Making yourself untraceable on Google

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Becoming Anonymous: The Complete Guide To Maximum Security Online
Video: Becoming Anonymous: The Complete Guide To Maximum Security Online


When you surf the web, you leave a digital trail of words and pictures, those words picked up and indexed by Google's robots for everyone to see. By the time your name lands on Google, there's hardly anything you can do about it - even if you're prime minister. Google claims they only remove content from search results if it is illegal or breaks their rules. However, there are a number of things you can do to de-Google yourself, and steps you can take to make yourself less of a showcase in the future.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Undo the damage

  1. Know what is known about you. Whether you call it a self-search, search narcissism, or egogoogling, it's always a good idea to check yourself out from time to time. Especially when you think about a new career (or a new partner, who will undoubtedly google you after ogle).
    • Search for your full name - with and without your middle name - as well as your last name, any nicknames and pseudonyms, and any other variations of your name you can think of.
    • For example, if you regularly comment on a political weblog called “AlwaysEqual,” google that. Then Google “Always Equal” “Your Name”, including quotation marks. This forces the search engine to display a very specific result containing both search terms to see if the two names can be related.
  2. Contact the offending site. There have been instances where a particular website, blog, or even a friend on Facebook has posted an unflattering photo or embarrassing quote of you, and Google has dutifully immortalized that on their pages. While Google won't do anything about it, the person posted the information can do something.
    • If it's a friend, just get in touch informally and ask if they would please remove the content in question. Maybe they don't even realize it's embarrassing you: maybe it was everyone tagged at that party while they were doing you-know-what!
    • If it's not a friend, send an email written like a business letter. Be polite, correct, professional and direct. You can say something like:
      • “Dear [Person], I am glad you are following me on Twitter, but would you please delete that message I recently posted about the mayor? Unfortunately, I was not at my best that night, and the accusations I made about his family tree do not reflect my true feelings. Thanks in advance. Kind regards, Mrs. Oops. ”
      • This will be the result in Google not delete, but anyone interested in your thoughts about the mayor will only see a “404-Not Found” page if the webmaster grants your request.
    • Don't threaten legal action unless the content is actually defamatory rather than just annoying. If you think this is the case, please contact your attorney before you threaten legal remedies. Should it come to that, your lawyer's letter will make a far more impression than yours. They could also put your threatening letter online.
    • If the person you're requesting has malicious intent, don't send an email - parts of it can be copied and pasted to further embarrass you. Instead, send them a written letter by mail.
  3. Modify existing content. For content that you manage, such as Facebook pages or tweets on Twitter, you can adjust the page that Google links to in the search results.
    • Log in to your account, follow the link to the search result itself, and then delete the message or image, or just change it to something less problematic.
  4. Delete outdated accounts. While old accounts may not contain embarrassing information, it is always a good idea to delete information that is no longer up to date.
    • At the turn of the century, if you had a MySpace page that you haven't visited for 10 years, it's time to shut it down. Chances are you've changed quite a bit in 10 years, both in style and content. If someone is looking for you, they don't need to That side of you!
    • Consider deleting any online account that may contain embarrassing information. Google results are based on relevance, and if the source (your old account) is gone, there is very little relevance. Even if you have a completely unique name, the result will be pushed way down the list. Only the most dedicated sleuth will read beyond the top of the page.
    • Change personal information on sites like Facebook, or set privacy so that personal information is visible only to you.
    • Change your name. While the links may still be active on Google, at least changing your name on the account page will confuse the searcher as to where they landed.

Method 2 of 2: Protect yourself

  1. Be proactive. Google can't index what they can't see, and you can't be identified by what you don't share. Be very selective when it comes to sharing what kind of personal information as well as with whom, where, and when.
    • This is especially the case in online forums or games, where you don't really know the other people. Always use a non-personal name, and never share your real information or photos with people you don't want at your door.
    • For business or commercial accounts such as cable television or an online video store, it is wise to abbreviate your username. Instead of calling yourself "piet.echtaam", you can use "piet.echtenaam", or if your real last name is very unique, you can turn it around: "pietere."
    • Follow the same rules for email accounts, but also create some anti-spam accounts that you can use as your “public” email address. For example, instead of using “[email protected]” as your Facebook email address, you can create an email account specifically for Facebook: “[email protected]”. Then if you get hacked, you can simply delete the hacked account, while your "real" email account remains safe.
    • Always use these techniques if you are asked to put your name in a public location that Googlebots can find and index. You can't prevent them from finding you, but well that they refer to the real you.
  2. Tag your content. If you want to continue publishing information under your name but don't want it to show up in search results, use an HTML meta tag: meta name = "robots" content = "noindex, nofollow" />
    • This only applies if you have your own website and access to the underlying code, as it prevents most search engines from indexing (cataloging) your page or following the links on it.
    • Demeta> tag goes into the head> section of a document. If you want, you can omit the “nofollow” part, which allows search engines to follow the links, but not index the page. Just to prevent Google from indexing the site, change the term “robots” to “googlebot”.
  3. Bury the content that shouldn't be found. Make use of the property causing the problem to solve the problem! Post on different sites under the name that generates the unwanted content, and your content will be pushed down the page, or even to a second or third page.
    • Most internet users don't look beyond the first 10 search results, so sign up for a mailing list that Google indexes regularly, or create an account on some websites that will eventually index your name.


  • Use Google's URL removal tool to request that Google delete search results or cache content.
  • In addition to not using your full name on the internet, you should also use a different email address than your business. In addition to your name, recruiters can also search for your email address.
  • There are also services, some free and some paid, that will help you remove your name from search results (eg Ziki, LinkedIn).
  • If you're trying to sign up for a social or networking site and can't use a pseudonym or nickname, chances are your information could show up in Google results. LinkedIn is a site that doesn't allow people to use pseudonyms and wants your full name. Also be wary of alumni pages, which may seem harmless but often contain your personal information (spouse, children, work and email). Invitation sites can also cause your email or name to show up in search results, allowing people to see what kinds of parties you are invited to.
  • Some employers post names and photos of employees on their websites. Ask your employer to use only part of your name, or a nickname, on the website. Should you leave the company, ask them to immediately update the website and delete your information.
  • On the other hand, if you want to bury the bodies in your closet, you can create a professional weblog using your business name and contact information. Post photos of successful events and staff meetings, post newsletter information about various charity experiences, post photos, blog about your industry and how great it is. Keep it all tasteful and focused on what someone with a heart would love for the cause. Just make sure it doesn't look like an online resume.
  • Donate to nonprofits so that you get on a list of donors. It not only helps your image-positive search results are like gold - it also helps the non-profit to be successful.
  • If someone else has the same name as you and you are concerned that it will damage your reputation, or you have not been able to remove embarrassing links to your name, consider using a middle initial or your full middle name, both online as on your resume.
  • Use a pseudonym and change it regularly. Never associate it with your real name.
  • Learn to view search results with your name through the eyes of a potential employer. According to research, most recruiters regularly search for candidates on the internet (according to a survey by ExecuNet).
  • Sign up for alumni pages and social / business networks. Hopefully, the business references will make the photos of your nude dance escapades in the cafe sink further into Google.
  • Start posting on industry websites with your business name and contact information. Make sure everything is well worded and worded and avoid political or offensive messages. Attend meetings of the Chamber of Commerce or business organizations that have websites and try to have your picture taken with important people.


  • Modern search engines distrust information that a web page creator adds to the meta tags because it is seen as an attempt to influence search results.
  • Once something is online, it is often stored in so many places that it is practically immortal. The best way to get around this is to avoid it. Make sure that what you put online can continue to exist for years, otherwise you might better not put it online at all.
  • Be careful. Asking your employer to remove your name or make it unrecognizable on their site can backfire if future potential employers at Company Y search for you online - and don't find a listing of you at Company X, giving the impression you've never worked before the company that is on your resume.


  • A computer with internet access