kitchen Basics


Boiled chicken has an unfortunate reputation as a boring dish, but there are more dishes that people don't know how to cook properly. The truth is, there are many ways to cook chicken that will make the meat taste great. The moisture in which you cook the meat, along with the vegetables and herbs that you use as a supplement, can cause a huge to make a difference. See Step 1 below for more information on how to cook chicken without sacrificing great flavor.


For 4 to 6 servings

Different types of chicken

  • 450 g. chicken breast
  • 900 g. chicken breast with bone
  • 450 g. chicken tenderloin without skin
  • 900 g. chicken thigh with bone
  • 900 g. drumsticks
  • 1800 g. whole chicken

In water

  • 4 liters of water
  • 1 tbsp (15 ml) salt

In broth

  • 4 liters of chicken stock
  • 2 to 3 onions
  • 2 to 3 carrots
  • 1 to 2 celery stalks

In apple juice

  • 2 liters of apple juice or apple cider
  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 to 2 carrots
  • 2 tsp (10 ml) shredded garlic
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) chopped thyme
  • 1 apple

In wine

  • 4 cups (1 liter) of dry white wine
  • 4 cups (1 liter) of chicken stock
  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) pearl onions
  • 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) salt
  • 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml) black pepper
  • 1 tbsp (15 ml) shredded garlic
  • 1 tbsp (15 ml) finely chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 tbsp (15 ml) finely chopped fresh oregano
  • 1 tbsp (15 ml) finely chopped fresh thyme

To step

Part 1 of 5: Cooking times

  1. Cook the chicken breast for 15 to 20 minutes. Thick pieces of chicken fillet take about 20 minutes, and thinner, flatter or smaller pieces take 15 minutes.
  2. Cook the chicken breast with bone for about 30 minutes. The skin and bone make the chicken breast thicker, doubling the cooking time.
  3. Cook the chicken tenderloin for 10 minutes or less. These strips of chicken meat are very thin and are therefore usually done within 10 minutes (or less). This cooking time also applies to chicken fillet which has been cut into 5 cm pieces.
  4. Let the chicken thigh with bone cook for 40 minutes. The bone increases the cooking time. In addition, thighs have to cook longer than chicken breast, because it is dark meat.
  5. Boil the drumsticks for 30 to 40 minutes. Because drumsticks contain less meat than thighs, you usually don't have to cook this for that long.
  6. Give a whole chicken about 1 hour to cook. A regular chicken (1800 g.) Takes about a full hour to cook when you cook it. Add 10 to 20 minutes of cooking time per 450 g. extra weight.

Part 2 of 5: Boiling chicken in water

  1. Place the chicken in a stockpot. The size of the pan depends on the size of the pieces of meat. As a general rule, the chicken should not take up more than 1/4 to 1/3 of the space in the pan.
    • An 8 liter pan is fairly standard and is usually sufficient for a whole chicken. If the chicken is heavier than 1800 g, you may need a larger pan.
    • You can use an 8 liter stockpot for chicken breast, but smaller is fine and the water boils faster.
  2. Submerge the chicken. Add enough water to the pan so that the chicken is completely submerged.
    • Cold water is better than warm water.
  3. Put salt in the water. Use 1 tsp (5 ml) to 1 tbsp (15 ml) salt, depending on the size of the chicken.
    • Salt is optional. You can also cook the chicken without salt, but use herbs to give the chicken extra flavor, otherwise the meat will be a bit bland.
  4. Cook the chicken until tender. Put the lid on the pan and cook the chicken on a medium heat until done. Adhere to the recommended cooking time as indicated above for this type of chicken meat.

Part 3 of 5: Cooking chicken in chicken stock

  1. Fill the stockpot halfway with chicken stock.
    • Chicken broth intensifies the flavor of the chicken so that it is less bland than chicken cooked in water.
    • You can use pre-made stock or ready-made stock cubes. Start with 1 tsp (5 ml) or 1 cube of chicken stock per 1 cup (250 ml) of water.
    • Use chicken stock with bone for an even stronger, richer flavor.
  2. Cut the vegetables. This gives the moisture in which the chicken is cooked even more flavor.
    • Peel the onions and cut them in half or in quarters.
    • Wash the carrots and cut them into 2.5 cm slices.
    • Rinse the celery and cut it into 2.5 cm pieces.
  3. Add the vegetables to the stock. The vegetables add more dimension to the flavor of the stock.
    • Strictly speaking, the vegetables are not necessary. You can also cook chicken only in broth.
  4. Add the chicken to the stock. If necessary, add more stock or water to the pan so that the chicken is completely submerged.
  5. Cook the chicken as directed. Bring the stock to a boil over high heat. Put the lid on the pan and reduce the heat to a slow simmer for the chicken.
    • Cook the chicken according to the recommended cooking time as indicated above for this type of chicken meat.
    • Remove the chicken with tongs or slotted spoon when done.
    • If necessary, keep the cooking liquid after filtering for later use as stock for other recipes. You can store broth in the refrigerator for 3 days or in the freezer for 2 months.
    • With this recipe, you will likely discard the vegetables, as the texture of the vegetables will become mushy. The primary purpose of the vegetables in this recipe is to add flavor, not use as a side dish.

Part 4 of 5: Cooking chicken in apple juice

  1. Place the chicken in a stockpot and cover with a lid. Place the chicken in the stockpot and cover with enough water and apple juice so that the chicken is completely submerged.
    • For a stronger apple flavor, add 2 liters of apple juice to the pan before filling the rest of the pan with enough water to cover the chickens.
    • For a more subtle apple flavor, add as much water as apple juice to the pan at the same time.
    • You can also use apple cider instead of apple juice. Apple cider has a slightly tart flavor that some people prefer to the milder taste of apple juice.
    • Make sure that the combination of chicken, water, and apple juice fills the pan to 1/2 or 3/4.
  2. Finely chop the vegetables and herbs. The savory flavor of the vegetables in this recipe nicely balances the natural sweet flavor of the apple juice.
    • Peel the onion and cut it in halves or quarters.
    • Rinse the carrots under running water and cut them into 2.5 cm slices.
    • If you use garlic, finely chop 4 cloves of garlic. If you use garlic powder, you will need 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml).
    • You can use between 1 tsp (5 ml) and 1 tbsp (15 ml) of chopped fresh thyme. If you are using dried thyme, you will need 1/3 of the amount.
  3. Put the vegetables in the pan. Add the onion, carrots, garlic and thyme to the pan.
  4. Cook the chicken until almost done. Bring the liquid to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat and simmer in a closed pan according to the cooking time indicated in the "Preparation time" section.
  5. Prepare the apple. You can start preparing the apple about 10 minutes before the preparation time has passed. Peel the apple, take out the core and cut the apple into wedges.
    • Adding the apple at the end of the cooking time will make the chicken taste even more like apple.
  6. Let the apple cook for the last 5 minutes. Remove the chicken from the pan and serve without the rest of the ingredients.
    • The other ingredients are for flavoring the chicken. The ingredients themselves are not really tasty anymore because they have become too soft and mushy.

Part 5 of 5: Cooking chicken in wine

  1. Fill the stockpot halfway with water, dry white wine and chicken stock. Then fill the pan halfway with water.
    • Wine can give the chicken meat a delicious flavor, but too much can be a bit overwhelming.
    • Use the same amount of chicken stock as wine. Otherwise, the flavor of the stock will get in the way of that of the wine.
    • Only dilute the whole with water if necessary.
  2. Add the onions and herbs. Add the pearl onions, salt, pepper, garlic and parsley, oregano and thyme to the pan.
    • You don't have to cut silverskin onions in advance.
    • If you don't have shredded garlic on hand, you can squeeze or chop 6 cloves of garlic.
    • If you are using fresh herbs, add 1 tbsp (15 ml) for each herb. If you have dried herbs, 1 tsp (5 ml) of each herb is sufficient.
  3. Bring to the boil over medium / high heat. Let the liquid boil for 2 to 5 minutes and then let it simmer on a low heat.
    • By doing this, the flavor of the herbs will be released and the acidity of the wine will be slightly less.
  4. Now carefully put the chicken in the stockpot using. Bring it all back to the boil before turning the heat back down.
  5. Cook until the meat is tender. Cover the stockpot and cook the chicken over medium heat for the recommended cooking time.
    • Only serve the chicken. The moisture and other ingredients are intended to flavor the chicken, not to be eaten with the chicken.
  6. Ready.


  • Cooked chicken can be served right away or you can store it in an airtight container suitable for food. Keep chicken no longer than 3 days in the refrigerator and no longer than 2 months in the freezer.
  • You can serve cooked chicken whole or in pieces.


  • Chicken breast and other parts should reach a temperature of 77 degrees Celsius on the inside. A whole chicken should reach an internal temperature of 82 degrees Celsius. Check this with the aid of a meat thermometer.
  • Never cook a frozen chicken. You should always make sure the chicken has thawed completely before attempting to cook it using this method.


  • Stockpot of 8 liters with lid
  • Kitchen knife
  • Tang
  • Colander