To jog

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How To Jog Properly
Video: How To Jog Properly


Running is supposed to be easy, right? People have been running from the moment we stand on two feet. But, it turns out, jogging is harder than it looks. In this wikiHow article, you can learn how to start exercising without hurting yourself and stay motivated during the bump you have to tackle as a beginner. You can do it!

To step

Part 1 of 6: Finding the right shoes

  1. Make sure you have the right shoes.
    • Choose the best shoes for where you want to run. Running shoes for the street and trail runners for rougher terrain: these protect your feet and help to get enough grip.
    • Notice the arch of your foot, your instep.You need more or less support depending on how high your instep is. The shape of the shoe itself will also have to change. Ask the shoe store for advice.
    • Check the movement of your heel. Some people roll their heels either in or out as they run. This has an effect on the type of shoe you need. Study your old shoes to get an idea of ​​how you move.
    • Lace your shoes properly. Did you know that you can lace shoes in various ways to make them fit better? There are methods to create more space for your toes or support for a high instep. Even methods of keeping your heels in place if they tend to slip!
    • Make sure you buy the right size! A fitting shoe is essential to make sure your shoes are as comfortable as possible. Even if you think you know what size you are, it is wise to check this as it can make a huge difference in how it feels afterwards.
  2. Buy comfortable, suitable clothes.
    • Make sure you can move easily in it. Choose clothes that are spacious for easy movement. It is also important to choose clothes that breathe well in terms of shape and fabric. This can prevent a rash and other skin problems.
    • Also take the weather and temperature into account. You probably need more than one jogging outfit (depending on where you live). Make sure you have clothes that are warmer and more covered when you go jogging in the winter, for example.
    • Don't forget your pockets. You need pockets to take important things with you, such as your keys. An alternative is that you use your shoes or a bracelet.
    • It is also necessary to wear the right socks. Look for socks that are recommended especially for runners. This can help prevent blisters.
  3. Consider bringing some entertainment.
    • Buy an MP3 player. Smaller players, such as the iPod Nano, are great for jogging. There are even different wristbands you can attach them to.
    • Find something to listen to. Music is the obvious choice, but you can also use something like a podcast or an audiobook. This can be a great way to keep up with the news or get some "reading" if you are short on time.
    • Enjoy the tranquility if you prefer: you don't have to listen to anything if you don't feel like it!
    • Think about your own safety! If you do choose to listen to something, try to have only 1 earbud in. Being able to hear when a car is approaching or any other sign of potential trouble is critical to your safety.

    Consider your safety.

    • Be careful when you run. Choose locations that are safe, with lots of people around you and as few cars as possible.
    • Choose a good time to run. Running in the evening or before sunrise in the morning is much more dangerous than running during the day. You run the risk of being hit by a driver who cannot see you, or being bothered by someone when few people are around.
    • Make sure you are visible to motorists. If you decide to run along a road, make sure you are visible by wearing bright, reflective clothing. You can also buy devices for your safety, such as a flashing LED light, to be seen even better.
    • Go for a walk with a buddy. This can be a person or your dog, but it is always a lot safer. This can help keep people out of bothering you!
  4. Decide how far you want to jog.
    • Do a test run. Just do some basic jogging and see how you like it. Test how far you can get before you really start to feel exhausted. Setting realistic goals will make it much more likely that you will be successful.
    • Don't forget to return to your starting point. Consider the time it will take to get back from running on time. Yeah, you might manage to run to that coffee shop down the road, but what about going back?
    • Slowly expand the distance you travel over time. Remember that you can run a greater distance as your fitness improves and you can jog longer and faster. Work towards it. Making it heavier will also give your body a better workout, so keep a longer route in mind.
  5. Plan your route on a map!
    • Use route planners. You can use free tools like Google Maps or to measure the distance of your route and track things like changes in elevation. Some sites even have a social aspect, allowing you and other runners in your area to share and compare routes.
    • Mind the grounds. Changes in road surface, terrain and elevation can be a bigger hurdle to overcome than you think. Try to avoid things like going down a steep slope just before the end of your run. Otherwise, you are more likely to injure yourself.
    • Test your route. If you feel that you have found a good route, test it before making a decision. You can even alternate a few different routes during the week.

Part 3 of 6: Jogging the right way

  1. Don't try to be a superhero.
    • Take it easy. Work your way up to serious workout. Otherwise you run the risk of injury!
    • Don't overdo it with your workout. Don't let it become an obsession. That is not healthy. There is also such a thing as too thin and exercising too much can cause you to get physical complaints.
    • Also, don't push yourself too hard during a particular workout. Chasing yourself is good, but ending up in the hospital is not. Watch for signs from your body that this is enough.
  2. Eat healthy.
    • It is better not to jog on an empty stomach: this can make you feel faint or even get sick!
    • Have a small bite to eat before you go for a jog: something that gives you energy and does not slow you down. A banana and a few sticks of jerky are great options, as both help supply your body with the nutrients you lose while jogging.
    • Don't forget to provide yourself with enough moisture!
  3. Warm up.
    • Don't stretch. In any case, not before you start walking around. This actually increases the risk of injuries! If you are already stretching, do dynamic stretching exercises prior to jogging.
    • Warm up by walking briskly for a few minutes before jogging and then jogging for a few minutes. After this you can just go jogging.
  4. Stay relaxed and relaxed.
    • Keep your muscles loose and your movements natural. Being too tense or pushing yourself too hard can cause injuries.
    • Keep your shoulders low and loose.
    • Your torso should be straight and upright and your hips should be tilted forward: in other words, your body should be in a natural position.
  5. Breathe.
    • Don't forget to breathe!
    • Breathe deeply and evenly.
    • If you get lightheaded, stop! Give yourself some rest and air.
    • If you notice that you are having trouble breathing, see your doctor. You may have asthma.
  6. Drink lots of water.
    • Bring a bottle of water or drink a lot before going for a jog.
    • Drink plain water and eat foods that provide you with potassium, salt and sugar (electrolytes) or drink something with added electrolytes.
    • Your body loses these essential nutrients through sweat, so it is important to replenish them. If you don't, you will likely feel nauseous.
  7. Move properly.
    • Try not to hit the ground with your heels first. This is bad for your knees. Instead, try to hit the ground with your flat foot or ideally with the front / ball of your foot.
    • Bend your arms at a 90 ° angle.
    • Keep your head upright. Don't look down more than necessary. In general, you will have to look at least a few meters in front of you.
  8. Cooling down.
    • Cool down to avoid injury. This step should not be skipped!
    • Jog slowly and walk for a few minutes before stopping.
    • Finish the cool down with some stretching and stretching. Stretches that target the calves are best for joggers.

Part 4 of 6: Finishing your schedule

  1. Jog in the morning.
    • Get up 30-45 minutes earlier to incorporate jogging into your day.
    • Jogging early in the morning will give your metabolism a quick start and provide you with more energy for the entire day. It's as effective as a cup of coffee to wake up!
    • This allows you to take a shower as usual, saving you the time it would otherwise cost you later in the day.
  2. Jog in the evening.
    • If you're just not a morning person, then you can fit in the jogging at the end of the day too. Whether as soon as you get home or after dinner, it may be easier to fit into your schedule.
    • This has the added value of burning some of the calories from your dinner, but the downside is that you are less tired before going back to sleep.
  3. Jog during your lunch break.
    • If you have a long lunch break and access to a shower, you can use part of the break for a short jog.
    • This also helps keep you more alert during the dreaded second half of the workday.
    • This also removes the time barrier for many people so that they can make jogging a priority in life.
  4. Jog to work or school.
    • If you live reasonably close to school or work (4.5 km or less), you can jog there.
    • Of course, once there you need a place where you can freshen up. Bring clean clothes and get rid of the stench before you go on with the day!
  5. Have alternatives!
    • Don't forget that you can also run on the treadmill or an indoor track, in case the weather is inclement.
    • You can also exercise in other ways if, for some reason, you can't jog every day. For example, if you have an injury to your leg, you can still do exercises for your upper body.

Part 5 of 6: Staying motivated

  1. Jog for the right reasons.
    • You should jog because you like it. If you don't enjoy it, it is almost impossible to keep motivating yourself for it.
    • In principle, jogging is just one of a number of basic exercises. There are other exercises that are more efficient or fit better into your day.
    • If your main focus is jogging to lose weight, know that a combination of diet and just being more active during the day (taking the stairs, not the elevator) can be enough for most people.
  2. Keep it handy.
    • Don't give yourself an excuse for not exercising. Remove as many excuses as you can by making sure the routine you choose is convenient.
    • Choose a route close to home so that you are not dependent on the weather.
    • Find a suitable time of day to fit it in ... one that isn't constantly changing.
  3. Ask a buddy to come along.
    • Jogging with someone else can help you stay motivated because you are accountable to the other person. This can be a friend or a family member.
    • If you have a dog, you can also bring it with you.
    • This has the advantage that you are safer on the road.
    • You can also join a local group of runners. Many neighborhoods have a jogging group. See if that is the case with you too!
  4. Keep a schedule.
    • Stick to your schedule regularly. Exercise on the same days every week and around the same time.
    • It helps if the rest of your day is also carefully planned.
    • Planning helps to build a daily routine and habits and people are really creatures of habit.
  5. Make it a game.
    • Avoid giving yourself stimuli, such as sweets or new items. These work poorly to motivate you and can work against your goals. Instead, make your jogging more enjoyable by turning it into a game.
    • Did you know that there are apps for your smartphone that can turn exercise into a video game? Apps like "Zombies, run!" are a great way to make your workout fun and are something to look forward to.
  6. Set goals for yourself.
    • Setting goals gives you something to work towards. A tangible end point will help make you feel like you're making progress. However, what this end point is is up to you.
    • You can say that you want to lose a certain amount of weight. You can decide to jog a certain distance. You can make it a goal to be fit enough for a local marathon. There are all kinds of objectives.
    • Another good cause could be that you want to be able to participate in a certain endurance run within a year. You can run for a good cause or even just for fun !!

Part 6 of 6: An example of a routine

  1. Jog in Week 1.
    • Jog 1 minute and then walk 1 minute. Then expand the time for each by 1 minute. Keep doing this until you jog for 5 minutes and walk for 5 minutes. Do this 3-5 times in that week.
  2. Jog in Week 2.
    • Jog for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 minutes and walk 1 minute between each leg. Do this 3-5 times during the week.
  3. Jog in Week 3.
    • Jog 5 minutes, walk 1 minute, jog 10 minutes, walk 1 minute, jog 15 minutes, walk 1 minute. Do this 3-5 times during the week.
  4. Jog in Week 4.
    • Jog 15 minutes, walk 1 minute, jog 15 minutes. Do this 3-5 times during the week.
  5. Jog in Week 5.
    • Repeat the routine from Week 4 or continue when you are ready.
  6. Jog in Week 6.
    • Jog for 45 minutes, with 1 minute of walking after every 15 minutes. Do this 3 times during the week.
  7. Jog in Week 7.
    • Jog for 1 hour, with 1 minute of walking after every 15 minutes. Do this 3 times during the week.


  • Jog regularly. Jogging 1.5 km every day is better for your health than 4.5 km every other day.
  • Go jogging with someone else. That is safer and much more fun.
  • Find a pace that's perfect for you. You don't want to start with a sprint and be completely out of breath after 45 seconds. When you start (week 1), set your own pace. If necessary, you can even maintain a walking pace.


  • Don't overdo it. Start walking and jogging if you can. If you get tired, take a walk again. If you can keep a conversation going while jogging, you keep a good pace.


  • Get yourself a pair of comfortable and sturdy running shoes.