Treat your girlfriend right

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Keep a Girl Happy (In a relationship) ♥
Video: How to Keep a Girl Happy (In a relationship) ♥


Any man can have a girlfriend, but it takes a real man to treat his girlfriend right. Respect, honesty, and a touch of playfulness are among the ingredients that make it possible to treat your girlfriend the way she deserves.

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Part 1 of 3: Respecting your girlfriend

  1. Never lie to her. Honesty is the cornerstone of any relationship. However, in a relationship, it can sometimes be difficult to tell the truth. But don't make it easier for yourself, even if it's to empty little things to your girlfriend. Lying shows that you don't trust your girlfriend with the truth. Additionally, getting caught can put a tremendous strain on the relationship - it can even cause it to break up.
    • It's also important to remember that, ultimately, it's easier to tell the truth than it is to lie. Maintaining a complex web of lies can be tremendous stress - a simple slip of the tongue can reveal your secrets. As the famous writer Mark Twain once put it, "When you tell the truth, you never have to remember anything."
  2. Respect her intelligence. You are free to develop your own thoughts and opinions, and so is your girlfriend. If you and your girlfriend have different thoughts or opinions, then that's generally fine. The fact that your girlfriend has a different opinion somewhere has nothing to do with flawed reasoning, she just thinks something else. If your girlfriend thinks differently about art, politics, or recreation, then you usually can't hear more than her explanation, and discuss it logically with her. It may be that your difference of opinion has to do with a difference in life experience; it is usually not something you should take personally.
    • There are, however, certain types of disagreements that you well should take seriously. If you disagree about the terms of your relationship, for example. If you think of your relationship as a long-term exclusive commitment, but your girlfriend is looking for something more approachable, well, that's something you should talk about before taking the relationship to the next level.
  3. Listen to what she has to say (and remember it). A simple, guaranteed way to show that you respect and appreciate your girlfriend by letting you know that you are listening to what she has to offer. You can show this by staying engaged in the conversation, by responding to the things she says, and by remembering these things as well. Of course, no one can remember 100% of what his girlfriend told him. Rather, if your memory is not great, try to remember the most important parts (place of birth, allergies, baptisms, etc.) and try to repeat the less important things later.
    • It seems a bit cynical to repeat things that your girlfriend tells you on purpose. Try to have a positive attitude when you do this - see it as do your best to show that you value your partner's mindset instead of easily score points.
  4. Give her your attention. Romantic partners shouldn't have to fight for each other's attention. Show her that you respect her by paying attention to her when you are together. For example, don't get distracted by a television when you're in a restaurant together, a video game when she comes to your house, or, worst, other women. Spend the time with your partner with your partner.
  5. Reach an agreement on what matters are part of acting like a gentleman. Men and boys are taught from an early age to behave like a gentleman when they have a girlfriend. However, these lessons can be confusing and contradictory. A father may offend his son if he forgets to pull up a chair for a girl, but the girl herself may find that behavior condescending. The best way to avoid confusing situations like this one is to talk about it honestly. Ask her what she understands by the behavior of a gentleman.
    • It is important to respect your girlfriend's independence by taking her wishes to heart. Don't insist on holding the door open for her, pulling up her chair, and so forth, if she's not into this. It can cause unbelievable inconvenience in the long run. A real gentleman knows that true respect is far more important than outdated display of etiquette.
  6. Respect her boundaries when it comes to showing affection. If you have different opinions on this, it can just cause a serious conflict between the two of you. If you enjoy kissing your girlfriend in semi-public places like the movie theater, but she's a little shy about it, then you shouldn't ignore her feelings. Respecting your partner sometimes also means that you have to let go of certain things; that you have to make small sacrifices.
    • Consider the opposite of the above scenario. Would you like to kiss someone if you knew he / she wouldn't want to? Of course not. Putting yourself in your partner's shoes can help you understand that certain things are very small for you, but very big for someone else.
  7. Be fearless around your girlfriend. One way to show how much you respect her is to be fearless about the things you can tell her. This does not mean that you should necessarily provide all kinds of deep, personal information about yourself when the relationship is early. It means that you Open should be. Don't be afraid to tell her how you feel, even if the feelings aren't that positive.
    • Paradoxically, this can also mean that you are not afraid to express your inner fears. You can (and should) occasionally talk to your girlfriend about deep-seated concerns. Think of your school performance, your work, the stressful relationship with your parents, etc.

Part 2 of 3: Show that you care about your girlfriend

  1. Be proactive. Like the vast majority of people, girls don't want to ask to be treated well — they want you to treat them right on your own. If your girlfriend constantly has to ask for things - like if you would like to hold her hand, listen when she talks, remember her birthday, etc. - these special things lose their value and fun. This can even make her feel isolated or needy. So try to stay on the ball - do your best to treat your girlfriend right without that she has to ask you about this.
  2. Stay in touch. It's hard to become a constant presence in your girlfriend's life (and vice versa) when you barely talk to her. Although each couple has a different, natural rhythm of communication, you should call or text her at least once-twice or more times a week. A natural urge to know how she is doing should underlie this - what challenges she has faced, what problems she has overcome, etc.
    • Make sure to contact your girlfriend yourself - don't just respond to her messages and phone calls. The initiative for that crucial first contact will make it clear to your friend that you want her as much as she wants you.
  3. Don't be materialistic. There is nothing less romantic than a man who loses sight of the really important things in life because of his money or possessions. Your girlfriend should always value you higher than your material pleasures. Don't skip your anniversary dinner because you are going to wash your new car. Don't neglect your girlfriend for weeks because your new computer game is so addictive. Don't spend every waking hour at work. Keep your life in perspective - true love is a source of happiness much longer than any material gain.
    • That said, a good friend will never ask you to do things that harm your financial health on purpose. Although the mythical "gold-digger" is a lot less common in real life than the popular media suggests, there are indeed women who try to force you to buy expensive gifts for them.
  4. Do "just" things. It is just for a man to show his girlfriend that he cares about her on birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, and so on. It is out of the ordinary when he shows that he cares about her on days unrelated to these special matters. Surprise your girlfriend. The fact that you cherish your relationship is reason enough to celebrate the relationship. This does not mean taking her out to dinner at an expensive cost — it could be a simple love note, a rose, a sweet message, etc. Show her that you are thinking about her and that you care about her.
  5. Try to be yourself when you are with her. One of the goals of any good relationship is that both partners can be themselves; that they don't have to pretend to be "nicer" than they actually are. You really need to be yourself in the context of a relationship. You don't have to put on a play like you might do at a school or office. This doesn't happen overnight, but it is something that needs to happen in order to develop a good relationship.
    • Sometimes this also means expressing your negative emotions. Emotions that, for whatever reason, cannot be expressed elsewhere in everyday life. Be open and honest about these emotions - after all, they are part of who you are - but don't let them become the sole topic of conversation in your relationship.
  6. Let her know that she is valuable to you. This goes far beyond the mundane compliments that can become boring and ordinary if you make them often. If you want your girlfriend to feel valuable, be specific; use examples from your personal history, and try to express your thoughts as sincerely as possible. Try to adjust the "sweetness" of your comments to the level you know your girlfriend likes. In addition, look for the best opportunities to make these comments - no matter how good you are with words, if you repeat your comments too often they will lose their power.
    • If you know your girlfriend doesn't mind a little sweetness, you can add this to your displays of verbal affection. For example, instead of saying "Hey, nice dress" you can choose "What a nice dress. It reminds me a bit of the dress you were wearing when I first saw you." This is much more fun, and has the added benefit of showing that you know how to remember little things from the beginning of your relationship.

Part 3 of 3: Making your girlfriend happy

  1. Be original with your date plans. While most girls (just like most guys) appreciate a classic dinner party / movie, there's no reason to bury your head in the sand. You don't necessarily have to opt for the traditional methods. Get creative - take your girlfriend to do something she thinks she would never do. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be an excellent way to strengthen your bond. Plus, non-traditional dates can be a great way to save money when you're young.
    • A great idea is to surprise her - take her to do something she mentioned in passing during a conversation. For example, if she's told you she loves marine life, consider taking her for a scuba diving lesson. If she likes art, take a walk in the woods: bring an easel and paint, and create your own art!
  2. Let the evening revolve around her. Your evening together is not the time to be distracted by other people or obligations. Put everything in the refrigerator for a few hours. Clear your mind and don't think about things to do. Tune in to your girlfriend and the relationship you share.
    • Turn off your phone, laptop, and other devices. There's nothing that can ruin a romantic candlelit dinner faster than getting a call from work.
  3. Pay for her (with respect). That age-old question - whether or not a basket should pay for a night out - is a lot more relevant today than it used to be. After all, it is now accepted (and even expected) that a woman could also pay. There is therefore no correct answer to this question - who pays what in your relationship is a topic that you should discuss together. In general, if you have arranged the evening, you will at least make a sincere attempt to pay. Do this to show how important your girlfriend is to you, not because of an old-fashioned notion of gender roles.
    • If your girlfriend insists you split the bill, you can resist a bit by saying you wouldn't mind paying. Don't argue about it, though. Some women find it condescending when the man pays for them every time. So show that you see her as an equal partner in the relationship by making her pay.
  4. Praise her, without considering her as an object. Your special evening is a great opportunity to express passionate, naked feelings that would otherwise go unnoticed. Don't hesitate to be as sweet and passionate as you want, but save your compliments for her character, her sense of humor, how she makes you feel, and her beauty. Don't sprinkle her with compliments about how sexy she is. The time for compliments like this will come, but don't ruin your special moment by naming them in a seriously romantic context.
  5. Make her feel special. Your girlfriend is undoubtedly important to you, so let her know. If you don't do anything else on your night out, tell (and show) that your girlfriend means a lot to you. Everything else — the fun you have, the adventures you have, the time you spend together — is just one way of expressing that truth.
    • The best and sweetest way to tell your girlfriend that she is important to you is to tell her outright. Opulent, elegant language cannot guarantee genuine emotion. Almost every girl will know if you are yourself or not.


  • Hugs send the message that you love her and that you want to hold her. Hugs are the universal remedy.
  • When texting your girlfriend, take the time to spell out the entire phrase "I love you" when you say it.
  • Always try to talk to her lovingly.
  • Gifts do not have to be a reason to be given. Give your girlfriend a present on a normal day. If you have no idea what to give her, send her a sweet letter or card.
  • Ask her on dates regularly. They don't have to cost anything: going to a park is always fun too.
  • Girls aren't things, and they don't like being treated like things. Don't try to think of them as your own. Don't treat them with less affection or respect than they deserve. If she's special to you, prove it unconditionally.
  • Tell her everything. Don't hide anything from her. Especially if you love her. This shows that you trust her.
  • Send her flowers, but slightly different. Send them to her when she's at the hairdresser, dentist, or at work. Send them to a public place where they are least likely to expect it. Preferably not on a day like her birthday or Valentine's Day, or just after an argument. Just do it like that!
  • And remember: always put the toilet seat down! The majority of couples admit this is a problem in their relationship.


  • Your girlfriend may have friends at your workplace. Do not share your sexual adventures with your colleagues.